<<SOLD>> Rear HED Jet+ 6 Black new - $330

<<updated title and post, front 4 is sold, rear 6 is still available>>

I bought this Jet+ Black wheel from the My Bike Shop going out of business sale. But I never ended up it, never even mounted a tire.

The rear is the prior gen look with matte finish and older stickers. Some stickers are applied, the rest are included, just how I received from MBS. I got this on the last day of the sale so I guess they didn’t have time to finish the job!

Looking for $330 + shipping (usually around $35 within CONUS).

Pics are in replies.

Rim or disk brake?

Rim brake

Here are some pics. However sale may be pending….

Still available? Any pics? There aren’t any showing up in the thread.

Looks like I’ll need a smaller pic to attached, Pm in the meantime and I can email pics.

Rear 6 has an interested party but is still available, front 4 is still available.

Bump for great deal on new wheels. I put deposit down on rear if no one wants the set. Both still available.


Front is gone, rear is still available (unless tmher changes his mind :wink: )

Bought :slight_smile:

Thanks Rob…