SOS! at the end of my rope

so, just as the subject states, I am at the end of my rope. I’ll give you the highlights:

  1. last season (2023) was the worst I’ve had in 6 years
  2. I’ve gained over 40lbs in the last 18 months
  3. I can’t seem to stop eating, or stay consistent with workouts
  4. I can’t sleep (night shift worker, but have been for 6 years)

I am looking for ANY advice on ANY of the above topics;

for reference I am 32 (obvi)F 5’9" currently 180lbs;
best sprint last year was 1:21:16
my time at USAT Nat’s Olympic (Milwaukee 2023) was 2:59:32

at my BEST I was 138lbs (age 29)
doing a sprint in 1:14:05 (same course as last year’s 1:21:16)
2:32:18 at USAT Nat’s Olympic (Milwaukee 2021)

I don’t know what happened. I did change coaches last year, but that was definitely for the better and the only reason I have been even moderately competitive (technical improvements to compensate for lack of fitness)

Please help! anything is appreciated.

Go to your doctor. Tell them what’s up. Get some testing done.

How is your mental health?

I have been to the Dr and eliminated pretty much every possible physical cause (hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, etc. etc.) I am also on medication and check in regularly with my psychiatric provider. my mental health is okay, I can go to work; I’m generally and significantly less irritable, depressed, anxious, and irrational than I was from about 2010-2020.

but somehow my whole drive and self discipline are gone and the environmental factors (being overweight, mostly) are dragging me down.

What about something new? New sport/hobby. Where there’s obvious room for skill improvement so you are more motivated to keep showing up.

I’m thinking a team sport, or weightlifting, boxing, martial arts? Or something non-sports related? Music (instrument/singing), art, pottery, writing, glass blowing, jewelry making, cooking, baking?

Sounds like you are in a rut/burnt out. If doing the same thing isn’t working, time to try something new.

Please note - this advice is also applicable to me - know you are not alone.

I do think that is a valid option. I suppose my problem is I don’t know what else I’m interested in. I completely identify as a triathlete. (Well, I am a Christian first; that is my ultimate identity but that’s infused into whatever I do, and a bit of a different topic entirely.) I have been thinking about picking up some shifts at work. Maybe that will help a bit.

The thing I can probably help with is #3
What emotions are connected to eating? Are you procrastinating? Bored? Stressed? Frustrated? Identifying that is part of the key to stopping it. The other is to look at how overeating has become habitual. When are you eating things not because you are hungry, but out of habit?

Consistency in workouts - due to low motivation or scheduling issues? What’s the barrier?

Any chance you can get back on days? I’ve always figured night shifts must really mess up one’s body.

DM me if you want to talk more, and do so more privately.