Somebody might want to wake Nutella

Even if it’s not Sept yet

How Popular Is Joe Biden? | FiveThirtyEight

new all time low of 37.5%. This is what you’re looking for 5 months out for a guy who hasn’t broken 40 in about 2.75 years.

I know but the alternative is talking about batteries and sharks so nothing to see here. Much better to spend a few hundred posts snarking about that than discussing what the D party should be doing right now.

The site has the election within 1 %

Trump was not super popular at the end and he is the opponent, recently convicted of a crime.

In Westminster nations we get parties who win despite having unpopular leaders. It is only one aspect driving their vote. Biden is not popular and neither is Trump, and the site you referenced reflect that, 37 % approval but still within 1 % to win the election.

Even if it’s not Sept yet

How Popular Is Joe Biden? | FiveThirtyEight

new all time low of 37.5%. This is what you’re looking for 5 months out for a guy who hasn’t broken 40 in about 2.75 years.

I know but the alternative is talking about batteries and sharks so nothing to see here. Much better to spend a few hundred posts snarking about that than discussing what the D party should be doing right now.

So, honest question. Is there anyone the Dems could put up who you would vote for over trump?

Even if it’s not Sept yet

How Popular Is Joe Biden? | FiveThirtyEight

new all time low of 37.5%. This is what you’re looking for 5 months out for a guy who hasn’t broken 40 in about 2.75 years.

I know but the alternative is talking about batteries and sharks so nothing to see here. Much better to spend a few hundred posts snarking about that than discussing what the D party should be doing right now.

But how unpopular is Trump?

For example I think Biden is a fucking train wreck. I also don’t think that highly of Trump.

The site has the election within 1 %

I think you and Tyler both missed this from the website Polls | FiveThirtyEight
Joe’s Favorable/Unfavorable - 44/53 Unfavorale +9

Trump’s Favorable/Unfavorable 43/55 Unfavorable +12

Trump’s Favorable/Unfavorable is worse than Biden’s, granted, not by much, but not sure why he’s gloating about Biden’s terrible numbers, when Trump’s are worse…

Even if it’s not Sept yet

How Popular Is Joe Biden? | FiveThirtyEight

new all time low of 37.5%. This is what you’re looking for 5 months out for a guy who hasn’t broken 40 in about 2.75 years.

I know but the alternative is talking about batteries and sharks so nothing to see here. Much better to spend a few hundred posts snarking about that than discussing what the D party should be doing right now.

I realize masochism is your kink, but when your Orange Master loses the popular vote for the third time, and the election for the second time, will you post another groveling, beta cuck mea culpa like this?

Regardless, the LR Circle Jerk still loves you!

not sure why he’s gloating about Biden’s terrible numbers, when Trump’s are worse…

This is MAGA dogma, accuse the opposition of exactly what you’re guilty of.

good point. There were lots of polls on that site, I missed that one. The election is too close to call an Trump is even more un popular. SO yes I agree not sure why Tyler is jumping on that data point.

Even if it’s not Sept yet

How Popular Is Joe Biden? | FiveThirtyEight

new all time low of 37.5%. This is what you’re looking for 5 months out for a guy who hasn’t broken 40 in about 2.75 years.

I know but the alternative is talking about batteries and sharks so nothing to see here. Much better to spend a few hundred posts snarking about that than discussing what the D party should be doing right now.

But how unpopular is Trump?

For example I think Biden is a fucking train wreck. I also don’t think that highly of Trump.


Biden a “fucking train wreck” and
Trump: “I don’t think that highly of.”

Makes sense, given the author who “fucking detests the Left.”

Trump spoke to his parole officer today.

If he cannot consort with criminals, who is he going to talk to besides jr., eric, & sean?

Trump spoke to his parole officer today.

I’ll bet my dress Crocs he tells a story involving her calling him “Sir” at his next campaign rally.

Even if it’s not Sept yet

How Popular Is Joe Biden? | FiveThirtyEight

new all time low of 37.5%. This is what you’re looking for 5 months out for a guy who hasn’t broken 40 in about 2.75 years.

I know but the alternative is talking about batteries and sharks so nothing to see here. Much better to spend a few hundred posts snarking about that than discussing what the D party should be doing right now.

But how unpopular is Trump?

