Slowguy's Review of Civil War?

did i miss the review? if not published here yet i need someone not on the far left/right, who doesn’t drink to excess, and who basically is the sort of person paul described to timothy (chapter 3). and who’s a movie buff. and who’s at home in the lavender room. to write this review. please?

Found a picture of he whom you seek

Unfortunately, I’m not sure if I’ll go see this one. I’m traveling a bunch for work, and I don’t know how interested I am in it. We get plenty of national divide without paying good money to go spend a couple of tense uncomfortable hours in a movie theater for some more.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure if I’ll go see this one. I’m traveling a bunch for work, and I don’t know how interested I am in it. We get plenty of national divide without paying good money to go spend a couple of tense uncomfortable hours in a movie theater for some more.

Good response.

Makes me think of how I watch sports. I only ever see the positives. It’s entertainment.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure if I’ll go see this one. I’m traveling a bunch for work, and I don’t know how interested I am in it. We get plenty of national divide without paying good money to go spend a couple of tense uncomfortable hours in a movie theater for some more.

i feel the same way. that’s why i wanted you to head into battle first :wink:

Unfortunately, I’m not sure if I’ll go see this one. I’m traveling a bunch for work, and I don’t know how interested I am in it. We get plenty of national divide without paying good money to go spend a couple of tense uncomfortable hours in a movie theater for some more.

i feel the same way. that’s why i wanted you to head into battle first :wink:

I have not seen it.

But, apparently, it is not at all about the blue/red divide of this country. That is never touched on.

The film is more about war and survival, and how war takes on a life of its own, especially so when brothers fight brothers for reasons they no longer understand, remember, or even care about.

He’s done the work for you.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure if I’ll go see this one. I’m traveling a bunch for work, and I don’t know how interested I am in it. We get plenty of national divide without paying good money to go spend a couple of tense uncomfortable hours in a movie theater for some more.

i feel the same way. that’s why i wanted you to head into battle first :wink:

I have not seen it.

But, apparently, it is not at all about the blue/red divide of this country. That is never touched on.

The film is more about war and survival, and how war takes on a life of its own, especially so when brothers fight brothers for reasons they no longer understand, remember, or even care about.

Sounds like national divide to me.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure if I’ll go see this one. I’m traveling a bunch for work, and I don’t know how interested I am in it. We get plenty of national divide without paying good money to go spend a couple of tense uncomfortable hours in a movie theater for some more.

i feel the same way. that’s why i wanted you to head into battle first :wink:

I have not seen it.

But, apparently, it is not at all about the blue/red divide of this country. That is never touched on.

The film is more about war and survival, and how war takes on a life of its own, especially so when brothers fight brothers for reasons they no longer understand, remember, or even care about.

Sounds like national divide to me.

Maybe, I haven’t seen it. But reviews seem to indicate that it is about something else.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure if I’ll go see this one. I’m traveling a bunch for work, and I don’t know how interested I am in it. We get plenty of national divide without paying good money to go spend a couple of tense uncomfortable hours in a movie theater for some more.

i feel the same way. that’s why i wanted you to head into battle first :wink:

I have not seen it.

But, apparently, it is not at all about the blue/red divide of this country. That is never touched on.

The film is more about war and survival, and how war takes on a life of its own, especially so when brothers fight brothers for reasons they no longer understand, remember, or even care about.

Reviews I’ve read touch on about how journalism is counted on to record for the future.
And Mr. Kristen Dunst (Jesse Plemons)

Unfortunately, I’m not sure if I’ll go see this one. I’m traveling a bunch for work, and I don’t know how interested I am in it. We get plenty of national divide without paying good money to go spend a couple of tense uncomfortable hours in a movie theater for some more.

i feel the same way. that’s why i wanted you to head into battle first :wink:

I usually check out PluggedIn before I visit the theater.

did i miss the review? if not published here yet i need someone not on the far left/right, who doesn’t drink to excess, and who basically is the sort of person paul described to timothy (chapter 3). and who’s a movie buff. and who’s at home in the lavender room. to write this review. please?

I’m not at home here and made a rare visit because I was interested to see if there was a thread on this film. I’ve seen it. I know from the tri forum that you read the NYT. I read the NYT review and the opinion pieces on the film (including Douthat’s) before and after seeing the film and I think they do a good job of describing the content. This snip from the WSJ review describes it well: "This supposed cautionary tale isn’t really about American divides at all. It’s about the psychology of journalists, specifically the transnational band of roving war reporters and photographers…"The film didn’t make me angry. It made me sad. I’m certainly not a fan of film violence but it was worth my $ and time.

I’ll try a mini review, having waited for the blu ray release and just watched it.

Disclaimer: I’m not American, and don’t live in the US.

The premise: the US has divided. Two states (TX and CA) have seceded, and their forces carry a two Stars and Stripes flag. Some other states seem to be aligned with the secessionists even if not formally allied. Some states are strongly behind the President; some are indifferent/neutral.

The parts of the country we see are in a state of all out war. Burnt out military carriers, tracer bullets lighting the night sky, mass graves, breakdown of civil society.

A small group of journalists including a seasoned war photo journalist (Dunst) and a newbie (Spaeny) set their sights on getting to DC to interview the besieged President.

On one level it’s a road trip movie. On another it’s a war film. On another it is a post apocalyptic view of a broken US.

Really though it is a study of the mentality of a photo journalist, with a sidebar on the similarities between getting the “perfect shot” and using a firearm to deliver a kill shot.

I found it gripping and unnerving in equal measure. Ten years ago this narrative would have been as far fetched as Olympus Has Fallen. Now, it feels uncomfortably reachable. The piece revolves initially around Dunst, but Garland skilfully and seamlessly pivots the centre of gravity of the film to Spaeny around a single especially disquieting scene, which provides both a back breaking straw and a spark of ignition all in one go.

It will make you think about a lot of things that you’d probably rather not think about. Highly recommended.

Were there any militias?

Interesting. I watched it a week or so ago. I am also not an American.

I thought it was a terrible, directionless movie. It wasn’t really a war movie, it certainly wasn’t an action movie, there was very little meaningful character development, dialogue or plot. The soundtrack was just… bizarre.

The one and only redeeming scene was carried single handedly by Jesse Plemons, who wasn’t even originally cast (or credited) in the film. The original actor for his character has to bow out a few days before filming and Jesse offered to play the roll, and he knocked it out of the park. His scene was maybe 5 minutes long.

The movie has the feel of a walking dead episode, or ‘The Road’ (lots of driving through rural roads and coming across areas where a battle or mass killing has taken place). These scenes were in contrast to others that showed people in cities still living normal lives, out drinking at bars and restaurants etc, seemingly apathetic to the major events happening around them.

I found the movie to be pointless and almost entirely forgettable (aside from Plemons, who is just a bit too good at playing a complete sociopath. That guy has serious acting chops).