Speaker of the House vote Oct 20th

Another day, another day without a speaker. Maybe enough GOP members will go home for the weekend to elect Jefferies.

25 Republicans voted against him today. Losing ground.

My representative seems to have listened to me and switched his vote from Jordan to McCarthy.

I take full credit! 😎

25 Republicans voted against him today. Losing ground.


I don’t have a PhD in Analytical Trend Analysis but I think that’s an unfavorable trend line.

This war in the middle east is going to be over by the time we get a speaker elected.

Not going to be a good scene if there are Americans fighting in the middle east and the govt shuts downs and our soldiers’ wives aren’t getting their paychecks back home.

Just pick someone, anyone and vote them in.

25 Republicans voted against him today. Losing ground.


I don’t have a PhD in Analytical Trend Analysis but I think that’s an unfavorable trend line.

I don’t know if I read it on here or somewhere else, there is a rumor that his opposition is coordinating their votes to slowly trickle away support so he doesn’t know who his real supporters are and who to target with his pressure campaign. No idea if it is true but that trend lends some credence to that.

The guy is an asshat with no charm or charisma at all. I find it hard to believe he has many actual friends in Congress. Not many better ways to humiliate him than having him flail around trying to become speaker and have it just slowly slip away.

Schadenfreude can be fun.

Not going to be a good scene if there are Americans fighting in the middle east and the govt shuts downs and our soldiers’ wives aren’t getting their paychecks back home.

people dont care about the speaker of the house when youth sports is going on.

Not going to be a good scene if there are Americans fighting in the middle east and the govt shuts downs and our soldiers’ wives aren’t getting their paychecks back home.

people dont care about the speaker of the house when youth sports is going on.

Not generally no, they dont. As I said, just elect someone to get the soldiers their paychecks. Or carve that out and then do as you wish. Sit around and vote all day if it makes them happy.

game time 10am, 1pm, 3pm and 5pm tomorrow. Four games in one day, going to be a nice little weekend.

Not generally no, they dont. As I said, just elect someone to get the soldiers their paychecks.

It doesnt involve trump. So people in the GOP generally dont care. Its the democrats fault. People are not going to change their votes so not having a speaker or soldiers getting paychecks doesnt matter.

Not generally no, they dont. As I said, just elect someone to get the soldiers their paychecks.

It doesnt involve trump. So people in the GOP generally dont care. Its the democrats fault. People are not going to change their votes so not having a speaker or soldiers getting paychecks doesnt matter.

Correct about everything except Soldiers not getting their paychecks. Folks care about that and the guys and gals fighting for us, more so in a time a war that seems to be on the way.

Folks care about that and the guys and gals fighting for us, more so in a time a war that seems to be on the way.

Nah. No one is changing their vote over whether solders are getting paid or not.

is your family going to change their vote if the solders are not getting paid? So it doesnt matter if there is a speaker of the house or if the solders get paid.

Folks care about that and the guys and gals fighting for us, more so in a time a war that seems to be on the way.

Nah. No one is changing their vote over whether solders are getting paid or not.

is your family going to change their vote if the solders are not getting paid? So it doesnt matter if there is a speaker of the house or if the solders get paid.

I don’t have a vote for speaker of the house.

Not generally no, they dont. As I said, just elect someone to get the soldiers their paychecks.

It doesnt involve trump. So people in the GOP generally dont care. Its the democrats fault. People are not going to change their votes so not having a speaker or soldiers getting paychecks doesnt matter.

Correct about everything except Soldiers not getting their paychecks. Folks care about that and the guys and gals fighting for us, more so in a time a war that seems to be on the way.

Some people don’t give a rat’s ass about soldiers not getting paid - after all, what’s in it for them? They’re just a bunch of suckers and losers.

Exactly. No one is changing their votes based on this, so no one cares.

Folks care about that and the guys and gals fighting for us, more so in a time a war that seems to be on the way.

Nah. No one is changing their vote over whether solders are getting paid or not.

is your family going to change their vote if the solders are not getting paid? So it doesnt matter if there is a speaker of the house or if the solders get paid.

I don’t have a vote for speaker of the house.

His point is, your wife is still going to vote for the Republican, regardless of the shitshow. This will be the Dems fault and she’ll fall in line.

Of course, this all falls in line with the fantasy world you live in.

They may not care about the soldiers being paid, but we are coming up on holiday season. If they get bumped or miss their holiday flight because TSA isn’t working at full capacity, people gonna be pissed.

His point is

At some point SDG talking about ALL of the trump lawsuits as “not mattering” because they are not going to change any votes, and because they are not going to change any votes the lawsuits themselves dont matter.

Using the same logic until SDGs family is willing to change their votes, none of this is going to matter.

speaker costume.jpg

His point is

At some point SDG talking about ALL of the trump lawsuits as “not mattering” because they are not going to change any votes, and because they are not going to change any votes the lawsuits themselves dont matter.

Using the same logic until SDGs family is willing to change their votes, none of this is going to matter.

to some extent this is a little different. If indeed they don’t’ get a speaker by the time they need one to fund the government and make sure the soldiers get paid, TSA etc, then I could 100 percent see this changing votes, at least of the people I know.

My rep is not one of the ones that voted against Jordon, but I am confident my wife and other Trump folks I know would be fully in favor of not voting for any repub that voted against Jordon for speaker and get this thing going. It will be seen as the fault of those not voting for Jordan that made this take so long.

In the end, can’t see this lasting that long and someone will be speaker in the next 27 days, so all just talking points really.

On to sports day Saturday. Let’s home the mini Giants can get their passing game in gear this weekend and my nephew can make some monster tackles coming off the end.

His point is

At some point SDG talking about ALL of the trump lawsuits as “not mattering” because they are not going to change any votes, and because they are not going to change any votes the lawsuits themselves dont matter.

Using the same logic until SDGs family is willing to change their votes, none of this is going to matter.

to some extent this is a little different. If indeed they don’t’ get a speaker by the time they need one to fund the government and make sure the soldiers get paid, TSA etc, then I could 100 percent see this changing votes, at least of the people I know.

My rep is not one of the ones that voted against Jordon, but I am confident my wife and other Trump folks I know would be fully in favor of not voting for any repub that voted against Jordon for speaker and get this thing going. It will be seen as the fault of those not voting for Jordan that made this take so long.

In the end, can’t see this lasting that long and someone will be speaker in the next 27 days, so all just talking points really.

On to sports day Saturday. Let’s home the mini Giants can get their passing game in gear this weekend and my nephew can make some monster tackles coming off the end.

Except the people voting against the chaos caucus headed by Jordan are part of the solution. Jordan personifies the problem. But hey, whatever brings about the demise of the GQP I am all for.