Show passport in Atlanta?

I’ll be flying from Rome to Atlanta then connecting to Montreal without leaving the airport, I assume if we’re going straight to our connecting flight we don’t have to show our passports.

No, you will have to pick up your bag from baggage claim, pass through customs, recheck your bags, then go through security again. The recheck of the bags part is easy, you just drop it on a conveyor belt right outside of customs. The rest is a pain in the ass.

I mean, you’ll have your passport anyway since you’re traveling internationally, so whether or not you need to show it is neither here nor there.

But yeah, the concept of “transit” doesn’t exist in the US and as such it’s a fucking horrible experience to “transit” through, largely because you’re not transiting, you’re entering and leaving again.

Also LOL, I now realize you’re probably starting in Rome, GA and not Rome, Italy.

Nope, Italy…lol

Never mind, sounds like to much hassle, upgraded to a direct flight.

I don’t know if it’s better or worse that you’re starting in Italy instead of Georgia. Hopefully you’ve got a good reason to subject yourself to that!

ha, good call

Definitely a good call. Going through US customs and immigration and the security line again is a hassle you don’t need. Especially if it’s just for a layover.

Yeah, have a Canadian friend that travels a lot and purposefully avoids transiting back thru the US to avoid going thru customs here

As everyone noted, there is no transit through US. But ATL airport is decent for connections as immigration is relatively efficient. Way better than MIA or JFK - I will never go through JFK immigration again, though it’s often a cheaper flight, not remotely worth it.

Having gone through that Atlanta airport a few times its a PITA. Just follow the signs and hold onto your wallet and passport

It’s funny, all my cheap flights to Asia and Europe have a layover in Canada.

But maybe just best to avoid Atlanta until they figure out how to manage their ground traffic better.

I used to just hop over the border and fly all sorts of places from Detroit. Now anywhere international it is just way more expensive than leaving through Toronto. Not to say that the Toronto airport is any great shakes it seems like a crazy maze