Speedmax SLX/CFR Owner, carb drink mix in the bladder?

Dear Speedmax SLX/CFR owner, have you ever put carb drink mix in the bladder?

Did you have any problem?

I’m planning to put maurten drink mix in the bladder for 70.3.

Thank you in advance.


hmmm - i don’t own a canyon (though i might soon!) but i did try using maurten this year in a camelback-style backpack bladder.

the problem i had was that maurten mixed to standard strength is pretty gloopy, and the un-dissolved or semi-dissolved gloop at the bottom of the bladder sort of clogged the valve. so i would blow back into the bladder to free up the opening again, and give the backpack a good shake, and then things worked ok.

this hasn’t been an issue with the finer, gatorade-style powders i’ve used.

so i guess i’m saying it could work but you may want to test it first? if that clogging thing had happened while i was racing it would have been more irritating. . .

Nah just use bladder for water. You could use mix but just make sure you clean it properly s soon as possible.

I used it for a carb mix, cleaned it, put it in a drawer, waited a couple months, cleaned it, used it again for a carb mix… no problem.

However, to properly clean the bladder you’d need to take it out of the bike.

Thank you for your info.

What carb drink did you use?
Did the liquid get into the frame?

I’m afraid that the carb liquid spill into the frame and become sticky residue in the frame.

What carb drink did you use?

I use PowerBar Iso, 1.5x more dense than prescribed.

Did the liquid get into the frame?

No, all good.