Should police officers support a guy who supports those who beat the f*ck out of police officers?

This is a puzzle if I have ever seen one.

Beat me up with weapons and clubs, but then I will kiss your feet? I don’t get it.

MI Cops Endorse Trump, Who Salutes Followers Who Assaulted Police

(and in case you have any doubts about the beating up part … )

Yeah, does seem a tad contrairian.

I guess “Those” brothers and sisters (in the law enforcement sense), don’t count 🤷

I do believe there were plenty of police officers on both sides of that melee. Just some of them weren’t in uniform.

“Do you know why I pulled you over?”

“Because you were lucky to complete high school?”

Trump has repeatedly promised his followers that he will free the “political prisoners” being held in DC Jail.

Almost all of them assaulted cops.

Trump’s Promise to Free Jan. 6 Inmates in DC Jail — Almost All of Them Assaulted Law Enforcement Officers - Just Security

“Do you know why I pulled you over?”

“Hold on a minute, I’m on the phone.”

Trump has repeatedly promised his followers that he will free the “political prisoners” being held in DC Jail.

Almost all of them assaulted cops.

Trump’s Promise to Free Jan. 6 Inmates in DC Jail — Almost All of Them Assaulted Law Enforcement Officers - Just Security
Right, but I understand this totally, because trump is simply insane.

But, per the OP, why then would a very large group of LEOs then turn around and endorse trump? That is the part that I cannot wrap my head around.


Many, many do. A majority. There is a minority of officers who don’t but we are relatively under the radar.

I’m at the beginning of my final trimester on the job and I am disgusted by the culture and politics of the profession. It’s always been very conservative but it’s morphed into something destructive in my view.

There’s a great dichotomy at play. I know many awesome cops who are kind, generous, thoughtful, driven to help who are also deep down the MAGA rabbit hole.

My agency has many openly gay officers (and officers in supervisory positions, including an assistant chief), trans officers, Muslim officers and yet it’s also probably 40% MAGA and 70% Republican.

In Colorado, particularly on the front range, there is a massive disconnect between the politics of the majority and the politics of the cops. I would say it is the biggest wedge creating a separation between the public and the police.

Trump has repeatedly promised his followers that he will free the “political prisoners” being held in DC Jail.

Almost all of them assaulted cops.

Trump’s Promise to Free Jan. 6 Inmates in DC Jail — Almost All of Them Assaulted Law Enforcement Officers - Just Security
Right, but I understand this totally, because trump is simply insane.

But, per the OP, **why then would a very large group of LEOs then turn around and endorse trump? **That is the part that I cannot wrap my head around.

It is further evidence that propaganda works.

I’m at the beginning of my final trimester on the job…

I am hoping that this is a good/chosen thing for you and that this is something to celebrate?

What will you do after this?

Once again:

Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

They only care when it is wrong persons assaulting police officers. It is not an issue when the right people do it.

This is a puzzle if I have ever seen one.

Beat me up with weapons and clubs, but then I will kiss your feet? I don’t get it.

MI Cops Endorse Trump, Who Salutes Followers Who Assaulted Police

(and in case you have any doubts about the beating up part … )

It’s been almost 10 years with this creep and I haven’t seen anything yet to make me change my mind that it’s all about Race.

Little Donald grew up in Queens and he was afraid to go across the street where the ‘‘other’’ people lived. He grew up and ran a campaign calling people criminals and rapists. Nothing has changed. You can say that he also has the anti-government crowd, but, yeah, they are also the racists.

Once again:

Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

They only care when it is wrong persons assaulting police officers. It is not an issue when the right people do it.

I am starting to think that the current version of Conservatism is a mental illness.

Once again:

Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

They only care when it is wrong persons assaulting police officers. It is not an issue when the right people do it.

Yes, for well over 50 years black people have been going to Washington to protest and a lot of them got arrested. On Jan 6 the white ruling class of America had a riot and nobody got arrested!


Many, many do. A majority. There is a minority of officers who don’t but we are relatively under the radar.

I’m at the beginning of my final trimester on the job and I am disgusted by the culture and politics of the profession. It’s always been very conservative but it’s morphed into something destructive in my view.

Very sorry to hear that. That has gotta be a rough way to retire.

I’ve said before that I wouldn’t be surprised if nearly 50% of the Agent population at my agency voted for Trump in 2020 and would vote for him again this year. You would think people in the FBI, of all fucking agencies, would know better. It disappoints me to no end.

I’ve said before that I wouldn’t be surprised if nearly 50% of the Agent population at my agency voted for Trump in 2020 and would vote for him again this year. You would think people in the FBI, of all fucking agencies, would know better. It disappoints me to no end.

I’m still perplexed that any professional, serious person could possibly support someone who is so obviously a lying, dimwitted, malignant narcissist.

OK, cops I’m not so surprised about, but it boggles the mind that a significant portion of the FBI could support him.

I’ve said before that I wouldn’t be surprised if nearly 50% of the Agent population at my agency voted for Trump in 2020 and would vote for him again this year. You would think people in the FBI, of all fucking agencies, would know better. It disappoints me to no end.

Even beyond policy, you would think at the very least they would go, “We tried to help you so much in 2016 and then you just talk shit about us!” But instead they appear to be spouses in an abusive relationship where they just can’t walk away.

I’ve said before that I wouldn’t be surprised if nearly 50% of the Agent population at my agency voted for Trump in 2020 and would vote for him again this year. You would think people in the FBI, of all fucking agencies, would know better. It disappoints me to no end.

Even beyond policy, you would think at the very least they would go, “We tried to help you so much in 2016 and then you just talk shit about us!” But instead they appear to be spouses in an abusive relationship where they just can’t walk away.

My guess is that most/all think he’s a piece of shit but he’s a Republican and folks are so entrenched in their tribes they could never vote for the other party. So being a Republican trumps (pun intended) being a piece of shit.

We have the same thing going on here with the fire depth too, most of management I would say are hard core trumpers, a few less % in the rank and file. And it is astonishing to me too, guys I knew, respected, and worked with for decades, now entrenched in the red hat crowd, and proud and boisterous about it too.

I suppose it could be just a R thing gone awry, but it seems like something more is going on here. It just seems that all of our agencies, and you can throw in unions too, just dont care about their interests and have this huge emotional attachment to the Donald and cannot act or talk about it beyond talking points and some bad emotions like anger and hatred…Some I have cut out completely, but others I have just distanced myself from in hopes that we can still carry on some sort of friendships, and perhaps even laugh about this one day…Could be the exact thing they are thinking about me too…