Stomach issues/puking on bike

I always have stomach issues on bike and end up puking my stomach up. It happens from sprints to IM.
Yesterday at NO was no difference. Held in till mile 30, then barrage starts for 10-15 minutes. I spend rest of bike getting down what I can. It stays down at that point. Doesn’t seem to affect my run (back door brag of 1.29 half yesterday) so stumped on what to do.
I have used everything from Gu to powerGel to infinite nutrition. I definitely can’t take in solids as that speeds up procedure.
As for breakfast, pretty bland. Oatmeal, bread, bars. And always top off with banana as it tastes coming up as going down which is nice…

Anyone else have issues like this and what ended up helping?

-ever happen in training?
-are you in “aerobic distress” on bike when it happens?
-notice any similarities between all the times it’s happened?
-sudden hurl? or does it take a while of feeling uncomfortable?

You may have a bit of a gerd problem. Look it up. When you are on your aerobars your stomach and mouth are about the same level. Any reflux will want to come out. When you are empty, not so much of a problem. As you drink and not absorbe so much out it comes. i have a similar problem on the aero bars, no solution, just the same problem. Straight water seems to do better with me than flavors and electrolytes.

What type of drinking system do you use? I had the same problem years ago and it was from swallowing too much air drinking through a straw while trying to race.

Does it only happen after a swim? If so, it may be a swimming problem and not a biking problem.

Ya - do you swallow air while swimming?
After a pool workout, do you have excessive belching? As in just got to get that air out?

I have tried profile with straw, and just normal bottles. Still same result…

Also occured during duathlon.
Although not during normal training. Seems the longer warm-ups then completing intervals is ok
But throw in some food before or during training hard rides on TT, then its puke time again

Have you tried to not eat so much solid food before a race? I have not actually puked on the bike, but when I eat a bunch of bread and fruit for calories and start to burp it up after awhile on the bike. Have started to get almost all of my calories from liquids now the morning before a race.

bananas always make me puke, always. i had one the morning of O’side and low and behold 15 miles into the bike, I threw-up chunks of banana, oatmeal and beet juice. my stomach didn’t necessarily hurt, I just threw-up…missed most of my bars, I’m sure chunks red vomit, grossed out the person behind me but I guess that’s what you get for drafting :wink:

hey Mac,
its always the same. no stomach pain, just burps that contain my previous intake. Happens over 10-30 min period during race (never immediate after swim, alway further into race) but after its most/all out, I can start intake again and good from then on.
The shorter the distance, the intense the effort, the earlier it comes up


Hey G-man.
Gerd issues may have been it
I did 2 tris this weekend.
Saturday no antacid and puke/burp occurred.
Sunday took antacid night before and ate the crap out of Tums the morning off. It didn’t stop all together but only about 10% of what usually comes up.
Sure was nice feeling having full belly going into the run.

Appreciate the info.
Who knew that you can get helpful tips on slowtwitch


I have the same issues: about an hr + into race. I think it has to do with eating too close to the start of the race combined with being in aerobars. Ive been able to recreate it in training-so instead of eating anything solid before my ride i stick to liquid calories. It seems like after i get past the 2 hr mark I can eat/drink whatever I want. Glad to hear im not the only one!

hey Mac,
its always the same. no stomach pain, just burps that contain my previous intake. Happens over 10-30 min period during race (never immediate after swim, alway further into race) but after its most/all out, I can start intake again and good from then on.
The shorter the distance, the intense the effort, the earlier it comes up


Your stomach will contract, and also slow digestive rate with intense exercise, so if you have food already in there, only one place it can go. If you are burping, that is from swallowing air.


Food issues? Gluten intolerance?

Especially if your breakfast is oatmeal, bread, etc. if you have intolerance, you can see more factors while under stress.