Some of my best friends are dictators

Moshe Schwartz on X: “SEE THIS: Secretary of State Antony Blinken reacts to President Biden off-the-cuff remark calling China’s Xi Jinping a dictator.” / X (

all that work, all that expense, all that effort to hand pick 4 reporters (1 of which he couldn’t remember her name though I’m sure her name and picture were on the cue card he was reading off) to ask canned questions before Dopey was supposed to find the stage exit and wander off, and he screws it all up by turning around and going off script

BIDEN: “Look, he is. He’s a dictator in the sense that he’s a guy who runs a country that is a communist country that’s based on a form of government totally different than ours,”

Did he get him confused with the other dictator in Asia? Or did he write him love letters?

So you don’t like that Biden called Xi a dictator? Why?

BIDEN: “Look, he is. He’s a dictator in the sense that he’s a guy who runs a country that is a communist country that’s based on a form of government totally different than ours,”

Did he get him confused with the other dictator in Asia? Or did he write him love letters?

So you don’t like that Biden called Xi a dictator? Why?

I’m sure it came as a complete shock to Xi that he is a dictator.

Oh, don’t worry, this will be coming soon, only it will be Biden and Xi.

As windy says endlessly (and tediously), amirite ??

This is the best you can do? Sad.

we were soooooo close. We got Dopey through the entire day without falling asleep. We got him all the way through the scripted press conference with only once almost disclosing more than he should about our negotiations in Israel.

He had turned and was shuffling somewhere in the general direction of an exit.

And then he paused and turned and took a question that was not pre-scripted…

competent, adults in the room restoring our status in the international community. Projecting strength and resolve.

my question is the same, is this the best you can do… Sad.

I am honestly confused about your point. You think Biden is weak when talking with dictators?

Is calling a dictator a dictator bad?

Did you want Biden to challenge him to a fight?

How do you think you project “strength” when talking with a dictator?

Agreed, Biden is no rock star. I wish we could do better.

But, gotta look on the bright side, at least he is not a f*cking insane sociopath like the current repub front runner.

I am honestly confused about your point. You think Biden is weak when talking with dictators?

I think the point is that it probably wasn’t Foggy Bottom’s game plan to tell the blatant truth, and Biden did.

But both sidesing this one (which i think is fair heading into an election year), I’d prefer bleating out the truth to telling bizarre fetish-fantasies about dictators.

And Biden’s filterless gaffes are a lifelong thing.

My favorite thing about Biden is that generally what he does/says doesnt make the headline news.

I have said this before, I am pretty much fine with the middle 50% of either GOP/Dem and I think we need both feet to walk. I was fine with Bush 1 (voted for him), clinton (didnt vote for him), bush 2s (voted for him both term), obama (voted for him first term), and Biden (voted for him). I would have been fine with Romney (voted for him), McCain, Gore, etc…

I am just not sure what tylers point is? Calling a dictator a dictator is weak? Its a gaffe / politically incorrect in a meeting?

Once again, Biden is far from perfect - similar to bush 1, 2, clinton, obama, etc. None of this actually matters to me.

Or how about a thread title “I had a meeting with a dictator today and was encouraged.”

Try reading the below account of the meeting and the follow on presser or try reading slowguy’s link on the White House readout of their meeting.

Your takeaway is extremely shallow.

“Miscalculations on either side can or can cause real, real trouble with a country like China or any other major country,” Biden said at a news conference after meeting with Xi. “He and I agreed that each one of us could pick up the phone call directly, would be heard immediately.” President Biden

“I think I know the man. I know his modus operandi. We have disagreements. He has a different view than I have on a lot of things,” Biden said. “But he’s been straight. I don’t mean good, bad or indifferent — just been straight.” President Biden

to your point about the friendliness shown. Seems Xi also felt the time was right not to get into too much public confrontation. And the war hawks still do exist in the republican circles

Some Republicans argue that Biden’s meeting with Xi has come at too high a price. While the president is seeking to show that he and his team can responsibly manage the China relationship, Republican hawks in Congress have criticized the administration as insufficiently tough on Beijing.

Nonetheless, with Biden grappling with conflicts in the Middle East and Europe and a reelection campaign at home, and Xi facing major economic challenges, both leaders stood to benefit “domestically and internationally” by showing they could hold a productive meeting, Da said.

“If they have a successful summit,” he said, “that will send out a constructive signal to the whole world.”

I am just not sure what tylers point is?

HIs approach is to take any gaffe and catastrophize it to sky-is-falling level.

Yes, it’s a gaffe if the U.S. approach is that engagement with China and working with an at-times brutal dictator as a peer is the most expedient approach. I get that. Is the sky falling? No, it’s not.

I’d prefer Buttiegieg, though. President Booty would be 100% on the Foggy Bottom game plan.

And Rs would rail against Biden if he refused to call him a dictator. Maybe the more politic response would have been to duck the question. His answer actually has some nuance to it. It is hardly some gaffe that defeats the purpose of the meeting.

MAGA: “I like Trump because he tells it like it is!”

Also MAGA: “he screws it all up by turning around and going off script”

And Rs would rail against Biden if he refused to call him a dictator. Maybe the more politic response would have been to duck the question. His answer actually has some nuance to it. It is hardly some gaffe that defeats the purpose of the meeting.

Exactly this.

MAGAts claim Biden is “owned” by China, but he tells it like it is (wasn’t that a selling point for TFG?) and somehow it’s a terrible thing.

The faux rage is amusing.

Biden tells the truth, Tyler and the GOP squeal in mock outrage. The leader of the GOP tells Xi that concentration camps are a good idea…silence.

Truth = Bad
Concentration camps = Good!

This is today’s GOP.

Not sure if anyone follows this Youtube channel but he provides great insight.

Sounds like the whole meeting was really to find out what is going on in China’s politics since no one can figure out Xi

…with only once almost disclosing more than he should about our negotiations in Israel.

As opposed to actually sharing highly sensitive Israeli intelligence with Russian diplomats without telling Israel?

It would seem that “unlikely to say dumb shit” should be a requirement to the most powerful office in the world.

I think Obama was the last person to occupy the Oval Office who could at least be counted upon to mostly avoid major blunders.

To be clear, do you want Biden to be soft on China?

Or are you upset that he wasn’t soft on China and now you can’t complain that he’s soft on China?

Help a brother out here.