So tell me why Roth was so fast today?

So usually when you see so many fast times in a race, and not just the leaders, there is something fishy going on. So what do all the gamins say for the bike and run?? Both seemed unusually fast today, many crushing their PR’s in those two events. Swim seemed as usual, always fast because it is an easy course with wetsuits. Guy who won the swim is that fast, and dropping the lead group is in his wheelhouse if that is his goal…

I mean it is not a Florida or Arizona type flat course, and isnt there still a good amount of dirt on the run?? So tell me why just about everyone went faster than they ever have today?

Usually like 2k short, but hilly… German roads though well built and well maintained. Run is hard pack dirt to start. Amazing times would love to see all the numbers

So usually when you see so many fast times in a race, and not just the leaders, there is something fishy going on. So what do all the gamins say for the bike and run?? Both seemed unusually fast today, many crushing their PR’s in those two events. Swim seemed as usual, always fast because it is an easy course with wetsuits. Guy who won the swim is that fast, and dropping the lead group is in his wheelhouse if that is his goal…

I mean it is not a Florida or Arizona type flat course, and isnt there still a good amount of dirt on the run?? So tell me why just about everyone went faster than they ever have today?

This is the first time you haven’t been “the answer” :slight_smile:

This is the first time you haven’t been “the answer” :slight_smile: //

A burden I have had to live with my entire life…

So far we have maybe -2k on the bike, anything else we can add to that?

A-grade German pharmaceuticals.

This is the first time you haven’t been “the answer” :slight_smile: //

A burden I have had to live with my entire life…

So far we have maybe -2k on the bike, anything else we can add to that?

wetsuit swim for the pros ,perfect temps, little wind and only a bit rain for the pros at the end of the bike.

This is the first time you haven’t been “the answer” :slight_smile: //

A burden I have had to live with my entire life…

So far we have maybe -2k on the bike, anything else we can add to that?

It’s not that the course is short…As in, ROTH never goes out and says. We want this to be FAST, so we are going to make it a little short." It’s because the course is so closed. Riders can 100% ride and run the tangents. so while the course is the right distance if the racer is smart… They will make it short by riding and running that way.This is also due to the 2nd loop part of the bike course. They are left of the riders and by such on the tangents… The run also allows for all those STUPID "SPECIAL " shoes… They also have a running surface that just makes for those last 6-8 miles to go fast because…Well their legs are beat to death… Also… weather!!! Did you see it? It was like PERFECT TODAY!!!

ROTH will always be super fast :slight_smile: This year’s line up was super weak though. I was pretty surprised to see such a noncompetitive depth of field.

A-grade German pharmaceuticals.

Common now…I’m going to let you either A: Explain that better or B: delete this…

It’s not that the course is short…As in, ROTH never goes out and says. We want this to be FAST, //

Well not really accurate, but you are forgiven because you were not born yet…Roth was famous for short courses, I was there helping Jurgen one year and I hit a bunch of folks avocets after the ride, 6 to 8k short. And the run was also short in the old days too. They absolutely were trying to be the fastest course in the world back then, cheating to do so. I say that because there is no reason what so ever that the course cannot be accurate to within a couple yards, so big chunks of negative miles have to be assumed on purpose…

And that line up, yes some really big names in the 5th to 10th+ places breaking not only 8 hours, but 7;40’s…But yes there was good weather so B pros can get those 7;40 PR’s…

It’s not that the course is short…As in, ROTH never goes out and says. We want this to be FAST, //

Well not really accurate, but you are forgiven because you were not born yet…Roth was famous for short courses, I was there helping Jurgen one year and I hit a bunch of folks avocets after the ride, 6 to 8k short. And the run was also short in the old days too. They absolutely were trying to be the fastest course in the world back then, cheating to do so. I say that because there is no reason what so ever that the course cannot be accurate to within a couple yards, so big chunks of negative miles have to be assumed on purpose…

And that line up, yes some really big names in the 5th to 10th+ places breaking not only 8 hours, but 7;40’s…But yes there was good weather so B pros can get those 7;40 PR’s…

Leave it up to you, to ask a question and then find some odd reason to argue with the answer Your reply’s are just like you. Living in the past and not in the present :slight_smile:

This is the first time you haven’t been “the answer” :slight_smile: //
A burden I have had to live with my entire life…
So far we have maybe -2k on the bike, anything else we can add to that?It’s not that the course is short…As in, ROTH never goes out and says. We want this to be FAST, so we are going to make it a little short." It’s because the course is so closed. Riders can 100% ride and run the tangents. so while the course is the right distance if the racer is smart… They will make it short by riding and running that way.This is also due to the 2nd loop part of the bike course. They are left of the riders and by such on the tangents… The run also allows for all those STUPID "SPECIAL " shoes… They also have a running surface that just makes for those last 6-8 miles to go fast because…Well their legs are beat to death… Also… weather!!! Did you see it? It was like PERFECT TODAY!!!

