Slowtwitch-Goodlife RAAM.... No front-page, no forum

Just saw that there is a 4 person RAAM (Ride Across America) team named Slowtwitch- Goodlife Racing, yet no front page article, no forum post, no update, nothing.

Did I miss something?

Is it a triathlon? :wink:

Would love to see more of the Goodlife stuff on the front page.

I believe pro triathlete, and Ultraman World Champion, Dede Griesbauer is on that team, so we can make it triathlon related.

According to the RAAM Tracker, they stopped at La Veta, CO and have not progressed any further. I have a friend on Team Lithko and I know that they passed them last night.

Per Dede’s insta stories.

They are through Trinidad, CO.
One of their riders quit.

So, they are a 3 person team dealing with some sickness…based on emoji’s GI related.

Oh, that’s too bad. RAAM is an amazing race! So physically, mentally and emotionally grueling. I hope everything is good for them from here on out.

These two guys are crushing their 2 person relay record attempt:

Met one of them a couple of weeks ago on a wove customer ride - super strong cyclist!

This site is a joke

(How tf do you do pink from mobile?)

Eric is in the van – working on content associated with it.

Loved today’s front page update. RAAM is so insanely intense.

For those looking for it:

is Lon Holdeman still winning
