Static Fit Formulas

Is there anything considered the current state of the art for a static TT fit.

I read this:

But it’s old. Wondering if there’s been any development of this idea since?

My motivation isn’t to replace dynamic fit. It’s simply to provide a principled way for defining a starting point for a dynamic fit.

Yes, Dan had fully developed this concept and teaches it at FIST and FIST DOWN DEEP.
Book your class now.

Yes, Dan had fully developed this concept and teaches it at FIST and FIST DOWN DEEP.
Book your class now.

I just want the formulas. :slight_smile:

I think I’m being made fun of?

I agree. I think she is totally making fun of you. If I had good static numbers or formulas I’d give them to you.

working on that now, as a matter of fact. going to be a bit before it’s updated.

Will agree I was giving you a bit of a poke. This is the Fitters Forum, we don’t want to give away our secrets! And least, not for free.

I would say that ***learning the methodology ***is the point, not just having someone give you the magic formula.

Taking the time to go to Xantusia, Guru Academy or any other myriad ‘fit schools’ is about learning how to be a bike fitter. It means you are serious, it means you really want to fit a total bike solution for not just yourself, but for the community of veloathletes of all types. I know everyone wants to know if they are ‘set up right’ on their bike, or what size frame they should get. It doesn’t work for tri bikes, but for road bikes the formula has been around for thirty years: multiply your inseam (metric) by .657. Voila.

I’ll quote Dan here, from the article you reference:
"A static fit system is not only inferior to a dynamic system, the gap in efficacy between static and dynamic is much wider in triathlon than it is in road or MTB.

If the reader is willing to embrace this note of caution, the static system above (with all its caveats and along with this systems adjustments in the weeks and months ahead) may serve as a starting point for the fit, trim, healthy, and athletic riders who have no bike fitter at the ready."

Now, this was written back in 2009. Have things changed? Has Dan come up with the ultimate Euclidian Eureka?

Here’s the problem of fitting bicycles by a formula. We change. Not just over weeks and months and years but hours. You can have 1.5. to 2.5 centimeters of spinal compression over the course of the day. In addition there is arch compression. So this formula you are looking for may be right once a day for about an hour. Fit is dynamic.