Short Course athletes - going long

Interesting BwB interview with 'Sh’ulie Derron.
She’d run quite well in Yokohama so the shock in Paris was that she swam so well (normally doesn’t make front packs). So strong on the bike she was always going to stay in what whittled down to the FP nine into T2 with Duffy and Kingma pushing in latter laps. Her run was way better than she’d ever managed before in a SC race (in Yoko a minute slower than Tertsch, Jorgensen). In Chengdu well faster than wunderkind MÃ¥nsson. Derron was #8 in the WTCS 2023 Final in Pontevedra.
Looks like a switch to middle and long distance from now on for two years but maybe back to SC for LA. However points out that the distance for LA is as yet tbd: could go to ‘sprint’ (50 minutes) which she thinks is too short for her (and the reason she’s not racing supertri).

Wildcard for T100 Ibiza incoming. Possibility of a wildcard to IMWC Nice??
Strong enough on the bike to ride with Knibb or Gentle and a better runner than both? (1:12 and 1:13 halves this year).
The bloke on TalkingTri suggested she was going to eclipse Knibb ‘immediately’ and that there are ‘lots of others’: name them (WPRO)!! Imho Kingma’s run is too weak. Loevseth races Tallinn in 8 days: we’ll see how she goes.
Michel? Klamer? Spivey? Periault?

She certainly seems t have it all and with her coach no doubt can step up in distance with no real issues…She was one that I was hoping (along with Knibb) would get wild card entires into Nice(olympic medal winners). But I fear that since we have not yet heard anything about this that Ironman has cocked their gun and is pointing it downward towards their foot. Too bad as those two would have gotten me to actually watch the race, now it will be the best of the rest fighting for what would have been probably 3rd best and not that interesting…

Be fun to see her in T100 with Knibb and Gentle, that will be a real battle to behold, will stay up late for that one… I think our guess about her Tri riding is in-between the two top ladies, and her run off that different ride has yet to be determined, but should be solid for sure…

She certainly seems t have it all and with her coach no doubt can step up in distance with no real issues…She was one that I was hoping (along with Knibb) would get wild card entires into Nice(olympic medal winners). But I fear that since we have not yet heard anything about this that Ironman has cocked their gun and is pointing it downward towards their foot. Too bad as those two would have gotten me to actually watch the race, now it will be the best of the rest fighting for what would have been probably 3rd best and not that interesting…

Be fun to see her in T100 with Knibb and Gentle, that will be a real battle to behold, will stay up late for that one… I think our guess about her Tri riding is in-between the two top ladies, and her run off that different ride has yet to be determined, but should be solid for sure…

The disrespect to long course women is high with you. Battle for 3rd? Give me a break. I’m pretty sure you were the one who claimed last year Taylor would just walk jog to an easy win. How did that turn out?

I’m pretty sure you were the one who claimed last year Taylor would just walk jog to an easy win. How did that turn out? //

Just another thing you are pretty sure about that turns out to be wrong, but not surprised…But I’m pretty sure if Knibb and Derron got an invite to Nice, they would be no doubt the betting favorites. Would they take those honors, have no idea, but shutting out the two favorites just makes the race a lot less interesting…Will just wait for the T100 match up with Gentle, now that will be some interesting competition…

Derron has already done an IM in the middle of a SC season.
2nd in 8:43 when you’re doing a World cup the week before and a WTCS three weeks later is wild.

She has a lot more LC experience that most people realize.
Not sure what races she did on the road vs. TT bike.

Yes and of course her coach is the most successful long course woman’s coach ever, having produced most of the once in a generation LD athletes…If you listened to Bobs interview, it was apparent that much like Knibb, it has been a part of her life ever since she can remember. She grew up with Ironman as the ultimate, and now that she has her interim goal of an olympic medal, surely would like to move on and up to new challenges…

And yes when you go 8;43 at your first ironman, making all the usual mistakes one makes, pretty evident she is destined for many podiums to come. Also like Knibb going 8;30+ in Kona for her first foray into the ultra scene. Sorry we dont get to see them meet up along with the other top ladies for what is supposed to be a WC…

Any idea what the bike course profile looks like for T100 Ibiza? I agree with Monty that the shoot out between Knibb, Derron and Gentle will be incredibly exciting to see play out. I’m hoping for a hilly course, Race Ranger compliance and a tight 3 way horse race.



