The town has lowered the number of allowed participants to 1800 and will not allow a pro field moving forward. I’m curious to see if the event will continue there, or move to a new location.
I hope it continues. It’s an awesome ride, spectacular course, and Steamboat is my favorite mountain town. I spent labor day weekend in SB and talked with a few locals about the ride (none of whom rode it) They all loved the event, several volunteered, and had nothing but nice things to say about the riders.
I think SB is trying to manage the even without it turning into a DK level shitshow (I grew up in Kansas and I’ve known Jim C. since I was a punk rock mtn bike racing high school kid - it will always be DK to me and eff those corporate jerks).
I enjoyed my time at Steamboat, but I will admit I am going to pivot to the Kansas shitshow because I can’t fight altitude.
I believe its the rural county residents who don’t like the event. The folks in the city may not appreciate the added traffic but I’m betting it brings in even more economic prosperity for the local shops, restaurants, and VRBOs/hotels.
I love the event and have stayed in town and up on the ski slopes. Both are great and its easy to ride your bike to the start of the race from either area.
Megaphone Velo Magazine podcast with lots of detail. SBT discussion starts at 16:18 Does not sound good.