Sold. (248)

TTT. Again, I’d also be interested in working out a trade for a Computrainer.

Price dropped: $1300 for a Powertap SL+ and all accessories (including heat unit) built into a Hed Bastogne C2 rear wheel shipped to your door (so long as you’re in the continental US), $1500 shipped to you including a matching Hed front wheel. Let me know if anyone is interested and I can upload pictures of the computer, HR strap, computer cradle, sensors, and computer mounts.

Bump for price drop.

Bump for another price drop.

I have one too :

2009 zipp 404 powertap SL Ceramic bearings

PM sent.

Have you sold this yet? If not please contact me.

Still available…I will PM you.


I’m interested - what is the current price? Are these C2 rims? PM me.

Did you ever sell these?