Since 1960 which election for POTUS had the 2 worst candidates?

I made the statement for me this election has the worst 2 options in my lifetime.

And it was called Hyperbole.

So wondering, what are others thoughts. Which 2 candidates do you think were the worst options since 1960?

No far using knowledge gained after the election. You have to base it on what voters knew at the time. ( I would have to back and see what the thoughts on Mondale were, cause if i get to go with what I know now, I might change to Reagan Mondale.) I thin Bush was better than Trump, and Gore was better than this Biden.


1976? Ford vs Carter was not a great contest.

1964? 1968?



1964? 1968?

Yeah I probably should not have gone back to 60’s more like 80s as I was born in 67

I don’t think it was 2016. Hrc was a standard moderate democrat and no one really knew what trump was going to be. (Some strong conservatives didn’t even vote for him because they thought he would lurch towards the center).

I am going with 2024. Trump has shown he is a horrible president - his record as being historically bad counts for a lot. While Biden has been an above average president he really old (still much better than trump - if nothing else can organize a competent team around him).

12 was good, 08 was good, 04 maybe second worst in recent memory?

I don’t think it was 2016. Hrc was a standard moderate democrat and no one really knew what trump was going to be. (Some strong conservatives didn’t even vote for him because they thought he would lurch towards the center).

I am going with 2016. Trump has shown he is a horrible president - his record as being historically bad counts for a lot. While Biden has been an above average president he really old (still much better than trump - if nothing else can organize a competent team around him).

12 was good, 08 was good, 04 maybe second worst in recent memory?

Assume you mean 2020 you’re going with

I’m not going to argue with you. Just going to lament the fact that one of us is most likely right and we’re fucking going to do it again.

I meant 2024.

Biden is just older. And trump has gotten even worse since 2020. Since 2020 trump has stole classified material, did an insurrection, kept on lying about a stolen election, been held liable for business fraud, found to lie about a sexual assault, etc.

I think Biden was exactly what we needed in 2020. Standard , white, male democrat who had been vetted. He has been exactly what people thought he would be.

Trump will be an even worse president this time. Biden will likely be worse than the last 4 rounds.

1964? 1968?

68 was bad, if we include Wallace. Without Wallace, 68 was probably better than 72. Humphrey was better than McGovern, and Nixon 72 was comparable to Nixon 68, since we didn’t yet know about the depth of his involvement in Watergate.

found to lie about a sexual assault, etc. //

They often say the cover up or the lie about the thing is worse than the thing itself, but in this case maybe we can say the rape should be put in there in front the lie about it…

I want to say 2016, but given our choice is to be about not knowing what happened after, will go for the 1968, with 2024 right there in 2nd…

I meant 2024.

Biden is just older. And trump has gotten even worse since 2020. Since 2020 trump has stole classified material, did an insurrection, kept on lying about a stolen election, been held liable for business fraud, found to lie about a sexual assault, etc.

I think Biden was exactly what we needed in 2020. Standard , white, male democrat who had been vetted. He has been exactly what people thought he would be.

Trump will be an even worse president this time. Biden will likely be worse than the last 4 rounds.

Yeah he’s been great.

Was Nixon a bad candidate? Was humphries bad?

I know Wallace was bad but he was the third wheel

Humphrey was last guy standing as the VP who really did not start his run until Johnson declared late that he would not run. The nomination was given to him at the convention. Nixon was a good candidate. Had not been assassinated RFK would have …

Was Nixon a bad candidate? Was humphries bad?

I know Wallace was bad but he was the third wheel

Wallace carried 5 states, so not your typical third party candidate. But, if we exclude him then 68 was not that bad. Certainly not as bad as 24. Nixon and Humphrey were mainstream in their parties.

Was Nixon a bad candidate? Was humphries bad?

I know Wallace was bad but he was the third wheel

Wallace carried 5 states, so not your typical third party candidate. But, if we exclude him then 68 was not that bad. Certainly not as bad as 24. Nixon and Humphrey were mainstream in their parties.

Not sure I follow the logic. My thinking if you have 1 good choice and 1 horrible choice, thats better than 2 bad choices (i am not saying that well) but how if you only look at 2 candidates do other years have the worst 2, but if you throw in the third all of the sudden thats worse? I mean you still have the other 2 choices.

Maybe food… So day 1 you get your choice of velvete cheese on pasta or shit on a shingle, day 2 you get hamburger or tuna casrole. (I think most would agree Day 1 has the worst options) now if we add, shit as an option to day 2, don’t the hamburger and tuna still make Days 1 choices the worst day ever?

Am I making any sense, cause I dont feel like I am .

Being born in the mid 60s I cannot recall anything from prior to Reagan vs Carter. I’d say this is the worst choice.

I don’t think either party is going to make the rich pay their fair share. Trump sure won’t. Obama was in power for 8 years and I don’t think he did. He hired a lot of Wall Street bankers to work in his administration.

Nobody went to jail for the high level crimes which brought the economy to its knees’%20Frontline%20program%20on%20Tuesday,crisis%3A%20a%20crisis%20from%20which

Anti trust actions have been anemic in the last 20 years.

I’m in the UK and am 58 - I would say our worst choice was definately the last election - Boris Johnson v Jeremy Corbyn. Both totally unqualified and unsuitable for the job.

This election will be a slightly better choice - in that both candidates seem fairly reasonable / normal - if you can call a billionaire and a Sir normal.

Trump is the only president to deny that he lost re-election and then try to have his followers overthrow the government on Jan 6. He’s the only life-long criminal to run and the only 4 times indicted person to run. He also appears to be loosing his mind big time.

Biden is an old man, but we’re not asking him to run the Marine Corps Marathon, we asking him to sit at a desk and run the country.

Trump is so bad that it makes this the worst ever. Biden’s age doesn’t help, but to me, it doesn’t matter.

For second place I think we should consider Bush the First vs that guy from Massachusetts who’s name I can’t think of.

In 2016 I thought it was odd there were almost no yard signs for presidential candidates in my city. Plenty of signs for local and state offices. I’d never seen that before in any of the locations I’ve lived.