Snopes is right again!

Nutella will be thrilled. I know how much he likes to cite Snopes, until they say he’s wrong and then he runs away like a little bitch instead of admitting it.

Left wing fact checker admits Trump never called Charlottesville neo-Nazis ‘very fine people’ in blow to Biden (

amazing how these things always get cleared up well after the fact

russia hoax
good people
dictator on day 1
Milwaukee horrible
etc etc

geetee mocked me for coming on the day after the red wave didn’t happen and admitting I was totally wrong.

interesting to see anyone who got mileage out of this do the same…

Just to save the rest of you the trouble, the link is to a Fox News story, and does acknowledge that Trump said “‘very fine people on both sides”.

Just to save the rest of you the trouble, the link is to a Fox News story, and does acknowledge that Trump said “‘very fine people on both sides”.

To the surprise of nobody Tyler’s Fox story leaves out some key points, like the part where Snopes calls out the trolls misrepresenting what they wrote

Editors’ Note: Some readers have raised the objection that this fact check appears to assume Trump was correct in stating that there were “very fine people on both sides” of the Charlottesville incident. That is not the case. This fact check aimed to confirm what Trump actually said, not whether what he said was true or false. For the record, **virtually every source that covered the Unite the Right debacle concluded that it was conceived of, led by and attended by white supremacists, and that therefore Trump was wrong. **

Snopes also included the transcript of Trump’s rant where he gives a very specific example of who he thinks are “Fine People” are, the Nazis who marched on Friday night.

There were people in that rally — and **I looked the night before **— if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee"

The people who Trump gave as an example of “Fine People” are the Nazis, that marched with torches, chanting “Jews will not replace us!”. These same Neo-Nazis who attacked peaceful local College students when they arrived at the statue of the traitor.


Nutella will be thrilled. I know how much he likes to cite Snopes, until they say he’s wrong and then he runs away like a little bitch instead of admitting it.

Left wing fact checker admits Trump never called Charlottesville neo-Nazis ‘very fine people’ in blow to Biden (

amazing how these things always get cleared up well after the fact

russia hoax
good people
dictator on day 1
Milwaukee horrible
etc etc

geetee mocked me for coming on the day after the red wave didn’t happen and admitting I was totally wrong.

interesting to see anyone who got mileage out of this do the same…

This is the kind of post I would expect from SDG, Tyler, you use to be better than this… SO

Your link does impact show that convicted felon honest Don said about the neo-Nazis “very fine people” I mean if you disagree, explain when he said very fine people on both sides, how that does not mean the neo-nazis or some of them are very fine people?

So…you’re not from some “shithole” country.
Trump must have said it about a different country.

You really have it bad.

Just to save the rest of you the trouble, the link is to a Fox News story, and does acknowledge that Trump said “‘very fine people on both sides”.

oh my god Fox news reported on something that SNOPES SAID. It must be fake news.

thanks for confirming you’re incapable of admitting you are wrong

poor poor bigfoot isn’t even capable of being original when he’s being an idiot

If Trump said there are “very fine” people on both sides, he didn’t necessarily say that all people on both sides were fine. He could have implied that there were very fine people who support monuments along other less fine neo-nazis. So his statement doesn’t equate to him saying neo-nazis are fine people.

If Trump said there are “very fine” people on both sides, he didn’t necessarily say that all people on both sides were fine. He could have implied that there were very fine people who support monuments along other less fine neo-nazis. So his statement doesn’t equate to him saying neo-nazis are fine people.

Trump said the people who marched on the Friday night were examples of “fine people”. He gave the Friday night example a few times. Friday night was when Nazis marched with touches chanting “Jews will not replace us!” and violently assaulted peaceful local students.

Snopes is very clear that Trump was wrong, there were not “Fine people” on both sides.

“For the record, virtually every source that covered the Unite the Right debacle concluded that it was conceived of, led by and attended by white supremacists, and that therefore Trump was wrong”

If Trump said there are “very fine” people on both sides, he didn’t necessarily say that all people on both sides were fine. He could have implied that there were very fine people who support monuments along other less fine neo-nazis. So his statement doesn’t equate to him saying neo-nazis are fine people.

The title of the article says "
Trump never called Charlottesville neo-Nazis ‘very fine people’

Snopes says and everyone agree’s he said there are very fine people on both sides, assuming the 2 sides are Neo-nazis and everyone else, Then yes he said some neo-nazis are very fine people.

So now we can debate what the 2 sides are, but since it was a protest arranged by the neo-Nazis I will stick with one side is Neo-nazis and so saying there are very fine people on both, does in fact say there are fine no wait sorry, very fine neo-nazis.

To your point in bold, I have never heard any one accuse him or say that he ever said, all neo-nazis are fine people. Simply that some of them are.

Just to save the rest of you the trouble, the link is to a Fox News story, and does acknowledge that Trump said “‘very fine people on both sides”.

I shouldn’t really be in this thread…because…well, Tylertry…

…But I’ve seen the video multiple times!!! I know what Covfefe said!!!

(Somebody will post the video, right?)

(Is it just me, or does Tylertry get schooled/failed in EVERYTHING he posts? Shouldn’t even the dumbest person learn from that? Is there a square-root of “dumb”?)

If Trump said there are “very fine” people on both sides, he didn’t necessarily say that all people on both sides were fine. He could have implied that there were very fine people who support monuments along other less fine neo-nazis. So his statement doesn’t equate to him saying neo-nazis are fine people.

The title of the article says "
Trump never called Charlottesville neo-Nazis ‘very fine people’

Snopes says and everyone agree’s he said there are very fine people on both sides, assuming the 2 sides are Neo-nazis and everyone else, Then yes he said some neo-nazis are very fine people.

So now we can debate what the 2 sides are, but since it was a protest arranged by the neo-Nazis I will stick with one side is Neo-nazis and so saying there are very fine people on both, does in fact say there are fine no wait sorry, very fine neo-nazis.

To your point in bold, I have never heard any one accuse him or say that he ever said, all neo-nazis are fine people. Simply that some of them are.

Ah!! I see more clearly what the Trumpbots are trying to do here. (Thank you DavHamn for your excellent post.)

“Trump didn’t say this or that verbatem…” etc etc, but the video shows what he DID say/imply, and Thinking People should be rightfully outraged by it, and they were/are.

(Is it just me, or does Tylertry get schooled/failed in EVERYTHING he posts? Shouldn’t even the dumbest person learn from that? Is there a square-root of “dumb”?)

I’m here to help:

Don’t forget, Tittykins loves to be abused.

(Is it just me, or does Tylertry get schooled/failed in EVERYTHING he posts? Shouldn’t even the dumbest person learn from that? Is there a square-root of “dumb”?)

I’m here to help:

Don’t forget, Tittykins loves to be abused.


This one really gets on my tits because, as usual, there is the video!!!

And the Trumpkins have merely reminded people like me ( who think) that:

a) This outrageous thing happened, and;
b) Even though Trump is pathetic in this video from a few years ago, it actually pales in comparison to now!!! Trump has declined dramatically, and he started from a very low point.

(Is it just me, or does Tylertry get schooled/failed in EVERYTHING he posts? Shouldn’t even the dumbest person learn from that? Is there a square-root of “dumb”?)

I think he must like it when things go wrong: