Slowman your opinion please

what do you think of the Tri star 111 concept?

Dan is in Morocco doing a 6 day MTB tour with his wife and a group, so he will not be getting any messages this week. We have talked about the Tristar series, and like the idea, but they did have some problems in Europe paying pros. I believe he wrote an article on this awhile back, not sure if it ever got resolved or not. I also know there were some issues with the name here, you may recognize the name from a movie production company. They are quite big, and i dont think want to give up their name for something like this, so that is also an issue…THey have made many contacts with RD’s here too, i know that much, but so far not sure how it has progressed…That’s all i know…

Thank Monty,

i don’t think the name should be a issue Tristar movie, change their name every 4 years or so see link . type tristar in google search see what comes up.