Speed Golf

Given that I have 2 young children I don’t get to play golf during primetime so I end up going out after 7pm a couple days a week when kids going to bed, private course is 5 min away. I started playing speed golf some days and can get in 18 holes in about 70 -80 min if course is quite and it usually is at that time of night. Anyone else into this?

Never done it but some pretty high level runners have led the record, including Steve Scott IIRC.

When I used to play golf and run quite a bit, I would do it by just carrying a few clubs (3W, 5I, 9I, putter) and doing decent paced runs between shots. It can be a decent interval training workout. With a decent golf game and cardio, it can be a quick way to kill two birds with one stone. I bet with some practice you’ll be closer to an hour. Good times are very sub-hour…I only made it to doing it in about an hour and then decided I’d rather not stop and hit a golf ball during my runs! Guy I know owns the world record for fastest round of golf (~26 minutes), but he used a cart.

I played 9 holes in about 28 min a few weeks ago and managed 1 over (3300 yards) , I was moving that day, never really tried a full on TT, I just found it more time effective to trot between shots. It sure makes a 4 hr round seem unbearable

Very nice! Yeah, I never did it competitively or tried for time cause I was just doing it for fun. Looks like the “pros” do it in sub-50 minutes. That would be fast.

What do you do with the clubs during the swim portion?.

I always swim with a golf club duct taped to my back to ensure proper rotation about the central axis. I thought everybody did.

Be careful with thos ponds on golf courses, that water can be pretty nasty.

For the bike portion, do you run slicks so you don’t mar the greens or do you prefer knobbies so you have better traction in the roughs?

I tried knobbies, but ended up finding studded worked best. I figured I would help aerate the greens at the same time.

They used to have organized speed golf events down in San Diego county. I remember playing one at Rancho Bernardo Inn probably 12-15 years ago and it was a blast. Had the wife drive the cart so you didn’t have to carry clubs. You’d be surprised that you don’t lose that many strokes off a normal round (maybe 5-10). IIRC the best guys did it in around 30 min and still shot low to mid 70s. I think I was more in the 43-45 min range and an 83-84. I’d definitely try again if they were still doing them and were closer.
