So I just bought a lifetime supply of checks

I found myself in my last 25 check bundle, and thought what the heck might as well order more. I’m pretty sure the last time I ordered checks was from a print ad in newspaper.

I ordered from Walmart of all places after a quick google search. Order quantities started at 120, I went with 240. There was a process fee, so that justifies the over-order. #lifetimesupply

Just thought I’d throw that out there. Does anyone write a lot of checks? WA DOL still prefers payment by check, so I need to have them around.

I found myself in my last 25 check bundle, and thought what the heck might as well order more. I’m pretty sure the last time I ordered checks was from a print ad in newspaper.

I ordered from Walmart of all places after a quick google search. Order quantities started at 120, I went with 240. There was a process fee, so that justifies the over-order. #lifetimesupply

Just thought I’d throw that out there. Does anyone write a lot of checks? WA DOL still prefers payment by check, so I need to have them around.

If I had 25 checks, I might already have a lifetime supply.

My sweet 87 yo mother still gives her 3 sons a cheque$ for Christmas along with a sweater and pair of socks …hehe! . It’s the only time i ever see a cheque . Kind of miss the good old days …

SInce the turn of the millenium I have written zero cheques (US: checks) and have received 2. One of the 2 was in the past year or so and it was a real WTF? Why?

Cheques were inconvenient, unsecure and cost the banking system a huge amount of time and money to settle compared to modern systems. Other than nostalgia, what is the motivation?

I don’t know that UK banks even still offer cheques.

I am pretty certain I’ve not written one since at least 2010, maybe earlier.

Why would you ever need a cheque when bank transfers can be done instantly if paying a trade or someone else who’d have received it

I’ve written a couple in the past year to charitable organizations.

We write maybe 2-3 a year. Great timing on this post too. Yesterday we had to send a check to my MIL and realized it was the last one in the book. Time to order my lifetime supply!

Why do you have to send her a cheque. Does she not have a bank account? I can’t think why it would ever be necessary

I found myself in my last 25 check bundle, and thought what the heck might as well order more. I’m pretty sure the last time I ordered checks was from a print ad in newspaper.

I ordered from Walmart of all places after a quick google search. Order quantities started at 120, I went with 240. There was a process fee, so that justifies the over-order. #lifetimesupply

Just thought I’d throw that out there. Does anyone write a lot of checks? WA DOL still prefers payment by check, so I need to have them around.

If I had 25 checks, I might already have a lifetime supply.

This. The only checks I write are to pay my property taxes. Last fall I noticed that my state/county now allows bank draft without an additional fee (they have previously allowed credit card payment with a fee to cover the credit card charge to them). So, this spring I might give that a try and be out of the check writing business for good.

Why do you have to send her a cheque. Does she not have a bank account? I can’t think why it would ever be necessary

Cannot teach an old dog new tricks. A while back we tried to do an electronic transfer to her, she wasn’t willing to try it. To her if it’s not physical, it’s not real. And yes, her social security and pension are electronically deposited, but at 75 there is no changing her ways.

Cleaning lady gets a cheque. A number of other things. I write about 50 a year for my business and maybe 50 personal cheques a year. About 25 of those are to charities I think,

We have a dwindling supply, and for a while thought we might run out, but then wife showed me another box, so yeah we have a lifetime supply bought it probably in the mid 90’s.

Yes, now kids out of house, not as often, Wedding gifts is one use. Bought a kind of custom sump pump (don’t ask) for $700 and it was cash or check from a very small business.

Maybe 4 all of last year. Trying to recall what, but I do recall seeing a few in the statements… Maybe our city taxes. (I think they charge 5% for cc use) seem to recall wife talking off at city hall.

It seems to still be the preferred method of payment by some tradesmen.

It seems people in my line of work still like paper checks, as well.

You think you have a lifetime supply. But then your bank will be sold and you will be ordering more.

Why do you have to send her a cheque. Does she not have a bank account? I can’t think why it would ever be necessary

Cannot teach an old dog new tricks. A while back we tried to do an electronic transfer to her, she wasn’t willing to try it. To her if it’s not physical, it’s not real. And yes, her social security and pension are electronically deposited, but at 75 there is no changing her ways…

Plus, does she go into the bank to deposit it? Might that also be a chance for her to talk to people? I have an elderly neighbor who goes to the bank and the post office as part of his social rounds.

I found myself in my last 25 check bundle, and thought what the heck might as well order more. I’m pretty sure the last time I ordered checks was from a print ad in newspaper.

I ordered from Walmart of all places after a quick google search. Order quantities started at 120, I went with 240. There was a process fee, so that justifies the over-order. #lifetimesupply

Just thought I’d throw that out there. Does anyone write a lot of checks? WA DOL still prefers payment by check, so I need to have them around.

I have one supplier who wants a cheque, otherwise I would even have any. If you want me to pay you by cheque you should go back to 2001 Gramps. We live in a digital world. Get used to it.

I found myself in my last 25 check bundle, and thought what the heck might as well order more. I’m pretty sure the last time I ordered checks was from a print ad in newspaper.

I ordered from Walmart of all places after a quick google search. Order quantities started at 120, I went with 240. There was a process fee, so that justifies the over-order. #lifetimesupply

Just thought I’d throw that out there. Does anyone write a lot of checks? WA DOL still prefers payment by check, so I need to have them around.

I have one supplier who wants a cheque, otherwise I would even have any. If you want me to pay you by cheque you should go back to 2001 Gramps. We live in a digital world. Get used to it.

Suggest MAID to him, he obviously needs it.

Why would you ever need a cheque when bank transfers can be done instantly if paying a trade or someone else who’d have received it

I write a check for my rent every month. If I pay online there’s a 2.5% extra charge for processing or something. I’ll pay housesitters checks when I don’t have cash, and often Other Forum Type Races will take check or cash for day-of signup. I pay many bills with checks too (though some I should pay online if there’s no processing fee for using a card online).

I still use checks! If someone is going to charge me to complete a transaction online, they get a check. We have several that go directly from the bank, but I pay school fees (athletic, booster, donations, lunch account, etc), taxes, HOA fees, etc, by check.

Until “convenience fees” go away, I will use checks.

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