Since its Biden VS Trump for POTUS

Given the other thread discussion, and unless one steps down or dies, we have our Candidates.

Just wondering who do you think will win. Not who you want. but who will win. 1 word answer okay, explain if you want.

TRUMP-- the dems have done enough to chase voters away, and will not get the turn out they need to overcome the Trump supporters. Easier win than 2016


I think it will be close, but I doubt trump will win in the popular vote.
However, who knows for the electoral vote.

And any health or legal developments between today and november will have a big impact on the results.

Biden - Consumer Confidence is rising and Trump is going to need to get a line of credit from someone shady in order to appeal the judgements against him. I think that line of credit will become public to late to help Haley.

I’m predicting that if Biden wins, Trump will continue to bitch and moan about how it is all rigged against him.

Biden, and it won’t be close. You’re deluding yourself if you think Trump will get more voters than he did in 2020.


He won in 2020. Since the last election Biden has been an avg to above avg president.

Trump was historically bad. And since the last election started an insurrection, was criminally charged on numerous counts, was found liable for sexual assault, etc.

The election is still pro trump vs anti trump. I don’t see many people jumping on the trump train since 2020.

If they are both still there come Nov it will be Biden and it won’t be close.

2016 Dems stayed home bc both candidates sucked. Roe v Wade changed that equation forever, and the current shit-show that is the Pubes in congress and their clown car ultra right christandom mania continue to remind a substantial majority, never again.


He won in 2020. Since the last election Biden has been an avg to above avg president.

Trump was historically bad. And since the last election started an insurrection, was criminally charged on numerous counts, was found liable for sexual assault, etc.

The election is still pro trump vs anti trump. I don’t see many people jumping on the trump train since 2020.

But a lot of people have jumped off the Biden train and aren’t coming back.


Not the popular vote but the electoral college.

Biden - Consumer Confidence is rising and Trump is going to need to get a line of credit from someone shady in order to appeal the judgements against him. I think that line of credit will become public too late to help Haley.
Historically this economy would mean a certain win by the incumbent. But historically voters were somewhat logical. So this year who knows what will happen.

Trump for 2 reasons:

Memories are short and I fear that independents will have forgotten just how awful a human being he is.

And, Biden’s age and mental competency won’t go away. The very real possibility of a President Harris will frighten many voters.

If they are both still there come Nov it will be Biden and it won’t be close.

2016 Dems stayed home bc both candidates sucked. Roe v Wade changed that equation forever, and the current shit-show that is the Pubes in congress and their clown car ultra right christandom mania continue to remind a substantial majority, never again.

I wish I could be that optimistic

Biden, and it won’t be close. You’re deluding yourself if you think Trump will get more voters than he did in 2020.

You do know, Vote count doesn’t matter. I think I was clear, voter turn out will be down, and the dems lose cause they wont get out the anti-trump vote, the the trump vote is a pretty fixed number.

Now if by vote you some how meant, electoral college votes, then call me deluded. 305 or more.

Biden in a landslide.

Trump voters are Trump voters. We more or less know how many of them there are. At this point, I don’t think anyone is being swayed one way of another or is undecided.

I don’t care much for Biden. He’s a doddering old man who should be enjoying retirement. But, he has objectively been a decent president. Trump is Trump and MAGAs are MAGAs - no need to comment further.

As I’ve felt for the last two decades … in a nation of 300+ million, this is the best we can do?

I truly believe more than ever our binary party system and electoral college is bad for democracy and America. I’d be happy to see both parties splinter into multiple factions and for the electoral college retired to the dusty annals of history.

Biden - Consumer Confidence is rising and Trump is going to need to get a line of credit from someone shady in order to appeal the judgements against him. I think that line of credit will become public too late to help Haley.
Historically this economy would mean a certain win by the incumbent. But historically voters were somewhat logical. So this year who knows what will happen.

Depends on how you measure the economy… Most people an easy indicator is FOOD, and food prices are way up, and everyone sees it nearly daily.

4 trump, 5 biden right now.

In what appears to be a left biased forum…

Is it left biased, or reality and logic and decency biased.

If I had to define myself politically (which I’m generally loath to do), I would say I’m a right leaning independent who comes down on the side of decency, reality, logic and science. Definitely not a lefty.

Biden, and it won’t be close. You’re deluding yourself if you think Trump will get more voters than he did in 2020.

You do know, Vote count doesn’t matter. I think I was clear, voter turn out will be down, and the dems lose cause they wont get out the anti-trump vote, the the trump vote is a pretty fixed number.

Now if by vote you some how meant, electoral college votes, then call me deluded. 305 or more.

Remind me: how did that forecasted 2022 Red Wave turn out?


Some key points include:

  • Trump’s ability to pivot away from Roe V Wade and/or Biden’s inability to make it an issue to energize voters.
  • History is kinder to past presidents than current. It feels like people are already forgetting the Trump lunacy.
  • Trump may learn from past mistakes and correct them (e.g., leaning into in-person vs mail in voting).
  • If no candidate hits 270 (i.e., Kennedy picks up a chunk) then it goes to the House who likely go for Trump.
  • I suspect Republicans are more likely to vote no matter what whereas Democrats need a reason to go pull the lever. (See first point)