Sodium and caffein intake during IM race

Hi ,
I am planing to use Maurten 320 reg /320 caffeinated /hydrogel 160 / hydrogel 100 caffeinated and Salt stick caffeinated caps for my long training days as well as my upcoming IM race,however I want to make sure I am not overdosing on both sodium and caffein .

for my weight (119 lbs) I am using 60-70 gr carbs/hour

any guidline for sodium and caffeine intake/hr ?

Par Ja

I think you’d need to do a sweat test to determine how much sodium you need or at a minimum try that amount and see you how you feel and then try other amounts and see how you feel in different conditions. Everyone is different.

As for the caffeine, that seems like a lot. I don’t think it is recommended that every product you take have caffeine in it - less effective at giving you a boost and increases the likelihood of digestive problems and other problems. But again, everyone is different.
