Slowtwitch Podcast - is anyone listening?

Have tried a couple but struggling to see the point. Latest is billed as Kona hype but actually a promo for the age group team and a lengthy, tedious rant about delivery companies. Seems to be lacking direction……

Was excited about it and gave it a few listens, but I don’t know, it just somehow seems to vanilla, or something… can’t put my finger on it. Weird.

More listeners each week.

Take your feedback under advisement, though.

More listeners each week.

Take your feedback under advisement, though.

If it’s growing, I suspect you are reaching and audience other than your traditional ST forum member.

I think that was a goal. If so, that’s good news for you guys.

Yeah, I mean, we know we’re not going to be all things to all people. But trying to use the podcast as a way to maybe check out the forum, or the front page, or some additional thing that we’ve got going.

We obviously love for some of our long-time forum members to listen, too – but I also suspect those are the episodes that feature guests instead of weeks where it’s “just” Eric and myself.

Yeah, I mean, we know we’re not going to be all things to all people. But trying to use the podcast as a way to maybe check out the forum, or the front page, or some additional thing that we’ve got going.

We obviously love for some of our long-time forum members to listen, too – but I also suspect those are the episodes that feature guests instead of weeks where it’s “just” Eric and myself.

I think I fall in that category of long time forum member that it is less suited to, which is fine. One lost, 5 gained is a positive thing overall.

I’ve subscribed, and have listened to a few. It takes podcasts a while to find their legs sometimes.

Yeah, I mean, we know we’re not going to be all things to all people. But trying to use the podcast as a way to maybe check out the forum, or the front page, or some additional thing that we’ve got going.

We obviously love for some of our long-time forum members to listen, too – but I also suspect those are the episodes that feature guests instead of weeks where it’s “just” Eric and myself.

I fell into a gap for a little while but I’ve bridged up and just have this week’s to listen to. I will confess that I’ve gone to the front page more than once after being prompted by something you or Eric said

I just noticed that the running podcast that I’ve listened to longest & most consistently over the years (Ten Junk Miles) is filed on Spotify under “Comedy” … if that tells you something

Have tried a couple but struggling to see the point. Latest is billed as Kona hype but actually a promo for the age group team and a lengthy, tedious rant about delivery companies. Seems to be lacking direction……

i had the same issue - went to listen to it today during a long trainer ride, but it was like the conversation never really got going. i also think sometimes there’s a real “industry” focus, which isn’t really my thing.

Listening to it right now.

Helps me manage - love it.

The topic?
Yes people’s brains have melted.

$2000 for a foldable smart phone? I’ll have two!
$80 for a half marathon!!! Are you crazy???

Have tried a couple but struggling to see the point. Latest is billed as Kona hype but actually a promo for the age group team and a lengthy, tedious rant about delivery companies. Seems to be lacking direction……
Agreed. I have tried several times and I just can’t put my finger on it but I don’t get very far into the podcast before stopping it and moving to something else.

Have tried a couple but struggling to see the point. Latest is billed as Kona hype but actually a promo for the age group team and a lengthy, tedious rant about delivery companies. Seems to be lacking direction……
Agreed. I have tried several times and I just can’t put my finger on it but I don’t get very far into the podcast before stopping it and moving to something else.

Same ^^

Sometimes people should realize all can not do a podcast. Try new things but stick to one’s strengths.

Try new things but stick to one’s strengths.

But it’s really important to properly assess one strengths.
Doubly important when you are trying to transform yourself.
You may know where you want to go but if you don’t understand where you are, you can make some pretty brutal errors along the way.

What would you like to see us talk about?

Genuinely curious.

Perhaps more helpful would be to give a clearer idea of what you were looking to add to the Slowtwitch universe by starting a podcast.

There are plenty of content ideas being updated on your front page all the time and the forum provides plenty more, ranging from the genuinely interesting to the bizarre. I don’t think that is the problem. It is the rather bland and directionless way that some of the podcasts are presented. Without a guest there is just a feeling of doing it for the sake of it. Not sure there is a need for a “triathlon cocktail hour” as you have described it, I suspect a lot listen to podcasts while training rather than with a drink in an evening.

i had the same issue - went to listen to it today during a long trainer ride, but it was like the conversation never really got going. i also think sometimes there’s a real “industry” focus, which isn’t really my thing.

It’s true - when industry hacks get together there can often be a bit too much “Inside baseball” kind of talk, that may appeal only to a limited group of listeners.

But then again - it really comes down to what is the Podcast, and the Podcaster(s) trying to achieve?

Have tried a couple but struggling to see the point. Latest is billed as Kona hype but actually a promo for the age group team and a lengthy, tedious rant about delivery companies. Seems to be lacking direction……

I listen to most of them, except for the interview ones, I can’t get through those… I listened to the one with that guy who was really into himself but that’s about it. Actually I listened to the Felix one too, that one was good.

Anyway, I generally like EW and RH on the pod, but it almost seems like they’re doing it because they feel like they have to. I want to be careful because I don’t want to come across as shitting on it, because I’m sure it takes a lot of effort, and it doesn’t just get good overnight, it takes a while. The WC-focused ones have not had a ton of substance about the race itself, almost like they just set a time to zoom, hit record, and whatever is discussed gets published. There didn’t seem to be any preparation or semblance of a run sheet they’re trying to follow (on any of them).

If this was a pod focused on race expos, this pod would deliver on its promise often. I don’t think there’s a podcast devoted to discussing race expos, so maybe that’s the real opportunity because it is discussed often!

I think it’s fair to say our latest episode was more stream of consciousness than we’d have liked it to be, between scheduling crunch, trying to fit in a topic that we were going to do the week before but didn’t get an episode done due to schedule, and life.

Still curious what people would like us to talk about, if they have a specific thing in mind. We have an idea of what we like it to be – but we’re happy to take suggestions on either guests, topics, etc.

Agreed. I have tried several times and I just can’t put my finger on it but I don’t get very far into the podcast before stopping it and moving to something else.

I agree with this previous poster (and others who agreed). I don’t think that the topics are the primary driver of my lack of enthusiasm, but rather that you and Eric just don’t seem to project the chemistry / enthusiasm / insightful back-and-forth that is engaging (for me). I’m not criticizing either of you and I appreciate the effort that must be involved. Still, the ‘banter’, to me, comes across as flat or meandering or forced. Frankly, I’d be surprised if either of you said that recording the podcast was something you enjoy / look forward to. The ‘obligation’ to record an episode that I think your feel reflects negatively on the way the podcast sounds (to me, again). Beyond the ‘chemistry’ and ‘enthusiasm’ issues, you guys seem to step on each other’s words too much (for me) and sometimes the conversation seems to wander just to fill the time / unfocused. Just my dos pesos offered in the context of helpful criticism because I really want the podcast to be great!

You need a producer… they’ll figure all of that out for you.

Or you just keep just pressing record and see what flows. Both will appeal to certain people.