Squeezing in some 10k time trials

Yesterday a friend of mine convinced me to enter a series of local 10k time trial races. I was wondering how to alter my training plan to prepare for those. They are not A races or somehow important, but anyhow I do want to perform seriously. Right now my training plan is setup for 4 main 70.3 races, first one being in May. Tts start in April. Currently I am beginning the last base cycle, so the tts would be somewhere in the build cycle.

I thought about inserting one rest day before the races and including some specific anaerobic sessions, but besides that I cant imagine anything.

Maybe anybody has some hints or sessions I can include.


While no expert, I personally would consider these a normal training session, albeit one at high intensity.

I was thinking the same thing although another idea struck me…

Since you have several races how about trying different pacing strategies for each race?
Something like:

  1. Start off as hard as you can and see how long you can hold on.
  2. Start off at Threshold pace and then increase throughout the race.
  3. Run steady the whole race.
  4. 1 mile threshold, 1 mile as fast as you can, repeat

Just some ideas

I wouldn’t take a day off or include anaerobic sessions the day before. I would use the 10k race as the threshold workout for the week and race it around your threshold or slightly faster.

Thanks for the thought about trying out different pacing strategies, it is usefull! As TT is not my main thing, it makes sense to learn something which I can use in ironman.

  1. Run steady the whole race.
    However as it’s a time trial with the bike, I prefer not to run (Sorry for being inprecise). Nevertheless the thought is great, especially as I have absolutely no experience in pacing myself in very short distances. I initially thought about going strictly like 130% or 140% of FTP, but maybe it makes sense to go a little bit more freestyle. It could be usefull for gauging myself for overtaking somebody in ironman.

I would use the 10k race as the threshold workout

It was also my initial thought, but somehow the whole thing seems to be too short. 10k moderate uphill time trial (bike) will maybe take anywhere between 13 and 17 minutes for me. So including a warm up of 20 minutes it still seems too short. Especially as my personal problem is, that I will most probably think that I achieved something after finishing. So I will allow myself to have too much bad food and too much beer afterwards. I gotta work on this…

At first I thought this thing will be pretty useless. But as I rethink the whole story, I guess that it can add to precision and developing better pacing skills. In a 70.3 or full ironman I do not focus on precision, because I can correct stuff later on in the race. In a TT which is this short, there is no room to correct anything.

Ignore everything I wrote, I thought you were talking about running a 10km RUN race series.

So did I :stuck_out_tongue:

Just blast the whole thing on the bike

Just blast the whole thing on the bike

My thoughts exactly.

Fair enough, will do!