Speakerphone vs. headphone during a tri

I forgot my headphones the other day before my run and part way through the run remembered that my new phone has a pretty decent speakerphone. So, I turned on the builtin mp3 player and enjoyed a few tunes that way.

I searched through the archives for a bit but didn’t see much on whether or not speakerphone type of devices are allowed during races. Granted, it has several immediate downsides - the most obvious ones (that I could think of) being that those around you have no choice but to listen to your tunes and that ones arms tend to swing around when running which makes for a loud - quiet - loud - quiet (repeat) version of the music. I also found that I would gradually swing my arms less and less as the music cortex in my brain tried to take control of my run.

So, aside from being run into a ditch by fellow competitors, are speakerphone type devices allowed in IM or ITU races?

please make it stop…

please make it stop…

it probably will - in just the 15 minutes I ran with it, 2 neighborhood kids asked me why I wasn’t wearing headphones! probably headed back to using the phone as a glorious stopwatch.

please make it stop…

it probably will - in just the 15 minutes I ran with it, 2 neighborhood kids asked me why I wasn’t wearing headphones! probably headed back to using the phone as a glorious stopwatch.

The only acceptable way to run with tunes that everyone can hear is if you run with a big-ass boombox on your shoulder.

This is a poor attempt at trolling. Maybe you’ll do better next time?


Some guy did this on the run at the FL HIM last year. Really annoying.

There is a guy on one of the local cycling teams that insists on doing this for every ride. Really annoying even if the songs are good…

There was a guy at IM St. George that was using some sort of speaker ipod system on the bike. I think he had it in his bento box, I remember he was playing Journey “Wheels in the sky” as we were climbing a hill.

If you need music just to get through a race, should you really be racing? Why does our society need constant stimulation, can’t people just go for a run or ride and enjoy the moment?

trolling… not so much, although it could be seen that way. If I wanted to troll on this topic, I would have added in ‘rap is not music’ and watched the fireworks. Playing Neil Diamond could help me set either a PR for the run portion or a DNF for the race depending on whether I can run faster than everyone looking to pound me senseless.

You’re allowed to use it, but it must be wore on a belt around your waist for the entire race. It may not be a plastic bag or otter box.

Section 1.1.56.a

Playing Neil Diamond could help me set either a PR for the run portion or a DNF for the race depending on whether I can run faster than everyone looking to pound me senseless.

Neil Diamond rules!!!

Here is one for all you flag waving Yanks…:wink:




agreed, Neil Diamond does rule - he rules the underworld.

Apparently, we’re all newbies in the world of amplified audio cycling. Google serves up another big win:


If you need music just to get through a race, should you really be racing? Why does our society need constant stimulation, can’t people just go for a run or ride and enjoy the moment?

I think it would be cool and if I rolled up on someone playing some tunes I would let them know how cool it was.
My dad and I always have his IPOD playing the classics when we go golfing.

There is nothing like walking up to a three footer hearing Chicago playing in the background.

Live a little, who cares.

How about because every race I know of will DQ you on the spot if you have an iPod on the bike?

How about because every race I know of will DQ you on the spot if you have an iPod on the bike?

I said it would be cool if someone had it.
I didn’t say I was planning on ever wearing an IPOD to a race.
Relax bro.