Slowtwitch front page, the Short Chute

Was quite surprised when I saw the name of your new ‘news’ series. Did you check with SLT (now Supertri) before using the same name as their podcast (and short chute feature in their races)? They may not have trademarked that one I guess, but still a bit cheeky I guess. Ironic that the first topic is about Supertri too.

Ironic or cunning like a fox…(-;

When I first saw the headline, I assumed that was just the article title, since it was (partly) about SLT.

When I first saw the headline, I assumed that was just the article title, since it was (partly) about SLT.

I thought it would have a link to a new Supertri Short Chute podcast, where they explain the change of name/strategy/etc :slight_smile:

It was a very cheeky titling given that the first two stories were about SLT/SuperTri. That and running on absolute fumes on Monday and had no other decent ideas.

It might change. It might not. It’d especially not change if SuperTri were to, you know, partner with us for it (and no, that would still not mean they’d dictate what the editorial is, ya’ll should know what our policy is with partners by now).

anyway i guess i would look more often at the front page if you bundle news like this.

I think we’re going to do a mini-segment like this for stories that don’t have enough to them to be a “full” story, but should at least be on the front page, going forward.

Probably on Mondays.

And to get out in front of it – no, it will not be a bunch of mini race recaps. T100, WTCS, Olympics, Roth, IM Pro Series when it comes to pro triathlon. That’s what we’re covering.

Back when it was a legitimate journalistic platform, with actually worthwhile content, Rolling Stone’s masthead said “All The News That Fits” vs. NYT which read “All the news that is fit to print”

I say, if you have something that you want to post, and you can’t find a ‘perfect’ place for it - anywhere is better than nowhere at all

I think it’s just trendy to steal things from supertri right now

You win the thread.