For example I think Biden is a fucking train wreck. I also don’t think that highly of Trump.

very, which is why he will still most likely not win against an incumbent

but when you are standing next to a fucking train wreck it’s hard to not look a little better by comparison than you used to.

And the longer you stand there while the fucking train wreck gets wreckier by the day, all of a sudden a few people in a few key places actually start to remember you as even better than what you “were”.

but far be it from me to not turn this into a “but but Trump” thread. I know if I was a Biden fan what I would want to be doing 5 months from the election, rather than enjoying a 8-12 point lead over the unpopular Trump based on the track record my guy had put together.

Is responding to posts like this, feeling the need to defend my guys unpopularity, and posting loser talk about the popular vote.

Trump spoke to his parole officer today. The day after he told his cultists that he doesn’t care about them, he just wants their votes. The same day he went on an unhinged rant about sharks and 12v batteries that might kill him.

But yeah. Biden is the train wreck of these two.

Trump spoke to his parole officer today. The day after he told his cultists that he doesn’t care about them, he just wants their votes. The same day he went on an unhinged rant about sharks and 12v batteries that might kill him.

But yeah. Biden is the train wreck of these two.

15m jobs created under Biden’s administration, helped by the American Rescue Plan, the infrastructure act, the CHIPS act and the Inflation Reduction Act. The stock market close to record highs. Only 8% of Americans without health insurance (record low), real wages staying positive through most of his term, inflation down from a peak of 9.1% in 2022 to close to 3%, household wealth up, narrower inequality, violent crime down significantly from where he inherited it….

But yeah, a “fucking train wreck”.

Even if it’s not Sept yet

How Popular Is Joe Biden? | FiveThirtyEight

new all time low of 37.5%. This is what you’re looking for 5 months out for a guy who hasn’t broken 40 in about 2.75 years.

I know but the alternative is talking about batteries and sharks so nothing to see here. Much better to spend a few hundred posts snarking about that than discussing what the D party should be doing right now.

Yes, that is low. No, that is not a good thing for Democrats. I think this is well known. There are only two legitimate choices. This won’t change barring death. What would you rather talk about for 5 months, probabilities, or sharks and cannibals? The latter is more entertaining.

On a separate note, credit given for using an aggregate poll instead of the normally cherry picked one.

Spank me harder, Daddy Trump!

I don’t think Tittykins got the memo:

Trump spoke to his parole officer today. The day after he told his cultists that he doesn’t care about them, he just wants their votes. The same day he went on an unhinged rant about sharks and 12v batteries that might kill him.

But yeah. Biden is the train wreck of these two.

15m jobs created under Biden’s administration, helped by the American Rescue Plan, the infrastructure act, the CHIPS act and the Inflation Reduction Act. The stock market close to record highs. Only 8% of Americans without health insurance (record low), real wages staying positive through most of his term, inflation down from a peak of 9.1% in 2022 to close to 3%, household wealth up, narrower inequality, violent crime down significantly from where he inherited it….

But yeah, a “fucking train wreck”.

Notice how Windy never gives examples of specific “train Wreck” policy positions? He just knows he must hate Joe so he hates Joe.

I am currently writing from the inside of Tyler’s head, where I live rent free. Lots of room in here, y’all should come join me. A bit of a worm problem though.

Trump spoke to his parole officer today. The day after he told his cultists that he doesn’t care about them, he just wants their votes. The same day he went on an unhinged rant about sharks and 12v batteries that might kill him.

But yeah. Biden is the train wreck of these two.

15m jobs created under Biden’s administration, helped by the American Rescue Plan, the infrastructure act, the CHIPS act and the Inflation Reduction Act. The stock market close to record highs. Only 8% of Americans without health insurance (record low), real wages staying positive through most of his term, inflation down from a peak of 9.1% in 2022 to close to 3%, household wealth up, narrower inequality, violent crime down significantly from where he inherited it….

But yeah, a “fucking train wreck”.

Notice how Windy never gives examples of specific “train Wreck” policy positions? He just knows he must hate Joe so he hates Joe.

I am currently writing from the inside of Tyler’s head, where I live rent free. Lots of room in here, y’all should come join me. A bit of a worm problem though.

I’m envisioning “Being John Malkovich” except with a lot of Donald Trump pinups.