Shipping Bike from US to Europe

I’ll be heading to the IMWC in Nice next year, and am a bit concerned about how I’ll be getting my bike there with TBT being a little sketchy these days.

I do have a bike case I could check as luggage, but I’ll be doing some travelling around France/Italy for a week after the race and would prefer to have it shipped and taken care of for me as TBT would.

Any suggestions?

Never done this before, but I suggest travelling with your bike as luggage to Nice and then drop it off with an air cago freight company near the airport after the race. There are always a handful of these near every airport.

No idea if this one is the “right” one, but just googling I came across it.

There were some people who were in a bind at Lahti this year who couldn’t get their bikes on the airplane, so they just shipped them at the airport using one of the freight companies.

Are you flying in/out of the same airport?

Many large(r) airports have places where you can pay to store you luggage while you travel.

You can ask/pay the hotel to store your bike case for the time you’re traveling. Side bonus you can often use their shuttle to get to the airport after picking up your case.

You can ship it from your race hotel to the last hotel you’ll stay in prior to departure.

Hope those suggestions help