She certainly seems t have it all and with her coach no doubt can step up in distance with no real issues…She was one that I was hoping (along with Knibb) would get wild card entires into Nice(olympic medal winners). But I fear that since we have not yet heard anything about this that Ironman has cocked their gun and is pointing it downward towards their foot. Too bad as those two would have gotten me to actually watch the race, now it will be the best of the rest fighting for what would have been probably 3rd best and not that interesting…

Be fun to see her in T100 with Knibb and Gentle, that will be a real battle to behold, will stay up late for that one… I think our guess about her Tri riding is in-between the two top ladies, and her run off that different ride has yet to be determined, but should be solid for sure…

The disrespect to long course women is high with you. Battle for 3rd? Give me a break. I’m pretty sure you were the one who claimed last year Taylor would just walk jog to an easy win. How did that turn out?

the majority of the top females come form short curse
mathews and laura phillip are prob the only ones that have not done short course races. i am sure i forget one but by and large
ryf haug etc have all short course background even your favorite trained in an itu squad.

and of course thanks to silly t100 2 80 18 is now long course…

Yes and of course her coach is the most successful long course woman’s coach ever, having produced most of the once in a generation LD athletes…If you listened to Bobs interview, it was apparent that much like Knibb, it has been a part of her life ever since she can remember. She grew up with Ironman as the ultimate, and now that she has her interim goal of an olympic medal, surely would like to move on and up to new challenges…

And yes when you go 8;43 at your first ironman, making all the usual mistakes one makes, pretty evident she is destined for many podiums to come. Also like Knibb going 8;30+ in Kona for her first foray into the ultra scene.** Sorry we dont get to see them meet up along with the other top ladies for what is supposed to be a WC.**.

They had all the time in the world from last August to qualify the way everyone else does, if it was important to them. It’s a world championship for Ironman, and to just inquire about a slot after qualification when it’s laid out in front of you is pretty simple. Knibb only had to finish Tremblant instead of doing T100 SF. She wasn’t even an individual medalist - which I could make a bit more of a case for, and full on she would be one of the favorites - but this is a bed Taylor chose to make a long time ago.

They had all the time in the world from last August to qualify the way everyone else does//

there is a whole thread that beat this topic to death already, lets please not get it started and relitigated again here. We’ll put you in the no you dont want to see them race the WC in Nice column… (-;

Any idea what the bike course profile looks like for T100 Ibiza? I agree with Monty that the shoot out between Knibb, Derron and Gentle will be incredibly exciting to see play out. I’m hoping for a hilly course, Race Ranger compliance and a tight 3 way horse race.{Off topic} I assume that the PTO will use the same out and back on the dual carriageway through the tunnel and turnaround. Without checking I recall the climb was about 130m each of ?7 laps.

Derron in MD is an exciting but relatively unknown prospect: no effective competition in her June races (note that Waugh smoked her (100 seconds) on the run last year at Phuket). In Ibiza (28 September) all the other top athletes will be ‘fresh’ from their Nice outing 7 days before.
Will Derron not race WTCS Weihai that weekend, though? One more good result will get her right up in the WTCS rankings going into Torremolinos (NB which clashes with T100 Las Vegas).

Thanks AjaxBay but it appears to be a 2 bigger laps, plus a portion of the big lap course. I’m still wondering about the amount elevation gain involved.

T100 bike course.PNG

Thanks AjaxBay but it appears to be a 2 bigger laps, plus a portion of the big lap course. I’m still wondering about the amount elevation gain involved.{Off topic} Thank you: I had not looked.
Plotting suggests T1 to and with Lap 1 of 243m, Lap 2 of 240m and Lap 3 of 75m, so 555m in total (80km).
(These are v quick drafts and not accurate, but good enough for government work. I will improve.)

Thanks AjaxBay but it appears to be a 2 bigger laps, plus a portion of the big lap course. I’m still wondering about the amount elevation gain involved.{Off topic} Thank you: I had not looked.
Plotting suggests T1 to and with Lap 1 of 243m, Lap 2 of 240m and Lap 3 of 75m, so 555m in total (80km).
(These are v quick drafts and not accurate, but good enough for government work. I will improve.)

Well done! That’s a nice demonstration of skills. So enough climbing for a bit of sorting the chaff from the grain but not too terribly rigorous.

They had all the time in the world from last August to qualify the way everyone else does//

there is a whole thread that beat this topic to death already, lets please not get it started and relitigated again here. We’ll put you in the no you dont want to see them race the WC in Nice column… (-;Yes it is/was the Knibb thread. But just to be clear @monty, your philosophy is that any athlete who would make the race more entertaining, whether or not they’ve shown in the last year (say) that they can actually race an Ironman should be offered a start. Describe your criteria, if any.

