Some olympic musings, what else did you find weird?

I watched the pentathlon for the first time this year, and had no idea that the swim was in a 25m pool. Then I looked up the records and it seems they are from 50m pools. Is it always a thing that it can be either or?? I mean the times for sure are faster in the short pool, would it be considered a record if set there? One would think this kind of thing would be settled and they would do the same course, just found that strange and it looked like some high school pool in the middle of no where, not an olympic type of venue…

And the mens high jump, I was so excited to see our US man break his PR and make it to the final two where they both no heighted on the next step up…I did not know this, but apparently they can agree to both get a gold medal and call it a day…So I figure great, he gets a gold, the US gets a gold, and there are no losers here…

But no!!! Idiots go on to keep jumping, so now one of them is guaranteed to be a loser, individually and for their country. I guess my poker instincts kicked in here, and was yelling at them to CHOP!!! I mean you dont get half a gold medal, you get the whole thing. And of course they are both tired and miss again and the bar now comes down, down down, and eventually the American loses…

Was disappointed in the American gal who was obviously injured in the marathon and pulled our early, what was the story there, no alternates, or did she just want to say she started the olympic marathon??? A selfish move, or was something else involved???

Breaking is not a sport.
3x3 basketball is awful.
Mixed relays are really fun, but you should be able to decide your own order of genders.
(Flag football should not be included in LA28)

Breaking is not a sport.
3x3 basketball is awful.
Mixed relays are really fun, but you should be able to decide your own order of genders.
(Flag football should not be included in LA28)

yeah, i feel like that would inject more strategy and dynamism into things.

I might be in minority, but I don’t think we need professional football/basketball/tennis/golf etc. in Olympics. We have great professional and well covered leagues, majors, championships and tournaments for those. I see Olympics as a place for more traditional and/or individual superiority sports, that are often way less commercial. But that’s me.

I watched the pentathlon for the first time this year, and had no idea that the swim was in a 25m pool. Then I looked up the records and it seems they are from 50m pools. Is it always a thing that it can be either or?? I mean the times for sure are faster in the short pool, would it be considered a record if set there? One would think this kind of thing would be settled and they would do the same course, just found that strange and it looked like some high school pool in the middle of no where, not an olympic type of venue.Let me try to help here.
Modern Pentathlon
For the last about 30 years the modern pentathlon has finished with two sports combined: now so called ‘laser shoot’. made possible with the change from .22 pistol to first air pistol then laser pistol. (also deters various ‘calming’ practices before the stand alone shooting).
The swim has previously been in a 50m pool. But (tv I guess a key driver) they’ve progressively compressed the competition days from 5 to 4 to now 2 (sort of heats, and finals) and needed to concentrate the event venues into one location: Paris (Versailles) did so brilliantly (but forced a temporary 25m to be used).
Thank goodness for good weather!!
Think describing the Palace of Versailles as “the middle of no where, not an olympic type of venue” is both harsh and a tad unsophisticated/weird(?).
Swim used to be 300m and the run 4km: now they’re 200m and 3km, the latter interspersed with shoots, winter biathlon style. Noone cares about best times in swim and run: it’s a sport which combines five disciplines and the scoring systems have changed over the years. So it really doesn’t matter whether it’s a 25m or a 50m pool, or how deep (and therefore fast) it is.
We’ve seen the last time horse riding/jumping will feature (I regret). From now on (as a result of Tokyo’s uneven quality of horses (athletes draw horses by lot so need to be competent) and gross mis-behaviour by a German coach abusing a horse who had not responded to a weak rider who was leading before scoring null points show jumping) the second discipline will now be ‘obstacle racing’. Given the nineteenth century military inspiration to the sport, I guess this reflects the assault courses recruits around the world train on. But the balance of the sport (imho) will have been lost: currently 3 skills and 2 physical: in future less skills: more physical. With this change I (with regret) predict its Olympic future is time limited.

