SRAM Red AXS driving me nuts!

I have the blips connected to the blip box and no matter what I do, the blip on the right base bar is slow to communicate with the rear derailleur. I’ve replaced the blip, tried a different blip box, to no avail. Yes, battery was replaced in the blip box. Both blips on the aerobars are working perfect as is the downshift on the left base bar; it’s ONLY the right base bar location causing the issue. 12-speed if that matters.

I’m a pretty experienced mechanic (built well over 20 bikes and worked on many, many more over the years), but this one is beyond me. Any ideas?

1x or 2x? I think by design the shifting on a 2x is slower than 1x

Sorry I don’t know your answer. However, I have SRAM Red AXS (2019) with no issues like you describe at all. Mine works perfectly!!

Does the same thing happen on the extensions/aero bars?

What if you swap the blip wires at the blip box? Does the issue follow the blip?

My SRAM Red AXS does not have the same issue and shifts perfectly. Sorry.

Let me answer all the good questions (that I should’ve made clear in the initial post). It’s a 1x setup. The only issue is with the right (upshift) on the base bar. Right (upshift) aero bar works perfect. Both down shift (left base/aero) works perfect.

I’ve swapped the plugs in the blip box between the RH base and the RH aero and the RH base is still slow to respond. I replace the blip (wired) on the RH base and same issue.

By now, I can’t think of anything else to try… it’s like it’s a gremlin in the system and only impacting right hand wired blip on the base bar.