Skye Moench, Ironman drug testing details

I thought this was really interesting.


It’s on her Instagram story and I cut and pasted it all here, but it didn’t show up.

I assume you are talking about the ig stories she posted? I saw the stories, but someone should post them up here for others to see. I’m too lazy.

Fyi for those that have no idea what this is about. She got tested and just let us in on a bit about what the process is like and her experiences with testing.

What shocks me is that a woman flies across the country to test ONLY HER. What a waste of resources and poor organization. There are dozens if not hundreds of athletes in boulder that are under WADA/drug testing rules. Find X athletes in an area, set a schedule and route, and you could knock out minimum 5/day. Ridiculous that this is the process and its no wonder organizations complain about the cost of testing.

What shocks me is that a woman flies across the country to test ONLY HER. What a waste of resources and poor organization. There are dozens if not hundreds of athletes in boulder that are under WADA/drug testing rules. Find X athletes in an area, set a schedule and route, and you could knock out minimum 5/day. Ridiculous that this is the process and its no wonder organizations complain about the cost of testing.

Employers use drug screening everywhere at least in the US. You’d think USADA /WADA could partner with pharmacies and labs to make this far more cost-effective and efficient.

some agencies have ‘local collaboration’ on different levels, but it’s thin. years ago when i was living in eldoret, i had a friend who worked in antidoping for a european country. he nearly ‘deputized’ me to help with testing on the ground in kenya because so many athletes go there for camps.

i suspect part of the problem is keeping chain of custody absolutely airtight to the highest legal standards, otherwise it’s too easy to challenge results. but i’m sure that’s not insurmountable either. “report to pharmacy X in the next Y minutes to give samples. they’ll lock your samples in a special thingy until we come collect them next week” or whatever.

I worked for a couple of years with a drug testing lab. It did corporate and criminal drug testing from what I can remember.

I asked the head of the lab if they ever did sports testing and she said that it was a whole other level pain in the ass. Chain of custody was a very big deal. Drug testing agencies cant really contract out the work because it’s too hard to defend legally.

I still remember being in the office when the head of the lab was taking to a lawyer telling him that his client couldn’t have tested positive for cocaine by having oral sex with a boyfriend who did cocaine.

I still remember being in the office when the head of the lab was taking to a lawyer telling him that his client couldn’t have tested positive for cocaine by having oral sex with a boyfriend who did cocaine.

Can you prove it?

The complexity of drug testing imo is both an advantage and disadvantage to the athlete. The advantage is that to get basically get on conviction / positive result you have to an almost fool proof system. So yes you can still go all “lawyered up” but for the most part when it comes to the actual validity of the test…it’s pretty f’ing hard.

The disadvantage is that this likely means anti-doping will never be in a position to truly make an good impact with doping. It seems like it’s much more scratching the service type of service than anything with real teeth.

So the complexity is both an blessing and a curse to these sports and the fight for clean sport.

I still remember being in the office when the head of the lab was taking to a lawyer telling him that his client couldn’t have tested positive for cocaine by having oral sex with a boyfriend who did cocaine.

Can you prove it?

I don’t have a PhD in analytical chemistry, I just dealt with the IT systems.

What shocks me is that a woman flies across the country to test ONLY HER. What a waste of resources and poor organization. There are dozens if not hundreds of athletes in boulder that are under WADA/drug testing rules. Find X athletes in an area, set a schedule and route, and you could knock out minimum 5/day. Ridiculous that this is the process and its no wonder organizations complain about the cost of testing.

Part of it, I suspect is that for the whereabouts system you have to specify where you’ll be for a one hour window per day where you can be tested. Ok sounds easy enough but the one hour where every athlete knows where they’ll be is first thing in the morning right when you wake up. So just about every athlete will pick 5am or 6am and that means that you can really only test 1 athlete in that time-frame. I suppose you could do that on sequential days, but by then the cat’s out of the bag and everyone in town knows that there’s an agent who might come to your door tomorrow. Fine if you’re clean but if you’re micro-dosing you now know to skip your dose until the agent’s out of town.

I suppose you could do permanent staff in a place like Boulder or Girona where’s there’s a large base of athletes, but I guess its the same game. Those local athletes might get tested more often so if you’re dirty you make a point of living somewhere that’s hard to reach and so it nullifies the whole point.

Not sure why, but this made me think of former NFL star Warren Sapp who tried to beat a paternity lawsuit by sending someone else to take his DNA test. The funny part was the test was being taken at a lab on the same street as Raymond James Stadium—where Sapp played. A 2003 article about his attempt described it this way:

If your name is Warren Sapp—No. 99 in the Tampa Bay Bucs program—you wear a brand new Super Bowl ring, you just had a street named after you in your hometown, and you make $6.6-million a year.
You drive a black Mercedes with the plate “QBKILLR,” you own a $1.54-million home, and you are one of the most feared players in the NFL, as well as one of the most animated and quotable.

