So does that mean that Sinballe is heavier. I think that Monty was talking about how a lighter rider will have an easier time climbing etc.
If he is heavier then that makes his position even more impressive because it shows that his aerodynmanic advantage is overcoming the factor that he is heavier and using fewer watts to go slightly faster.
Navn: Torbjørn Sindballe Børn: Oskar på 3 år Uddannelse: Studerer idræt på Københavns Universitet Fødselsdato: 21. oktober 1976 Vægt: 79 kg Højde: 190 cm Kondital: 87 ml O²/kg Telefon: 26 84 47 93
From his webpage - not in English but you get the idea…
Education: He is reading “sport” on the univesity on Copenhagen
Birth: 10.21.1976
Weight: 79 kilo
Height: 190 cm
"Kondi"number: 87 ml O²/kg
Mobile: 26844793
“Bonus” info: He is riding in the same kind of suit that had been made for the warm in Athens for Rasmus Henning by the danish company Newline… They only made like 30 suits for the national team, they are really awesome…! Like cooling you down.
i think there is an error with sindballe’s data on 2peak - it says he’s about .3 miles behind al sultan, yet he is 3 minutes back according to ironman. And if his avg speed is almost a half mile/hr faster, why is he 3 minutes behind, when that is about how far he was behind starting the bike?
i think his avg speed and miles completed are off…