Stinky bike shoes (1)

Any ideas for making my bike shoes a little less smelly? They are 3 years old now, so it may just be time for a new pair, which is probably the case. However, if anybody has any ideas to make them a little more tolerable and save me some money, I would appreciate it.

baking soda, activated carbon (in a mesh bag), spray with disinfectant (not just cologne/perfume), put it under the sun…

  1. Take off the cleats

  2. Soak your shoes in a bucket full of soapy water with a little bleach for about 5 minutes

  3. Rinse the soap from the shoes and let them air dry for 24 hours (preferably in direct sunlight, but not required)

Try Stuffitts. The stuff is amazing for getting rid of the smell in all types of shoes.

put them in your washing machine, wash, then air dry. wd40 for the metal surfaces on the cleats and you are good to go.


I put mine in the dishwasher, cleats and all. Worked like a charm.