Sigh, Anyone else having trouble with Purely Custom database?

Last few days havent been able to add any new fits to the PurePosition database. Also for the first month or so after my subscription started I couldn’t search for compatible bicycles. Not impressed, thinking im just going to shell out the dough for the GURU subscription.

The PC database does not have any tri-bikes. The Trek, Precision Fit software lists only the Speed Concept.
The Guru Discovery program is now much less-expensive, but not entirely accurate. You can demonstrate this by comparing x/y vs. measurement data when looking for new bikes. Best for tri-bikes that do not have integrated/modular cockpits. Good news is that the stack/reach specs for Trek are listed here on Slowtwitch, but no where else in the world (WTF?).
Retul’s frame finder was great, but is now only good for Specialized bikes.
Bike CAD is still my favorite, but more work and requires a good foundation in bike design.

How do I know this?

Unfortunately I now use all 5-programs for New Bike Buying services that I offer as an independent fitter. Total cost was about $750, and I need to renew the PC/Trek software annually (Guru is a 1x-fee!). I know that there are other options, but I’m unwilling to pay what I consider an excessive monthly-fee for a new bike database that may or may-not work as advertised.

My advise is to learn how to use Bike Cad and manually build a database for Frames that you are likely to sell as a fitter. Not as hard as it sounds. You can adjust every aspect of base-bar, aero-pad and extension to match current offerings within a few mm’s.