Has anyone done this race (formerly/still is an Ultramaxx race) before?Curious to know if the swim is wetsuit legal or if I should find myself a speed suit for the weekend. Course does look awesome thought with a swim in a lake that does not authorize motored boat traffic.
Its a first for a 5150 although you are right that it used to be the Quartermax tri. IMO, you won’t find a nicer lake that is hosting a tri in Missouri. Bike is fast and run is challenging (if its the old 1/4 max course).
99percent sure it will not be wetsuit legal. The bike course will be great it is getting repaved this week.
I heard the run was hilly from a conversation last week at the Newtown OWS. Hopefully my strained iliopsoas is ok by then…
The run is hilly.
I’ve done the race the past 2 years. One year was wetsuit legal, last year wasn’t. If the weather has been colder in the area like it has been further north, I’ll bet it is wetsuit legal.
The bike is pretty fast, the run is pretty slow. The run is nothing but up and down on a loose gravel road. Try to stay in the tire tracks for some solid ground, and cut the corners as much as possible. There is a lot of walkers on that course.
*Edit: when I say “cut the corners” I do not mean cheat. I mean to be smart with the angles you take on all of the turns. This will shave time off of your run split.
I heard the bike and run course has changed from last year. Can anyone confirm?
Based on the current maps on the St. Louis 5150 website, they appear identical to previous years.
Would like to go, but accommodations in the resort are already sold out. If anyone has ideas of where to stay let me know.
Email eric@ultramax.com and see if there’s room in the OMC condo. Tell him Pastor Shawn sent ya.
Im looking at places in warrentown and wentzville about 20-30 min drives to race site
Based on the current maps on the St. Louis 5150 website, they appear identical to previous years.
This year’s course is similar to previous years, but it did change a little.
The old swim was only 1000 yds, so that has been lengthened to 1500 m.
The old bike was almost 28 miles, has been rerouted to bring it closer to 40k.
The old run course has always been 10k, but has been changed from 2 loops to a single loop. Should still be hilly, but it looks like most of the really short and steep parts have been eliminated.
Would like to go, but accommodations in the resort are already sold out. If anyone has ideas of where to stay let me know.
I stayed in the west suburbs or St. Louis for that race. I have done that race probably four times, and it’s an excellent race. The run and bike course are fairly hilly. Every year I think that it is easier that it really is, and it was especially hot the last few times I’ve done that race. The run has a decent amount of shade, but it’s mostly up and down hills.
The run course is the hardest triathlon run course that I’ve done. It’s not impossible, but you shouldn’t expect a PR on that run. I was 5-6 min off my usual 10k time, but it was in the 90s (or near it) last year. My bike times were usually fast there, but there are some good hills.
I really like this race. The overall organization of the race is top-notch and have never had a logistical complaint. The post-race food is also excellent. I would probably do this race again this year, but I’m doing IM Germany.
Have fun and good luck.