Slowtwitch Forum: March 30th, 2030

Lionels coaching business after retiring from racing
no change
Generally the content generation on here is down. Maybe its just because we got so used to taking pictures and single click uploads on other media, that we got too lazy to write.

I’ve become a lot less active here and it has a lot to do with many value-add contributors leaving. Pros and industry experts mostly left, due to arm chair idiocy and in some cases borderline bullying. We have a few such people left here, but they post rarely. What’s left is mostly discussions at a lower level, especially when it comes to equipment.

To your point, pro racing discussions are still interesting and important, imo. The other topics I enjoy are product/tech discussion, but with most industry experts gone, their value has dropped significantly.

You mean march 2024 :wink:

You mean march 2024 ;-)Read the thread

I’m a 20 year slowtwitch follower and agree with Dev.
I think the site (front page and forum) could do a lot more on simply reporting race results or short articles on some interesting YouTube posts by pros similar to what Tri247 is doing where they have daily articles (even if short) and a place I frequent to save me surfing around social media for tri content and results.
Slowtwitch use to be my only tri go to site.

The gear stuff is good but the engagement on that vs pro/race content is going to be much lower as Dev as suggested.

I also think over the years many people wanting content or basic advice have stopped coming to slowtwitch given the often hostile nature of the forum which I know the moderators try to manage but seems more a result of how people interact online now in general vs years ago and not just a slowtwitch issue.

Don’t worry about people complaining about a shrinking pie.
Some people are going to want a BIGGER pie
Some people are going to want a BETTER pie
Some people are going to want their FAVORITE pie
Some people are going to want a DIVERSE pie

Dr. Tigerchik just wants … pi 😉

I’ll still be here running a monthly fish thread (we’ve been doing it since I was in college, which was '05-'09) and weekly check in thread

I’d like to think that by 2030 we’ll have figured out how to make flat coke

Executive decree: “spoilers” permitted.

It’s 2024, folks. If we’re gonna have live discussion, it’s gonna happen live.

“PTO tattoo thread” and “Does anybody have a link to the podcasts Slowtwitch used to do?”

Same 20 people with same 5 different screen names still arguing with themselves.

Advertising all inclusive race packages around the world using your Slowtwitch credit card where ST gets a small percentage kickback.

You need new friends on fb :wink:

FB is the app of choice for the over 50 crowds these days :wink: It only took them about a decade or two to figure out how it works. They will likely be on IG by 2030 and perhaps some of them might even get rid of their tubular wheels.

I don’t know the numbers but I am with you that these Web page/forum could use a makeover or some sort of diversification. I personally like the 2000s vintage Web page style but I can see it a bit difficult to get a ton of traffic from the younger crowds.

I think the podcast is a great idea but the Jimmy Riccitello episode could use better audio.

From what I see I am on around 6 race specific tri groups, a local tri group, three local swim groups, a few international swim groups, and three Nordic ski groups. The activity level on those can range from tens of new posts with hundreds of comments to nothing for days (depending on the group). There are things in those groups that I participate in that are specific to the region/event that no one around here would discuss anyway. But I get your point. You can easily spend time on those because facebook pushes all kinds of notifications, whereas, ST you only know what is going on if you come here, and when I spend days or weeks not on here (rare but increasingly more often), there is no interest to come back because you’re not engaged on a current topic.

Yeah the discussions on fb vs instagram vs slowtwitch vs YouTube are all different. Not everyone wants to have a super technical discussion on aerodynamics, rolling resistance, and hookless wheels. Those people stick the social media sites for those more less detailed discussions. They may read the threads but don’t post because it’s not that interesting to them or it’s over their head. Overall, there’s a lot of history here and if you just join ST and start posting, it can be over whelming. It’s a commitment to come here every day and read a few threads, get to know who people are, what the common answers to frequently asked questions, what will get you called out for, and what will get you in trouble. Not everyone is willing to put in that effort and it’s easier to just read ad hoc than post on a regular basis.

I’ve said this before but ST gets a lot of hate on those other platforms but what I find ironic is those bashing ST, still come here and read the threads on a regular basis. You have to have thick skin to post here and not take things personally. It’s not for everyone.

I do hold ST in high regards and still think it’s at the top for tri specific discussions.

…so this is how this thread’s direction is going.

And yet another Canadian’s perspective - I think I heard about Slowtwitch when the Ironman Canada chat page and the forum on Gordo Byrn’s website were going strong. I think many of us shared the same path.

