Speed, endurance post Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever infection

In the fall of 2021 I contracted Rocky Mountain Spotted fever. Prior to that, my run and swim speed and endurance were good. It took several months to fully recover from RMSF. When I returned to running, I had developed hip tendonitis that REALLY limited my running. After PT I’m back but have found my speed and endurance are way down (over a minute per mile for a 5 mile time trial). It’s like my legs just don’t have it anymore. On runs, it feels like I’m flying until I look down at my watch. Its like I can’t get out of second gear. One of the primary symptoms of RMSF that I experienced was severe leg muscle pain. I’m wondering if there was muscle cell damage as a result. Any ST’ers with a past RMSF infection ever experience anything like this?

have not had RMSF, did have African tick bite fever which is a similar rickettsia spotted fever… it shows up in the blood tests as RMSF, more than once I’ve had the doctor ask if I’ve had RMSF after a blood test…

recovery was a couple of months, IIRC it was 6-8 months before the run pace came back.
It would be unusual to have permanent muscle damage from one of these fevers, as long as it was caught and treated with appropriate antibiotics in time…