So a got a puppy, how much will my training suffer?

Mini American Shepherd, 12 weeks. Only been a week, haven’t run all week…but didn’t run the week before either. He’s a good boy though!

Mini American Shepherd, 12 weeks. Only been a week, haven’t run all week…but didn’t run the week before either. He’s a good boy though!

Came here for the puppy pics. Severely disappointed. :frowning:

We got this little guy 6 weeks ago after we lost one due to cancer


Get into a schedule ASAP so you can dial in when you have time, and identify how much time you have. Plan workouts around that but enjoy the puppy phase as it doesn’t last long.

Could be a little, could be a lot. What do you want your puppy to be when they grow up?

When I got my pandemic puppy, a Shollie, (GSD & Border collie mix) she was all go go go or all sleep sleep sleep. Unfortunately for me her schedule was horrible. I didn’t sleep longer than 3.5h for 6 weeks and my average length of sleep during that time was just under 3h. I took one 4h nap when the then GF now wife came over to puppy sit one day…it was AWESOME

I was so exhausted during that 6 weeks. Yet, she is an excellent dog and I wouldn’t trade more sleep for less excellence. She would want to go out at 2am then play ball so we’d do some training and work the ball play in as a reward. We did on average 20 training sessions per day, some as short as 3 -4 commands, some as long as 60-75min. She mastered Zach George’s 30d perfect puppy plan in 10d. She mastered Susan Garnett’s Crate games Dvd in a 3h stretch of training on afternoon. I looked up a bunch of stuff on youtube as well, sympawtico and mcCann’s were two I remember and we did a bunch of stuff from those.

She’s such a great dog though. Is an excellent communicator, can walk off leash, knows about 30 different commands. Then we got a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. He does not know 30 commands, he is not an excellent communicator, pretty good, but not great although he is super snuggly. We had one night where we didn’t sleep normally, he just follows the lead of the other dog. He’s pretty good with basic commands but he’s not going to go get his ball or step into his harness on command and he’s not going to go get his favorite ball when you throw just a ball and bring that back to you.

My only gripe with the Shollie is she not really a dog who cares about socializing with lots of other dogs. There are about 3 or 4 other puppies in the hood who were adopted at the same time and they love to see each other/play with each other. They used to come over and play for hours. The rest of the dogs in the hood she’s fine with but could take or leave.

It’s going to really come down to what you want the dog to be, how much time you have, how much short term pain you are willing to accept in the form of less training for long term winning best trained dog in the hood award from the neighbors, again.

I do miss that puppy stage of having her fall asleep in my arms in the evening while I watched something.

Have fun! it’s such a great stage of a dog’s life. You have a moldable loveable creature in your hands!

Mini American Shepherd, 12 weeks. Only been a week, haven’t run all week…but didn’t run the week before either. He’s a good boy though!

Came here for the puppy pics. Severely disappointed. :frowning:


Could be a little, could be a lot. What do you want your puppy to be when they grow up?

When I got my pandemic puppy, a Shollie, (GSD & Border collie mix) she was all go go go or all sleep sleep sleep. Unfortunately for me her schedule was horrible. I didn’t sleep longer than 3.5h for 6 weeks and my average length of sleep during that time was just under 3h. I took one 4h nap when the then GF now wife came over to puppy sit one day…it was AWESOME

I was so exhausted during that 6 weeks. Yet, she is an excellent dog and I wouldn’t trade more sleep for less excellence. She would want to go out at 2am then play ball so we’d do some training and work the ball play in as a reward. We did on average 20 training sessions per day, some as short as 3 -4 commands, some as long as 60-75min. She mastered Zach George’s 30d perfect puppy plan in 10d. She mastered Susan Garnett’s Crate games Dvd in a 3h stretch of training on afternoon. I looked up a bunch of stuff on youtube as well, sympawtico and mcCann’s were two I remember and we did a bunch of stuff from those.

She’s such a great dog though. Is an excellent communicator, can walk off leash, knows about 30 different commands. Then we got a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. He does not know 30 commands, he is not an excellent communicator, pretty good, but not great although he is super snuggly. We had one night where we didn’t sleep normally, he just follows the lead of the other dog. He’s pretty good with basic commands but he’s not going to go get his ball or step into his harness on command and he’s not going to go get his favorite ball when you throw just a ball and bring that back to you.

My only gripe with the Shollie is she not really a dog who cares about socializing with lots of other dogs. There are about 3 or 4 other puppies in the hood who were adopted at the same time and they love to see each other/play with each other. They used to come over and play for hours. The rest of the dogs in the hood she’s fine with but could take or leave.

It’s going to really come down to what you want the dog to be, how much time you have, how much short term pain you are willing to accept in the form of less training for long term winning best trained dog in the hood award from the neighbors, again.

I do miss that puppy stage of having her fall asleep in my arms in the evening while I watched something.

Have fun! it’s such a great stage of a dog’s life. You have a moldable loveable creature in your hands!

I want a dog that can have a lot of fun. Generally don’t want him to only be a house dog but to be able to go running with us. Walk off leash when we’re hiking etc. He apparently already loves water, so swimming. I guess you can get influenced on pets like you can on bikes. What inspired us for an American Shepherd was Haley Chura and then Lisa Norden each having one. Both take their dogs out running with them a bunch.

It shouldn’t suffer significantly if you plan accordingly. Obviously, the first few weeks and/or months are the hardest. I have always lived with dogs, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. They are amazing creatures. Mind you, my dogs don’t know 30 commands, but they are house trained, can run with me, and come back to me when I ask them.

Brought home an 8 week old puppy 13 months ago. Sleep suffered significantly the first 10 days, but then he started making it almost all the way through the night. Crate training was invaluable. He’s a boxer, so either super on and bouncing around the room or fast asleep. The biggest challenge has been keeping up with HIS training as my training / life demands increase. He’s finally old enough / strong enough to go on easy, short runs with me!

Sometimes I miss the lil puppy stage…and then I remember how many times I told myself “never again” last year. Similar to Ironman…

Mini American Shepherd, 12 weeks. Only been a week, haven’t run all week…but didn’t run the week before either. He’s a good boy though!

You could get a jogging stroller and put the puppy in it.

Always make sure your training rides end at brunch. If the puppy(and person related to you by marriage) beat you to brunch, you pay the check

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Mini American Shepherd, 12 weeks. Only been a week, haven’t run all week…but didn’t run the week before either. He’s a good boy though!

Please tell me you called him Moritz! If things go wrong you can blame Moritz Events :wink:

It won’t suffer but you can add about 20 miles of walking to your weekly totals! Enjoy.

When we got our second dog, another GSD who was 12 weeks old, nothing changed training wise. Some slightly more interrupted sleep for a couple of weeks but I’d take that in a heartbeat over another human child, ha.

Came here for the puppy pics. Severely disappointed. :frowning:

That pup just looks like a handful. In the best way possible. Congrats and enjoy. My pup is still super active at 6 y/o, but I imagine that we don’t have many more years of running together :frowning: Enjoy them while you have them!

Mini American Shepherd, 12 weeks. Only been a week, haven’t run all week…but didn’t run the week before either. He’s a good boy though!

Training vs. Dog? Wish I could help with that. Haven’t done much of either for a while. Thankfully my GF has a dog. I get on the floor and play with the dog. It makes my day.

Everything you need to know in life, you can learn from a dog.

  1. Wag more
  2. Bark less
  3. Live in the moment
  4. Take lots of naps
  5. Be forgiving
  6. Don’t be afraid to beg for what you really want
  7. There’s nothing that a big sloppy wet kiss won’t fix