I demo rode a TT (just a short 2 mi. loop) and experienced no bouncing about on the beam! Wow!
The “major” fear issue I had with the beam bike was the bounce I saw some triathletes have while riding it. Like bunnies hopping along in the field.
No bounce, and great handling (of course what do I have to compare it to?), so I will take one for a longer ride soon. The info I have gathered (i.e. Slowtwitch) so far is that it may be a good choice for IM and 1/2 IM events with regards to coming “fresh” off the bike.
** doesn’t want to loose his legs for the run on the bike**
The info I have gathered (i.e. Slowtwitch) so far is that it may be a good choice for IM and 1/2 IM events with regards to coming “fresh” off the bike.
** doesn’t want to loose his legs for the run on the bike**
I would tend to agree it’s a great choice for longer races. I always ran well off the bike with my Softride.
If your legs aren’t “loose” after 180 km. you’re in BIG trouble. As long as you’ve done your long rides in training and pace yourself during the race you shouldn’t lose your legs.
I demo rode a TT (just a short 2 mi. loop) and experienced no bouncing about on the beam! Wow!
The “major” fear issue I had with the beam bike was the bounce I saw some triathletes have while riding it. Like bunnies hopping along in the field.
No bounce, and great handling (of course what do I have to compare it to?), so I will take one for a longer ride soon. The info I have gathered (i.e. Slowtwitch) so far is that it may be a good choice for IM and 1/2 IM events with regards to coming “fresh” off the bike.
** doesn’t want to loose his legs for the run on the bike**
Let me know how it goes. I’m considering a Softride for my next tri bike. I believean eficient pedal stroke eliminates the bounce. Softride forces you to ride efficiently…so I heard.
I have 2 softrides and love them. I just got a TT7 size M/L . Unfortunately I need a L. If you want it $2000 for frame/beam/profile BDC fork and headset. let me know. 7 miles on the computrainer total. I thought about trying to get an extension but just ordered a new TT frame. get_faster@hotmail.com
I have a Rocket TT7 – great bike! At 90 to 110 rpm people tell me I do not bounce (I’ve asked). Perhaps the bike provides a bit more feedback than one with a rigid frame re: the apparent efficiency of your pedal stroke but your own attention to refining that pedal stroke is what dials it in. To really appreciate a Softride you need to spend some time on it. Sadly, test rides are often just around the block. If possible ride the same route – ideally a couple of hours worth – on a Softride and on your current bike for comparative purposes. Finally, make sure you can get a good fit on whichever bike you decide to buy.
I have a rocket tt and I have rigged up clamps from the roof of my garage with rubber hooks on the end–these are the kind used for strapping loads onto trucks and such. I got them at a local hardware store. That way I can work on them. My repair stand is useless on it. The hooks from the celing work fine.
I’ve had good luck just hooking the front of the saddle over the clamp mechanism. If the front wheel is on, the weight of the wheel dips the bike down so that the wheel is on the floor which helps to stabilize it.