In my experience Facebook is not a great place for pithy and considered discussions on most topics, multisport included. I’m an admin on a Facebook page that has over 400 users and despite my nurturing, tends to have the same (4 or 5) folks responding. My recent “show us your bike” thread which garnered plenty of posts here, netted me less than 10… and NO KM 40s at all.

Despite the tide moving in and moving out, I find Slowtwitch (and the folks who contribute to it) to be more credible and relevant than other alternatives. Am I missing out on something?

As far as what’s on the front page, as a semi-bike-tech-geek, I’m probably in for about 60% of the articles, mainly because I really enjoy how Slowman plays with words. What might be profitable for the site is a serious or not serious every other week op-ed from a big name in the sport on damn near any topic. If the word SKIDMARKS means anything to you, you maya agree. If you don’t know what it means, here’s your primer.

Of piss, vinegar, and your finish line. |

I also enjoyed those Herbert-style athlete profiles when he was doing them, whether if they were from big names or up & comers.

Time to find those chocolate eggs now…

Strongly agree about how other platforms have evoloved while Slowtwitch forum seems stuck in decades past. Look at the fiber arts site Ravelry for an example of a free forum that is active, visually rich and nicely interactive in an area every bit as niche as triathlon. The people are also much nicer to each other — collaboration oriented versus fighting oriented, as you say.

I still get leading-edge info here sometimes, so it’s not without value. But it could be so much better.

Lionels coaching business after retiring from racing
no change

I was around on March 30th, 2003, with Fleck and many others around here.

We’re still around in a small way, but as our attachment to the sport wanes, so does some level of engagement, so you need new crop passionate about participating in and building out the next wave of the sport (if there is one).

I think some of what is missing is more single sport threads. The entire discussion about pro cycling which has and will be around is buried in a single thread with maybe 5-10 posters. Wout Van Aert is out from Flanders with a broken collar bone and ribs. That in itself is a thread relative to the Giro and Paris 2023. Tour of Flanders is on, NO THREAD. NCAA swimming is on and fortunately Monty started a thread. World XC running on, NO THREAD. Matteo Jorgensen wins Paris Nice (was he first American winner for that…can’t remember anyone winning it) ZERO thread. I started a thread about Sam Long in Miami, just becaue it was ridiculous for that not to be recognized on its own

One of the big things that creates engagement is discussion about pro sport, but we’re doing a piss poor job and I don’t think Ryan and Eric are actively engaged as endurance pro sport fans, so they create that culture around here.

Also no one posts race reports on here any more. Sure there was some dick swinging in those reports, but they still created engagement and you actually got to know some of the posters.

Generally the content generation on here is down. Maybe its just because we got so used to taking pictures and single click uploads on other media, that we got too lazy to write.

I see it in my company. The people who can generate content (be they coders, product marketing people, sales people, finance people)…does not matter, those people are value add people.

I don’t think the concept of a forum is dead. You just have to look at comments threads on mainstream media to know that written engagement is still out there, but that is “fighting oriented” vs “collaboration oriented”.
the current ST head has 0.1 posts a day so not exactly keen on the engagement side, if you believe in leading by example.

on the other hand 2 out of 3 triathlon forums i read have died, and europes biggest triathlon forum is not far from it . so in a way slowtwitch , is doing quite ok .

Skimmed this thread and as a long time user/consumer/poster > 20yr now, here’s what I think

In the past you would get threads that went on for 3-4-5 days with some of the leading researchers/inventors of things we take for granted like power analysis/aerodynamics, some of the top coaches in the world sharing thoughts and experiences explaining their how to, top athletes telling what they did/do and these people and others would be arguing, not arguing necessarily. that’s not right, well it is but it’s more nuanced than just arguing. They were explaining their thoughts, giving their how to do something and why, often diving deep into topics. It was some of THE BEST learning one could access anywhere in the world for endurance sports. It’s why people from every other endurance sport came here on the regular. Bike racing, ultra running etc

ST was like being an undergrad in college yet being able to take a PhD level course and ask questions and have the instructor stop class to explain the answer to you even though the instructor would sometimes/often be snarky. I myself have been guilty of an occasional snarky answer.

What I see on social media is a lot of influencers and a lot of people who give :30 infomatics on how to train for triathlon or marathon or whatever endurance sport. The overwhelming majority espouse bro science and they’ve never even made sausage. They haven’t rolled up their sleeves and actually spent the time coaching, researching, debating, learning, challenging their beliefs, having their beliefs challenged. It’s just Bro you need to do X and you’ll be able to complete an Ironman in your best time ever. Or you can do it, you can go be an IM if you just do Y - You go you!!!

