Speaker of the House vote Oct 18th

Hopefully we can keep this discussing the vote, mostly…

Purely selfish motive, I get a lot of my news here, as I know others do as well, and things buried in old threads get lost and make it hard to keep up with whats actually new.

So how many votes did we have yesterday, anyone rising to the top?

200 yesterday. 17 short. Strong arming didn’t work. Dangling carrots is not his style. I wonder if he will break and go on record with a statement that the vote was not stolen in his effort to win a few more votes from the moderates who oppose him on that one outstanding mortal sin?

200 yesterday. 17 short. Strong arming didn’t work. Dangling carrots is not his style. I wonder if he will break and go on record with a statement that the vote was not stolen in his effort to win a few more votes from the moderates who oppose him on that one outstanding mortal sin?

Took me a second to realize they didn’t have 200 votes, but that Jordan got 200 votes… LOL

Saw this on CNN Looks like McHenry is going to back into it. I know nothing about him.

Rep. Andy Biggs said he doesn’t support the idea of empowering interim Speaker Patrick McHenry while Rep. Matt Rosendale said it would be “a dangerous consolidation of power.” Asked how long Jordan should stay in the race, Rosendale said “until he is elected speaker.”
Rep. Tim Burchett also wants to see Jordan stick it out and doesn’t want to empower McHenry because it will take the “urgency” away from electing a permanent speaker.
But another Jordan backer, Rep. Nicole Maliotakis, was less committal. She said she would vote for him on the second ballot but if he doesn’t show progress then it’s time to go back to the “drawing board.”
She also said empowering McHenry should be a “last resort” but was open to the idea, although she said her preference is a permanent speaker.

McHenry wears a bow tie.

That’s all you need to know about him.

McHenry wears a bow tie.

That’s all you need to know about him.

Oh I support him them… Has a guy in a bow tie ever done anything evil of villainous. (Pee wee Herman is not Paul Reubens)

McHenry wears a bow tie.

That’s all you need to know about him.

Did you stereo type that statement? Or did you use all your digits hitting the keyboard?

Strong arming didn’t work.

Reporting seems to indicate it had the opposite effect. Several Republicans didn’t like feeling bullied into voting for Mr. Jordan.

Strong arming didn’t work.

Reporting seems to indicate it had the opposite effect. Several Republicans didn’t like feeling bullied into voting for Mr. Jordan.

Several indicate that Jordan’s strategy was to act all nice in person, but at the same time various PAC personnel were sending strong threats about what would happen if they didn’t vote for Jordan (e.g. threats about about sending campaign messages about them “working with Democrats”). . This duplicitous strategy did not go over well with some.

Seems he lost round 2 (first vote today also) per CNN

Seems he lost round 2 (first vote today also) per CNN

I think they are still voting but already have 12 Republicans against him.

I didn’t realize they were doing it already again this morning.

Seems he lost round 2 (first vote today also) per CNN

I think they are still voting but already have 12 Republicans against him.

I didn’t realize they were doing it already again this morning.

Only in the “K”'s and have 15 against.

Strong arming didn’t work.

Reporting seems to indicate it had the opposite effect. Several Republicans didn’t like feeling bullied into voting for Mr. Jordan.

Several indicate that Jordan’s strategy was to act all nice in person, but at the same time various PAC personnel were sending strong threats about what would happen if they didn’t vote for Jordan (e.g. threats about about sending campaign messages about them “working with Democrats”). . This duplicitous strategy did not go over well with some.

Hannity was emailing Representatives trying to strong arm them. Apparently one GOP Representatives wife was getting anonymous texts demanding she support Mr. Jordan. It sounds like they were trying a lot of pressure tactics.

18 against.

Worse today than yesterday. McCarthy will blame the Dems.

Are you going to change the title of this thread tomorrow?

Worse today than yesterday. McCarthy will blame the Dems.

Rep. Jim Jordan appears to be faring worse today than yesterday during the second round of voting for the speakership.

Yesterday, Jordan lost 20 votes from his own party during the first round of voting for speaker. So far today, he’s lost 21 votes.

So John Boehner could make a comeback. He got one vote. He learned his lesson the last time and I am sure he would promise to do better.

Mike Lawler made a lame attempt to blame Democrats (along with the eight radical Republicans) for creating this mess. Sure, Mike.

So John Boehner could make a comeback. He got one vote. He learned his lesson the last time and I am sure he would promise to do better.

He was quoted on the CNN speaker coverage today - with reference to Gym - “a leader without followers is just a man out for a walk”