Should we be concerned about this NAS server crash?

I find it strange that it’s taken them this long to restore the website. It makes me wonder if they’ve permanently lost some stuff that is going to have to be rebuilt. I guess worst case is they lost registration data, but I would assume that Active has that information.

I’m finding it hard to properly obsess about IMWISC without results and participant information :slight_smile:

Only if you really enjoy worrying like a lot of STers do … otherwise, just a deep breath and on with life :wink:

I would not worry about it, because you have no control over it. Just worry about things you can control, like your training.


I’m really not at all a typical detail oriented, worrying, obsessive triathlete. I don’t even have a nutrition plan or a special needs bag checklist. I just find it strange that it’s taken more than a day or two set up a new server.


Only if you really enjoy worrying like a lot of STers do

The absolute #1 take-away from all the recent Brett Sutton interviews both here on ST and elsewhere - stop worrying about things. Do what you need to do and get on with it!

I’m not worried about it but I find it interesting that it is taking them that long to restore services. It suggest to me that they aren’t spending a lot of money on their IT budget. Bet that changes next year :wink:

If they can’t run a website, how can they properly make flat coke?

I would be more than happy to give them some on site consulting time in exchange for entry into Lake Placid or Wisconsin.

Only if you really enjoy worrying like a lot of STers do

The absolute #1 take-away from all the recent Brett Sutton interviews both here on ST and elsewhere - stop worrying about things. Do what you need to do and get on with it!

Depends why the server is down/has been down. if it is down for hardware issues, then nah, I wouldn’t worry. If it is down because it got hacked…who knows what info they have on that server(s).

Only if Marketing wrote the DR plan.

Only if it’s part of the same conspiracy as Phelps’s seventh gold medal.

If so, yes, be very concerned. Memo to self: Bring extra canned goods to shelter.

They are using dell servers - what do you expect.

Wait that’s a leap - I know WTC is using dell, so I would just assume NAS is following their foot steps.

I’m not worried, I’m planning on showing up to the terrace, starting registration and screaming that they lost my info.

I figure that’s how I’m going to get a free entry into the 08 race, since I didn’t actually sign up…