Short of fit bike... best adjustable length crank + BB

Currently got an old set of power cranks but wanted to see if there was anything newer out there for playing with crank lengths from 140 - 190. Thanks in advance.

not really. most adjustable cranks are for square taper, and are not designed to be road ridden.

that’s okay. not intending for open road, just to put on the bike during the fit process to gather the ideal length then remove and put a permanent crank there.

again, it’s the BB compatibility - Powercranks does make an adjustable crank, but I"m not seeing it for BB30 or PF30. You could set it up on a neutral bike frame dedicated for fitting purposes, rather than trying to adapt it to the consumers’ bike.

But, if you’re a Coach, and doing Fittings, it might be easier to buy the right tool for the right job, and get an Exit Cycle MkII. Business expense, respect from your clients, etc etc.