ST Winter Virtual Swim Meet

Over on the fish thread there is a virtual swim meet going on…all honor system to push youself towards self improvement. This thing is in an early stage of formulation, but for this month, guys are posting times in 50 free, 50 fly, 50 back, 50 breast, 100IM (or 200IM if you are in LCM).

I learned the three strokes outside of free in the last 2 years, and totally suck at back and breast. I can’t really fathom how fish athletes go fast in these strokes, but I’m giving it a go.

JasonfromHalifax and Monty are going to be picking the monthly events for us to try. I think it was decided that there won’t be any event in this virtual meet that you in a triathlon (so no 800m, which is like a sprint tri, and no 1500m that you do in an olympic). Other than honor system and not using bouys/fins/paddles/floatypants, I don’t think there any FINA type rules in place, so it’s about self improvement

Feel free to come over to the monthly fish thread and participate. I’m going to use this to improve the events that I suck at. Eventually I’ll get back into diving in and flip turns when my back/disc are better (but maybe by then I am biking again)!

Sounds like fun, but I probably wont have any times until March.

The Caltech pentathlon is a meet held every year which is kind of like that. Its coming up in a little over a week. Its a really fun meet IMO.

You do 50 fly, 50 back, 50 breast, 50 free , 100 IM all short course yards in the same day. They seed every event by time slowest to fastest regardless of age or sex. When all the heats are done for 1 event they start the next event. The meet itself goes pretty fast and there is plenty of time to recover from your previous 50 yard effort before your next heat.

Breastroke is definitely my strength and always has been since I was a child. Thats the only stroke my US masters national ranking was inside the top 100 in my age group last year. I was thrilled with that since I hadn’t swam in a swim meet since 1999, and didnt swim for most of the years between then and ~2014.

I’m considering that pentathlon myself. I did it many many years ago and it was pretty fun.(Cant seem to find the old results though, think it was 2011 when I was there last) But your 100IM always sucks after doing 4 all out 50’s, at least mine did. SO I might be with you doing my first 50’s next month, or at least until I can get out of my slow club pool with no lane lines…

And I didn’t really say we shouldn’t do distance, I think all strokes and distances are welcome. I know we have a guy who just did a 1650 and is going to have another crack at it. If distance is you thing, then go for it, 500SCY, 400m,800m,1000SCY, 1650SCY, 1500m. Hell throw in the 3000 and the hour swim too if you are doing those. I think this is the last month for an official hour swim, so better get that in quick…

So break out those old illegal tech suits and lets go for it!! I’m going to break out an old speedo, been a long time since I raced in one of those…

Found the old results, just had to use google properly I guess;

So 7 years ago I did 26.7free/34 low back/34 mid breast/28.3 fly/ and 106+ 100IM. Just like in college my breast is as fast as my back, ouch!!! Not really trained for it right now, but would be a fun data point to do all those races now at 62…

How about we use this thread for tracking the meet results, rather than have them buried n different monthly fish threads?

At the end of practice tonight, I was pretty tired but decided to swim a “fast” 50 fly just to see where I was at. I’m calling a mulligan on that one, only managed a 33 flat as I was cramping up a good bit. Will go again next week for real.

I was pretty tired but decided to swim a “fast” 50 fly just to see where I was at. //

I will just point this out once for everyone to pay attention to, 50 WHAT??? (assume SCM but getting the point out about formats swam)

Last year I did 29.78 Fly, 32.23 back, 33.67 breast, 25.48 free, and 1:05.36 100 IM at the pentathlon. I did not taper and did a 60+ mile road ride the day before so I did not have fresh legs.

A month later at short course nats with a short taper I did 25.13 50 free, and 1:03.7 100 IM so I will be using those as my seed times for this year.

It will be interesting to see next month how my fitness is this year. Last year was an off year fitness wise for me, and my swim volume hasn’t been especially high this year.

I was pretty tired but decided to swim a “fast” 50 fly just to see where I was at. //

I will just point this out once for everyone to pay attention to, 50 WHAT??? (assume SCM but getting the point out about formats swam)

My bad. 50 fly SCM - 33 flat. But taking a mulligan on that one.

OK…and just so that people don’t get scared off if their times are not fast, we should run some awards for most improved every 3 months or so. This way you can sandbag now and be studly in a few months!!!

Very solid times, what is your division?(AG/M/F)

And yes, doing a long hard ride the day before does not count as a taper…(-;

And age and genders would be nice to know, if it is not too personal… And video of the actual race would be even more fun!!

Very solid times, what is your division?(AG/M/F)

And yes, doing a long hard ride the day before does not count as a taper…(-;

I’m male and 37 years old so I’m in the 35-39 age group. My times are nowhere near my PR’s from high school but they aren’t too bad. My current pool swimming goal is sub 1:00 100 IM short course yards.

Very solid.

I guess I could re-read but are we doing these from a dive or push?
All I have is SCY pool but peeps should def say what pool they swam in and if they went from a dive.

I was able to push a 27 SCY 50 free and 58s in the 100s this am at workout. Didnt have the gear today to go for a timed swim. Will hit mine next week.

Sub 1min 100IM from a push is crazy legit! good luck


I don’t think we’ve said if its from a dive or push yet? Mine are gonna all be from a push (no diving permitted during lane swim or in the shallow end at our pool). Given that the competition is basically against yourself, looking for improvement, I don’t think it matters? But yeah, I think we should state if we are going from a dive or a push.

I’ll play. At lunch today I did a 50 Breast in 36 low (lets call it 36.2) as well as a 50 fly in 30 high (let’s call it 30.8). That’s SCM and I dove off the side (not off the blocks). Also self timed so some wiggle room in those times but should be fairly close.

Edit: Male, 43

OK I think minimum rules when posting anything is

  1. State pool say, scm, lcm
  2. Dive or push off

On my side in scm, I did a 3:40 in 200IM taking off 12 seconds from last month from wall push. I realize this is slow, but it is fast for me given my starting point as a swimmer. Furthermore I did not do the events in the virtual meet. I may be able to try them on Feb 28. I need to take a few days off from swimming due to a disc cortisone shot and then some easy days. Maybe my forced rest will result in adding a 5 lb layer of bioprene making me more floaty for the Pentathlon. I think I can get to 1:40-1:45 range for the 100 IM. I will put it out there as a personal target.

My strokes pre length in fly are around 11, back 20-22, breast 15, free 22-24.

Couple things, I would like to see ages and genders along with the stats. And also you need to change the name of the thread and take out February. Maybe say winter virtual meet, people will see feb next week and think it is a dead thread.

And people can do whatever events they feel like or are convent at the time, the ones we post up are just suggestions to get the ball rolling…

Good idea, I edited mine for age and gender

Couple things, I would like to see ages and genders along with the stats. And also you need to change the name of the thread and take out February. Maybe say winter virtual meet, people will see feb next week and think it is a dead thread.

And people can do whatever events they feel like or are convent at the time, the ones we post up are just suggestions to get the ball rolling…

OK, I will change the thread title to “Winter Virtual Swim Meet”! Will add in my age group info!

Do actual meet results count in the virtual swim meet? If so put me down for 1:07 in the 100IM, 28.4 for 50 Fly and 26.x for 50 Free (still waiting on official results). These were SCY from dive and I am 32/Male.

Hey actual swim meet results are the best, no mothers finger on the watch!! And nice job there, some numbers to be proud of. What meet did you swim?