Steve Albini RIP

Steve Albini Dead at 61 of Heart Attack (

I’m glad they included the Conan clip in there. I’ve copied & pasted his “manifesto” around here before

“Normally bands would be paying a royalty to the producer. From an ethical standpoint I think it’s an untenable position for me to say to a band that I’m going to work for you for a couple of weeks and then for the rest of your fucking lives you’re going to pay me a tribute.

“it’s totally normal if you’re a carpenter… You spend X number of hours working on a house, you get paid for your time. ‘oh look the house is still standing in 20 years! Maybe I should get a little bonus for that eh!?’ ”

Thanks for adding that. I was going to edit my original post to point out how much money he’s left on the table due to his refusing to take a cut from the album sales. Didn’t he also win the World Series of Poker? He was a really interesting dude.

My friend Jon Solomon is delivering a wonderful eulogy on WPRB - when he posts the audio, I’ll send the link

Until then, I highly recommend streaming today from now until 8PM EDT

Didn’t he also win the World Series of Poker? //

He didnt win “The” world series of poker, but he did win one of the satellite tourneys that have during the 6 weeks of the WSOP. He won the $1500 HORSE tourney, and for those wondering if it has anything to do with basketball, no…It is a game that encompasses all of the games of poker, so you have to be really good at the maths, and have played a lot of various poker games…I was there when he won, I was playing in the old mans tourneys of the WSOP and remember hearing about this quirky guy who won a tourney. As I recall made a couple hundred grand for that win too, and of course the coveted bracelet.

Just had a look at his career earnings for poker, and he had won another tourney in 2018, 7 card stud. He had $370K in WSOP earnings, which is probably a fraction as this does not count all types of other poker played… I may have sat at the same table with him too it looks like, we were in the same games together a few times…RIP my poker friend

Yes, I knew he’d won a bracelet, but that’s about it

In the Foo Fighters’ documentary series Sonic Highways, they visited him in his studio and he said that he keeps/kept it running on his poker winnings, basically

My friend Jon Solomon is delivering a wonderful eulogy on WPRB - when he posts the audio, I’ll send the link

Yeah, that’s probably where I got it from. Thanks for all the links. I’ve got some watching/listening to do tonight. I might have to pull out my Sonic Highways dvd’s and watch the Chicago episode too.

I love this chat with Steve + Ian MacKaye!!!

I was in the supermarket earlier this evening, when I saw a young man wearing a Nirvana shirt (probably from Hot Topic, but that’s big the point here)

Bring the Socially Awkward person I am, and having little restraint in such situations, I immediately approached and his female partner

“Like your shirt” I said “I’m sure you heard”
“Albini, yeah” he answered “Found out on ”
“You listen to that shit?” I reprimanded
“It’s what they play at work. NOT my choice, trust me”
“Still, you’re sharing”
“I’ve had this shirt since high school” he said, “I’m 39 now”
“Wait? You’re the same size you were in high school?” I asked. I’m basically the same size I was too. But I’m A LOT older than 39

At this moment the girl he was with, who had been pretty silent, and did NOT look to be anywhere close to 39 years old, jumped in

“I still wear my Adicts shirt, though it’s WAY too small”
“WAIT!!!” I exclaimed “The Adicts?!!! That’s WAY old school!!!”

Then I launched my AARP pitch

“AARP should reach out to old punks for ads - Dave Grohl, Billie Joe Armstrong …”
“The Misfits!!!” she added “they’re fucking old!!!”
I added “Ian MacKaye” and she flashed the Minor Threat button on her jacket
“Imagine Henry Rollins doing an AARP commercial?”
She jumped right in “Read books!!! See the world!!! And Jello Biafra is right behind him ‘See the world, but skip Cambodia’”

This girl, knew her shit

Then she surprised me “you kinda look like Rollins, actually?”

At this point, I thought ‘stop now, or we’ll be here all night’ asked them their names, and we dispersed

I immediately thought of something Jon said in his eulogy “if not for Steve Albini, would we know each other?”

I’d not for Steve Albini, I would not meet William & Kelly today

Will I ever see them again? Not likely. But maybe someday, they’ll hear some music, and one of them will say “remember that guy in ShopRite?”
“Yeah!! He was pretty cool”

Great story!! Love it!

Nice! thanks for sharing.

Thanks guys - guess that’s another chapter for “The Book?” LOL

Yesterday’s playlist while at the gym

I was in the supermarket earlier this evening, when I saw a young man wearing a Nirvana shirt (probably from Hot Topic, but that’s big the point here)

Bring the Socially Awkward person I am, and having little restraint in such situations, I immediately approached and his female partner

“Like your shirt” I said “I’m sure you heard”
“Albini, yeah” he answered “Found out on ”
“You listen to that shit?” I reprimanded
“It’s what they play at work. NOT my choice, trust me”
“Still, you’re sharing”
“I’ve had this shirt since high school” he said, “I’m 39 now”
“Wait? You’re the same size you were in high school?” I asked. I’m basically the same size I was too. But I’m A LOT older than 39

At this moment the girl he was with, who had been pretty silent, and did NOT look to be anywhere close to 39 years old, jumped in

“I still wear my Adicts shirt, though it’s WAY too small”
“WAIT!!!” I exclaimed “The Adicts?!!! That’s WAY old school!!!”

Then I launched my AARP pitch

“AARP should reach out to old punks for ads - Dave Grohl, Billie Joe Armstrong …”
“The Misfits!!!” she added “they’re fucking old!!!”
I added “Ian MacKaye” and she flashed the Minor Threat button on her jacket
“Imagine Henry Rollins doing an AARP commercial?”
She jumped right in “Read books!!! See the world!!! And Jello Biafra is right behind him ‘See the world, but skip Cambodia’”

This girl, knew her shit

Then she surprised me “you kinda look like Rollins, actually?”

At this point, I thought ‘stop now, or we’ll be here all night’ asked them their names, and we dispersed

I immediately thought of something Jon said in his eulogy “if not for Steve Albini, would we know each other?”

I’d not for Steve Albini, I would not meet William & Kelly today

Will I ever see them again? Not likely. But maybe someday, they’ll hear some music, and one of them will say “remember that guy in ShopRite?”
“Yeah!! He was pretty cool”

I love this story, Randy, but the only name in it that I recognize is Hot Topic. lol I’m sorry! I’m too young/ too uninformed. I love your friendly conversation!

Happy Mother’s Day to you, Randy. You’re a really great guy, and I remember you offered me kind words on Mother’s Day two (?) years ago. So, thank you again for that. :slight_smile:

Steve Albini Dead at 61 of Heart Attack (

I wasn’t familiar with his name and I really wish I hadn’t looked him up. Yikes.

Awwww, you’re sweet; thanks!!! Have a fantastic day tomorrow!!!
