Shipping frame/wheel bag questions

Need help. I have to send a frame to the builder for repair and have no idea what type of box I would need or where to get it.

Typical bike boxes seem way to big for a regular frame with no fork, but if that’s what I’m stuck with I guess I have no choice.

Also, I’m trying to have a wheel bag sent to me, but when the person on the other end plugged the numbers for the dimensions of the box on the USPS website, it came out to around 150 bucks. There has to be a less expensive way.

Amy advice from someone who’s shipped a wheel bag before?

Thanks in advance.

I make custom boxes for frames and wheels so that they are as small as possible.

For the frame then a good starting point would be your LBS (another example of why we need to shop there to keep them open). If that doesn’t work, then ask around if anyone is getting a new TV - the boxes of those would be a good starting point.

Re the wheel bag, is it a softcase? If so then rolling it into a tube would make it significantly cheaper to post.

Duncan74-the wheel bag is the non-foldable detachable Zipp-


Ok. You’re fecked.

Try and ship
Shipbikes sells a two wheel box that might work.

They both get cheaper rates than normal UPS retail.