There is a whole subset of endurance athletes who want that. They don’t really care about how they finish. Their #1 concern is just getting across the line. IMO ST caters more to the crowd who not only wants to get across the line but wants to be more educated about how they get there. They want info and they want to understand it, even if not as deep as 15 years ago. They aren’t going to accept that user A said X is the way to do it, they are going to come back to see if user B said it’s more like X+A-C+D.

A lot of those FB groups are filled with people who don’t realize if they trained more than 7 hours per week they’d get faster, even if it was two 45 min games of baseketball (because their training load is so low anything they do will increase their capacity to perform. It’s also sidebars like this you almost never find except on ST). And/or they don’t really want to get faster or don’t want to improve, they are fine being pathetic and for some, even relish in that.

ST is still the leader, globally, for info about triathlon, how to, what should I do, etc. It’s where the person turns when they want quality answers from people who have made more sausage than 10 people combined in a lot of these other groups or social media platforms. Not just some pathetic answer that is wrong as often if not more often than it’s right.

The global tri scene is down, and with that the user base on ST is down, the threads are down, the content is down. If the sport grew 30% my guess is the user base goes up, more threads get started etc. Though there is so much more in-depth knowledge and content out there that you don’t need ST to take a PhD course as an undergrad anymore.

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I’m blown away at the staying power of ST. I’m an old timer, having lived through the dawn of the internet, the bulletin boards of the 90’s, the forum explosion of the 2000’s, the forum extinctions of the late 20teens, and the exodus to other social platforms. At the height of my forum use, I was a member of 20 or so forums for my life’s areas of interest. Somewhere around 2014, my favorite, RWOL, floated the idea of becoming a pay site, and shortly thereafter, crashed and burned into oblivion. We all migrated to FB groups, and are still there today. By 2020, all my forums had crashed and burned except ST. Tough group, I’ll give you all that!

I did, you apparently missed the typo in marcag’s post that said ‘march 2014-14 partners….marcag already edited


In the past you would get threads that went on for 3-4-5 days with some of the leading researchers/inventors of things we take for granted like power analysis/aerodynamics, some of the top coaches in the world sharing thoughts and experiences explaining their how to, top athletes telling what they did/do and these people and others would be arguing, not arguing necessarily. that’s not right, well it is but it’s more nuanced than just arguing. They were explaining their thoughts, giving their how to do something and why, often diving deep into topics. It was some of THE BEST learning one could access anywhere in the world for endurance sports. It’s why people from every other endurance sport came here on the regular. Bike racing, ultra running etc

ST was like being an undergrad in college yet being able to take a PhD level course and ask questions and have the instructor stop class to explain the answer to you even though the instructor would sometimes/often be snarky.

To me this is the crux of the issue ST faces. Only those higher in the food chain know what may be being planned for the future but as someone who needs to explore the happenings across multiple forums to appreciate market trends and make the occasional post for our own guerrilla marketing attempts, the ST experience is extremely limited and poor relative to competing forums which tend to use the Discord technology (as we do in our Athletica Forum). If you scan our Forum you’ll see how rich you can go in terms of posting pictures and figures to explain tech, science and concepts. While I know its possible here on ST to post a picture, it is not easy. I literally have 7 competing forum tabs open on my browser and ST has the worst UX of them and hardest to post to, despite its long and rich history. Solve the UX issue and the learning point Brian makes might follow (yes - pot calling the kettle black but I can say that is definitely our daily grind right now and our new UX should emerge in a month or so).

Halfway through Ivanka Trumps 1st term, female triathlon explodes in popularity when Donald Trump says she has the body of a triathlete. Slowtwitch is forced to have a dedicated forum called The Mens as safe space for men to talk about prostate health, anger management and porn addiction without all the womansplaining.

I agree that by and large the people who participate in ST are deep in terms of interest in the sport (be they athletes, organizer, coaches, industry, race directors etc). Over time Dan had curated enough people vested in the sport who cared enough to stick around and by sticking around they would create content that snowballs on itself.

I think Ryan and Eric’s challenge is bringing people in and having enough critical mass that people stick around.

The popular restaurants or bars come and go. Magically some just end up surviving multiple decades. In my town there are “instituitions” that just survive because enough people who have influence keep showing up and because they show up, others do.

Where on earth can I post a video of Mark Spitz in the Munich 1972 100 butterfly finals and have the silver medals show up and give commentary on how the event shook out and the lead up.

Gary Hall Sr. did not show up magically. But that can be the magic. Is it because Dan curated a relationship with people like that?

We hear you all loud and clear on forum architecture.

We have to service the front-page architecture first – as, well, that’s where the bills get paid. But it’s something the powers that be are exploring.