Smart trainer on balcony

Is it ok if i would have elite direto xr trainer on balcony and bike asembled on it.
Balcony is closed but it gets preaty humid during winter time. It has the roof so rain will not afect it.
I am woried about rusty an so. But it is the inly place where can i have bime and trainer asembled in winter. I could have it in libing room but would need every time pack and unpack.

Will it be exposed to external conditions?

I also had one under a roof/cover, to an extent. Still outside. I had a cover over the bike/trainer etc.

Know yourself would be my suggestion. The hassle of me not being able to jump on, and have to faff around for like 4 minutes every time killed it.

Ended up selling it in covid for more than I paid, and only now - different location, have got a full setup indoors where I can just jump on.

But i just want ti know in terms of damage of rust and so.
It will be covered with cloth but as i said, in winter time it is humid.
How will electronics and other vital parts behave?