I watched the pentathlon for the first time this year, and had no idea that the swim was in a 25m pool. Then I looked up the records and it seems they are from 50m pools. Is it always a thing that it can be either or?? I mean the times for sure are faster in the short pool, would it be considered a record if set there? One would think this kind of thing would be settled and they would do the same course, just found that strange and it looked like some high school pool in the middle of no where, not an olympic type of venue.Let me try to help here.
Modern Pentathlon
For the last about 30 years the modern pentathlon has finished with two sports combined: now so called ‘laser shoot’. made possible with the change from .22 pistol to first air pistol then laser pistol. (also deters various ‘calming’ practices before the stand alone shooting).
The swim has previously been in a 50m pool. But (tv I guess a key driver) they’ve progressively compressed the competition days from 5 to 4 to now 2 (sort of heats, and finals) and needed to concentrate the event venues into one location: Paris (Versailles) did so brilliantly (but forced a temporary 25m to be used).
Thank goodness for good weather!!
Think describing the Palace of Versailles as “the middle of no where, not an olympic type of venue” is both harsh and a tad unsophisticated/weird(?).
Swim used to be 300m and the run 4km: now they’re 200m and 3km, the latter interspersed with shoots, winter biathlon style. Noone cares about best times in swim and run: it’s a sport which combines five disciplines and the scoring systems have changed over the years. So it really doesn’t matter whether it’s a 25m or a 50m pool, or how deep (and therefore fast) it is.
We’ve seen the last time horse riding/jumping will feature (I regret). From now on (as a result of Tokyo’s uneven quality of horses (athletes draw horses by lot so need to be competent) and gross mis-behaviour by a German coach abusing a horse who had not responded to a weak rider who was leading before scoring null points show jumping) the second discipline will now be ‘obstacle racing’. Given the nineteenth century military inspiration to the sport, I guess this reflects the assault courses recruits around the world train on. But the balance of the sport (imho) will have been lost: currently 3 skills and 2 physical: in future less skills: more physical. With this change I (with regret) predict its Olympic future is time limited.

Of course it has got nothing to do with the self serving Klaus Schormann being UIPM president for 31 years, the mis-management and alleged corruption.

That would be the gardens of the Chateau de Versailles! Not really a ghetto or middle of no where is it.

Breaking is not a sport.
3x3 basketball is awful.
Mixed relays are really fun, but you should be able to decide your own order of genders.
(Flag football should not be included in LA28)

If breaking is not a sport, than gymnastics is not. They are doing gymnastics on a non trampoline like floor.

I agree on 3x3 bball. Not even NBA players can get in, since you have to play in 3x3 specific leads. Just a silly addon like mixed relays

I watched the pentathlon for the first time this year, and had no idea that the swim was in a 25m pool. Then I looked up the records and it seems they are from 50m pools. Is it always a thing that it can be either or?? I mean the times for sure are faster in the short pool, would it be considered a record if set there? One would think this kind of thing would be settled and they would do the same course,The swim has previously been in a 50m pool. But (tv I guess a key driver) they’ve progressively compressed the competition days from 5 to 4 to now 2 (sort of heats, and finals) and needed to concentrate the event venues into one location: Paris (Versailles) did so brilliantly (but forced a temporary 25m to be used).Of course it has got nothing to do with the self serving Klaus Schormann being UIPM president for 31 years, the mis-management and alleged corruption.Was Schormann a swimmer then? What has governance got to do with 25m v 50m pools?

I might be in minority, but I don’t think we need professional football/basketball/tennis/golf etc. in Olympics. We have great professional and well covered leagues, majors, championships and tournaments for those. I see Olympics as a place for more traditional and/or individual superiority sports, that are often way less commercial. But that’s me.

This is my biggest Olympic complaint. I also think if football (soccer) is going to send U23 teams then kick them out as well. Ditto for golf not having the biggest names. Ice hockey has a luster because it’s so international that more than just USA has a chance to win.

Maybe sports (with my own biases): Ultra running, Ironman distance tri, kickboxing, orienteering, raquetball. I also think it would be cool if the host country was allowed to add one event of their choosing.

Modern Pentathlon:

It was a temporary pool in the equine arena. Building a 50m pool would be harder & take up more space.

Why couldn’t touch sensors be used, rather than use stopwatches to time the swim?!

Were the female winner’s Alphaflys really the best footwear choice for the run-shoot on raked gravel? (though in LA it’s obstacle running)

When athletes start at pre-determined intervals (cycling TT etc), why isn’t a start-gate wand used; as in alpine skiing, or a pressure plate, rather than ‘GO’?

Why don’t track & field athletes seem to care about aerodynamics?

A few things…

  1. The cardboard boxes that the athletes had to hold during the medal ceremony. I get that often they are given stuff to hold like flowers, stuffed animal mascot, etc., but…a cardboard box??? Totally ruined the aesthetic. Apparently it had a souvenir poster in it…wow…great job France.

  2. The lowercase letter “I” in the PARiS 2024 logo/emblem. I have searched to find any significance for it and have found none.

  3. The poor design of the approach to the finish area on what was arguably the greatest Olympic marathon course of all time.

But no!!! Idiots go on to keep jumping, so now one of them is guaranteed to be a loser, individually and for their country. I guess my poker instincts kicked in here, and was yelling at them to CHOP!!! I mean you dont get half a gold medal, you get the whole thing. And of course they are both tired and miss again and the bar now comes down, down down, and eventually the American loses…

From the winner of that contest, talking about not wanting to share:
“I knew Shelby was in the same mindset,” Kerr said afterwards. “We looked at each other and it was pretty simple. We both just nodded and off we went.”
more here

McEwen set a PB in the olympic final. Can’t ask for much more than that.
Obviously I think it was a great outcome :slight_smile:

Tried watching breaking because the children wanted to. All agreed it was very dull. Same with skateboarding.
Kayak Cross was a cool addition.
It’s a shame the omnium has been defanged so much, though Valente looked so dominant that it probably wouldn’t have mattered if they did it differently.
Rowing needs to chop a lot of races - F Finals??

Crusin’ for a bruisin’, all the way to LA.
Best bit of the closin’ ceremony.

A few things…

  1. The cardboard boxes that the athletes had to hold during the medal ceremony. I get that often they are given stuff to hold like flowers, stuffed animal mascot, etc., but…a cardboard box??? Totally ruined the aesthetic. Apparently it had a souvenir poster in it…wow…great job France.

  2. The lowercase letter “I” in the PARiS 2024 logo/emblem. I have searched to find any significance for it and have found none.

  3. The poor design of the approach to the finish area on what was arguably the greatest Olympic marathon course of all time.

The cardboard beds were started by Tokyo and Paris just continued it to achieve its sustainability goal for the games. I think (but not certain) the lower case i is to reflect the Eiffel Tower.

Opening ceremony sucked big time and what the f*ck was that break dancer from Australia?
Governments are dumb or their Olympic committees are dumb?
If you think those are normal, hats off to you.

In the women’s marathon swim the Dutch swimmer drafted the Australian swimmer for the entire race and then went around her at the end for the gold medal. Why would the Australian not sit up and force the Dutch swimmer to do some work?

In the windsurf competition they did about 20 preliminary races and the British sailor absolutely dominated. They then had a single gold medal race with the top 3 from the week - she came third and broke down crying at the finish.

Sifan Hassan - not weird but amazing. If they had a games MVP award she would get it.

Breaking is not a sport.
3x3 basketball is awful.
Mixed relays are really fun, but you should be able to decide your own order of genders.
(Flag football should not be included in LA28)

I tried watching the break dancing and it was just not entertaining (and I grew up at a time when break dancing was still considered cool).

Football is soccer in the rest of the world (except the USA) so what are they going to call Flag Football at the Olympics? Flag American Football? Flag (not officially) football?

No breaking in next Olympics

Breaking is not a sport.

I tried watching the break dancing and it was just not entertaining (and I grew up at a time when break dancing was still considered cool).

Break Dancing was never really cool - the music was cool, and if break dancing was the vehicle that moved it forward, THAT was the cool part

A friend of mine posted “if they can have breaking, why not roller derby?”