ROTH will always be super fast :)Some Strava stalking is needed to see what the actual distances were and if the ‘tangents’ to which you refer made any significant difference. There was some Belinda/Seb chat along those lines wrt the run along the canal bank. Geometry suggests a maximum gain of 10m per run lap by running on the ‘inside’ of a very long gentle curve.
The commentators also asserted that an extra 2km had been added in this year to make the bike course up to 180km.
Suggest no “stupid special” shoes made any difference to running speeds. Seb stated that the shoes Lange was going to run in were “IAAF” legal, fwiw.
Didn’t see much moto help on the coverage.
. . . hilly… German roads . . . Run is hard pack dirt to start.
wetsuit swim, perfect temps, little wind and only a bit rain for the pros at the end of the bike.
All above (NB 1500m of climb but punchy with great gentle descents), plus motivated athletes.
Ditlev swam same time as in 2023, rode same speed and ran 3 minutes faster than last year.
Haug (cf 2023) swam 85 seconds faster.
Then she rode 11 minutes faster (NB last year gapped so much by Ryf so 2023 ride motivation questionable) and then ran an astonishing 2:38 - a 6 minute PB, off a full-on bike.
Philipp swam the same, rode 7 minutes faster and ran 7 minutes faster, than last year.

Bike course was pretty legit according to Belinda on The Triathlon Hour. There was a new section that lengthened it to close to 180. Run was a bit short according to her.

for the swim, all I remember is during a training swim (my wife was doing the race), i set my 2km PR in that channel - out and back no current assist. I can only thing the channel design for boats, something to do similar to lane lines in a pool?

Bike course was pretty legit according to Belinda on The Triathlon Hour. There was a new section that lengthened it to close to 180. Run was a bit short according to her.Uploading the Challenge Roth supplied .gpx gives 179km: good enough for government work!
That compares with last year’s 178.1km -
Last year Roth advertised the distances of the bike and run, sharing .gpx files and the marathon was only 700m short:

I read that they made the course longer this year too.

My guesses:

Air pressure, humidity, temperature, wind conditions were good for a fast bike?

More crowds on the bike than you ever see elsewhere. People cheering just make you go faster. Same goes for the run.

Roads are really nice and closed. Super smooth pavement is like riding with a sailboat.

Packed 2nd loop creates a draft effect everyone benefits from.

Race ranger allowed optimum dialing in of the draft zone.

They said the bike course elevation went up from 1200m to 1500m.

A lot of people wore those thermal headbands even tbough the temperature was 19deg max. Kienle said that research into record breaker events like sub2 showed that optimal temperature is closer to 12 degrees.

A-grade German pharmaceuticals.

Simple thoughts from simple minds

A-grade German pharmaceuticals.

Simple thoughts from simple minds

No kidding. Everyone knows Ozempic is made by a Danish company.

Race weight optimized!

I read that they made the course longer this year too.
My guesses:
Air pressure, humidity, temperature, wind conditions were good for a fast bike?
Packed 2nd loop creates a draft effect everyone benefits from.

Race ranger allowed optimum dialing in of the draft zone.
Bike course ~900m longer.
Air pressure was quite high: 1016 hPa (the lower the better ‘for a fast bike’).
Humidity <80% in <18C. Minimal effect but great temperature to run in.
Close to no wind (<4kmph)
Wrt Race Ranger use, not one of the fastest athletes rode with anyone else, so zero draft or beneficial effect.
Lactic Turkey: “They said the bike course elevation went up from 1200m to 1500m.”
The .gpx files I shared above suggest a difference of about 15m (1391m in 2023 > 1404m in 2024). Bear in mind various climb estimates measure differently but these two figures are from the same RwGPS algorithm which in my experience reads >5% low, depending on nature of terrain.

This year’s line up was super weak though. I was pretty surprised to see such a noncompetitive depth of field.

It’s crazy to think that in merely 2018, Jesse Thomas was 3rd in 7:54 and that was considered an amazing result

How many people broke 7:54 today?

I know 2018 was before you were born, so I’ll forgive you …