St George Run GPX - Help

Came down to St George for the weekend to preview the course. Getting ready to ride this morning and will run a loop tomorrow.

It looks like the run course has changed a few times over the years, and for the life of me I can’t find a current .gpx.

The official map and turn by turn is worthless for navigation.

Any help appreciated!

I haven’t seen a GPX file yet, but the run is pretty simple.

Run out of transition towards the round about
Turn left at the round about
Run up Main St until you get to the next roundabout and turn left at Diagonal St
Run down Diagonstreet until you get to Bluff St and then turn right and stay on the jogging path
You’ll run on that a couple hundred meters until you can turn left underneath the road a via a jogging path tunnel and essentially run up a little ways around the church and make a uturn back torwards the tunnel and make a left coming out of the tunnel and run your way up to the golf course entrance.

You can’t prerun the section on the golf course, so make your way back down towards Diagonal.

That section up main st and diagonal, to the tunnel up to the golf course and back down main and diagonal is really the essence of the course.

Get practice pacing yourself going “up” diagonal. It’s just enough up hill to grind you down by the end, so don’t push too hard. You can really open the legs up and cruise on the way back down. I really enjoy the run course.

Very helpful - thanks!

Perfect description. Just going from the start down diagonal & turning around will get you what you need. You get the up/down. I found the golf course section a lot of fun in 2022. & the little loop in town is mostly flat & lined with spectators. Much prefer this course to what they had in 2021. It’s much more runnable imo with the more gradual uphill on diagonal & getting to go back down it versus doing a ton of climbing & losing all the vert you gained basically in a 1km sharp decline back to the start/finish. Don’t underestimate diagonal. You’re still doing some legitimate climbing & you have to do it twice. Learn to go by effort up/down it. & make sure you have enough in the reserves for the 2nd trip up during the race.