Shooting Reaction/Conspiracy Theory Thread

I’ve been seeing quite a few outrageous responses and conspiracy theories and didn’t want to litter the other two threads with them so I’m starting a new thread. Here isMTG’s take. I saw a Tweet from JD Vance blaming the rhetoric on the Left for the shooting. I’m not really willing to be lectured by the right for hateful rhetoric.

censor that knucklehead

She’s doing a great job in toning down the rhetoric.

At what point will someone be held accountable for their rhetoric?

She really needs to exit from public office. She is unfit.

What bloody, meaningless endless wars are we in this time?

What bloody, meaningless endless wars are we in this time?

Pretty sure those nutters are against us supporting Ukraine, or in other words opposing Putin.

GOP Congressman Mike Collins has been spewing nonsense

Athens Congressman Mike Collins Accuses Biden of Ordering a Hit on Trump - Flagpole

This is the unity Tyler’s been begging for.

Is she cruel and calculating or a true believer? It is unbelievable that she would post that.

Is she cruel and calculating or a true believer? It is unbelievable that she would post that.

She’s auditioning.

Is she cruel and calculating or a true believer? It is unbelievable that she would post that.

She’s auditioning.

She’s insane.

I look at this from the outside, and it really shows just how fucked up American politics is.

We’ve just shed ourselves of the right wing populist government here in Blighty, and got some grown ups in charge for the 1st time in at least 8 years. It’s enlightening.

The French looked over the edge of the Abyss, and finally realised they too need to take a step or two back.

You need to do the same, or you really are fooked. You’re just letting Russia and China become more dominant as you fight amongst yourselves.

Based on the “other” thread, I’m expecting an avalanche of posts here denouncing MTG’s tweet vociferously.

But maybe it’s “too soon”, or “already been mentioned by others, so didn’t feel the need to post” etc…

MTG’s lunatic outpourings are the price you have to pay for the first amendment in the age of the internet.

It might be time to decide what’s more important: empowering the lunatics, or doing something about them.

Sure. It’s rowdy and good fun, etc… but coming from member’s of your Government? Putting it under the auspices of Freedom of Speech seems… generous.

It might be time to decide what’s more important: empowering the lunatics, or doing something about them.

The problem as I see it is that the Republicans are basically a coalition of 3 groups, the traditional Reagan/Bush people, the religious right, and MAGA. And of course there is an overlap amongst those, but enough fall distinctly in each group that they can’t afford to allienate any one group. Hence, the adults in the party have to tolerate MTG because they can’t afford to lose MAGA.

We’ve just shed ourselves of the right wing populist government here in Blighty, and got some grown ups in charge for the 1st time in at least 8 years. It’s enlightening.

The French looked over the edge of the Abyss, and finally realised they too need to take a step or two back.

Be warned, this is the way I felt in the US in 2020.

There is no place for political violence.

Cliff notes: one party condemns violence. The other party promotes violence, mocks violence against their opponents and then erroneously blames their opponents for causing violence against them. One party seeks to restrict guns, assault weapons, and access to guns by mentally unstable people. The other blocks those efforts.

Based on the “other” thread, I’m expecting an avalanche of posts here denouncing MTG’s tweet vociferously.

But maybe it’s “too soon”, or “already been mentioned by others, so didn’t feel the need to post” etc…

MtG is an idiot. I denounce her.

Based on the “other” thread, I’m expecting an avalanche of posts here denouncing MTG’s tweet vociferously.

But maybe it’s “too soon”, or “already been mentioned by others, so didn’t feel the need to post” etc…

The “too soon” folks, who rushed to blame the “intolerant left”, have gone silent since the shooter turned out to be a Republican.