{Off topic} Should these athletes be perhaps vetted by their NGBs, which is how athletes get starts in the ‘other’ LD World Championships (in Townsville next Sunday)? Those were the ones run by WorldTri in Ibiza last May (Pierre and Mignon won).
Notables on start list (a select 11 WPros): Ueda Iemmolo Langownik
Men: Horseau, Magnien and Lopez plus a few home boyz

your philosophy is that any athlete who would make the race more entertaining, whether or not they’ve shown in the last year (say) that they can actually race an Ironman should be offered a start. Describe your criteria, if any. //

That’s not what I said, at all. In that other thread I will remind you that I thought that Ironman should extend their offers to all the olympic medal winners, a very short list of which I believe two would take advantage. Already have thrown the gold in there, so what’s the big stretch to add silver and bronze??? I mean how wild would it be to have Wilde at his first start in Nice for Ironman distance?? Be like all the Knibb drama and speculation doing her first one in Kona, dont you think??

They had all the time in the world from last August to qualify the way everyone else does//

there is a whole thread that beat this topic to death already, lets please not get it started and relitigated again here. We’ll put you in the no you dont want to see them race the WC in Nice column… (-;

You can’t say IM is shooting themselves in the foot when the athlete doesn’t do their due diligence to get on the start line. I do want to see them both on the start line, if they were to qualify as others had to. To say the medalists from the olympics should get in is kind of…silly. Especially the team relay - no…Seth Rider and Lasse Luhrs should not be on the kona start line - so you can scratch that potential qualification loophole you suggest off.

Wanting them there - of course. Without paying the cost that everyone else on the start line does? No, especially when it’s a conscious choice.

A podcast I listened to this week on Olympic track suggested the fastest athletes don’t have to run early heats to qualify for the semis in order to “save them” for great performances in finals. Similar idea - don’t have to do the hard work in LD to get there - Lucy could’ve tried the same thing - Kristian too - but they both had plans to validate. And Taylor could have done both as well. So…it’s just following some simple protocols and she chose not to.

Also - I don’t see anywhere in Julie Derron’s history in long distance anything to suggest she’s a bike monster. She certainly can run, but I don’t think she would be a factor at Nice. Top 5 in the end - possibly with the run - but not really “in the race”, so I am neither here or there for her on the start list.

certainly seems to have it all and with her coach no doubt can step up in distance with no real issues.

Be fun to see in T100 with Knibb and Gentle, that will be a real battle to behold, will stay up late for that one. I think our guess about her Tri riding is in-between the two top ladies, and her run off that different ride has yet to be determined, but should be solid for sure.Derron has been added (by SwissTri) onto the waitlist for Ibiza, I’m told.
Now the PTO and World Tri joint panel which selects wildcard offers doesn’t stick to the wait list; it can and does look at ‘other stuff’ like whether an athlete has won an Olympic medal.
I note Sodaro is not on the start list. So with Moench, Lawrence, Ryf also hors de combat, that’s at least 4 wildcards: I’d have thought that they’ll offer Derron one.
Presume she’d default to WTCS Weihai (is on that start list too) if a T100 start isn’t offered: I’m surprised she isn’t sticking to WTCS for 2024 as she has a good shout for finishing very high up by the final in Torremolinas-Andalusia, but only if she races Weihai (and finishes top 15). The WTCS Final clashes with T100 Las Vegas (for info).
Derron v Knibb v Gentle is a mouth watering prospect** **(provided Knibb does not get a wildcard to Nice).

That’s great news, and I think in the overall looking at motivations, it is clear that a couple PTO races will pay a lot more and a lower place in WTCS vs a lower place in PTO series are only separated by the money and ranking points they provide her.

She literally pre race would be the only athlete I would pick to give Knibb a race, provided they are both on their games. And no doubt that at some early point on the bike they would also be together, imagine that duo working back and forth and the gap then to the best of the rest…

Now if Ironman would just get in line and realize the dynamic these two would provide at their champs, but seems the silence has told us their answer…

In his report on 70.3 Tallinn, DP says (final ‘quick take’):
“Quick Take #3 – Let’s not be quick to anoint short course Olympians at long course. Geens and Lovseth both took 3rd today. McDowell was 19th. Dickinson was 20th. Bitados is more of a hybrid athlete, crossing over into both formats. This is not meant to put short course athletes down but to simply acknowledge how good long course racing has gotten. The bike is so difficult now that it does require specific training to figure out how to put a good run together. It will be interesting to see how more athletes perform who make the move after this Olympic cycle.”