Slowtwitch Forum: March 30th, 2030

One of my conplaints about the main page is finding past articles. I was trying to find a nutrition article that was written last year and it took a while to find it. I’m not sure if it’s the categorization that is the issue or what.

The menu on the front page could use some simplification. Not sure we need all those menu items.

Halfway through Ivanka Trumps 1st term, female triathlon explodes in popularity when Donald Trump says she has the body of a triathlete. Slowtwitch is forced to have a dedicated forum called The Mens as safe space for men to talk about prostate health, anger management and porn addiction without all the womansplaining.

I thought mine was dark … you went darker

Oh boy, did you EVER

2030, people will still be complaining (not me, though; I like the change - change is good, change killed the dinosaurs)

People will have their voices recorded in their profile and I’ll be able to watch my kids swim practice and listen to the comments like the commenter was actually talking in real time…er…well…bitching about the topic most likely. But that will be cool and entertaining.