This should have been an idyllic post-Super Bowl summer for Sapp. But he has been triple-teamed by trouble: the breakup of his five-year marriage; a reopening of a paternity case by a Kansas woman; and an expensive ruling in a New Jersey paternity battle, highlighted by claims that an imposter, not Sapp, took a DNA test.

Chantel Adkins says she met Sapp in 1993, according to an interview by the Philadelphia Inquirer.

She was a basketball player at Temple University, where she still holds career and game three-point shooting records. At the time, he was a University of Miami football player. She said the two began dating in 1998, the year Sapp married, flying back and forth between Tampa and New Jersey to see each other.

When her daughter, Autumn, was born, Sapp was supportive at first.

“He paid a considerable amount of money to her,” said Vincent Nuzzi, Adkins’ New Jersey attorney. "He wanted her to get a Cadillac Escalade, a big safe car. He paid for a nanny. He took her and the baby to Orlando.
“His name was on the birth certificate. He never denied paternity. But at some point, it all changed.”

When the support dried up, Adkins sued. A paternity test was ordered. But according to Nuzzi, it was not Sapp who showed up to take the test at a lab near Raymond James Stadium.
Paternity test protocol requires lab personnel to get a photograph, the signature and fingerprints of the man tested.

“There was a picture, but unless Warren Sapp had shrunk by 8 inches, it wasn’t him,” said Nuzzi. “The signature was nothing like the autographs you can see all over eBay. And there were no fingerprints at all.”
The test showed Sapp was not the father of Adkins’ baby. "We filed an appeal saying, "What kind of scam is this?’ " said Nuzzi.

A second test was ordered. This time, Chantel Adkins flew to Tampa to witness the test. Sapp appeared. The test showed he was Autumn’s father.

Sapp refused to accept the result. He asked for a third test. The judge ordered the final test would be in Camden, N.J., and would be videotaped. On the day of test No. 3, Sapp threw in the towel and acknowledged paternity.

i haven’t looked at this stuff in a long while but in the past if you ever looked at the quarterly testing results for triathlon 90% of it was in boulder just cuz it was cheap and convenient to send someone up from the Colorado Springs office early in the morning. Far more expensive and less follow up sneaky to test in Bend or someplace in podunk with no airport. Also, (haha) Andy would get tested sooooo much cuz he lived in the Springs and would serve as an easy “we tested people” check box.

And while i can’t speak to Girona housing prices… probably far cheaper to have USADA folks drive up from COS then house them in boulder :stuck_out_tongue:

What shocks me is that a woman flies across the country to test ONLY HER. What a waste of resources and poor organization. There are dozens if not hundreds of athletes in boulder that are under WADA/drug testing rules. Find X athletes in an area, set a schedule and route, and you could knock out minimum 5/day. Ridiculous that this is the process and its no wonder organizations complain about the cost of testing.

She posted a long IG response to basically cover this. Talks about how much training testers have and that it’s a highly skilled job. Since an athlete’s career could be at stake, it’s important that someone who does this who is trained to do it. I don’t know if there’s any wiggle room here. It certainly seems like a waste of resources to fly out to only test one athlete. Test all of them. I think random testing is good but my gut says that most pros who are doping are not going to get caught at a major championship. Better to test in the run-up to big events imo.

it’s important that someone who does this who is trained to do it.

Apropos of nothing, I just hard an amusing anecdote from a pro about his test. He was dehydrated so having trouble peeing, so after several hours the tester brought in an iPad and was playing YouTube videos of waterfalls and mountain streams and stuff to try to help. The pro finally had to say, “Thanks, but you’re not helping me here.”

Happy ending (no double entendre). He was able to pee eventually, never in his career tested positive.

Des Linden and Kara Goucher did a great podcast about 2 months ago on drug testing and their own person experience from early 2000s till now.

What shocks me is that a woman flies across the country to test ONLY HER. What a waste of resources and poor organization. There are dozens if not hundreds of athletes in boulder that are under WADA/drug testing rules. Find X athletes in an area, set a schedule and route, and you could knock out minimum 5/day. Ridiculous that this is the process and its no wonder organizations complain about the cost of testing.

I was once at my parent’s condo in Downtown Madison, WI. I walked out the front door and there was a WADA/USADA agent at the door looking in thru the glass. The condo dialer only lists names, not addresses so the agent was dumbfounded because they had no idea how to find them or get in. I was never on whereabouts but there was NFL player by the name of Jim Leonard who lived in the building so I figured it was for him. Turns out the agent was there from Chicago, to give a drug test to a Canadian high school soccer player (why he couldn’t just try to buzz in), who was there for a soccer camp or maybe it was to tour with the Badgers. I was shocked on the resources and time. Must have been some soccer player.

Makes me wonder if it was Alphonso Davies.

They can test a number of athletes while there just by knocking on said athletes door, or rurn up at their training, even outside their testing window. If they come to the door they have to consent to testing. If not home then obviously no testing.