Shawn Fain ''Trump is a Scab!''

The head of the United Auto Workers has not only endorsed Biden, he called The Donald out for what he is;

I hope my Union brothers are paying attention. I know that most of my white friends from work are Trumpers and it makes me sick. They know how he tried to screw our Union every chance he got. They know her was a ‘‘connected’’ builder. They know he was always a failure.

Yes, the Unions are pretty weak these days, but one thing we have is man power. And the Republicans can’t match that with all the money they have.

I grew up in Jersey in the “90s and lived in the AC during undergrad. Trump was notorious for stiffing contractors pretty much as a business model: receive services rendered, delay or deny payment, tie the vendor up in legal threats and bullshit countersuits, rinse and repeat.

Working man’s hero that he is.

I’m betting if you started a thread about Trump’s running mate and I didn’t take you seriously that Thom would get the vapors.

I know that most of my white friends from work are Trumpers

Of the many confounding things about Trump supporters, this is one of the biggest.

It’s ironic seeing a union worker with MAGA and FJB stickers on their hard hats.

One is a staunch union supporter, the other is not.

And these guys don’t realize they have it backwards.

Of the many confounding things about Trump supporters, this is one of the biggest.
It’s ironic seeing a union worker with MAGA and FJB stickers on their hard hats. //

You could say this about the Christian Right and just about every other big group that supports Trump. It defies logic, and so many are voting agains their own interests. But it all makes sense when you consider that most of his voters are voting emotionally, not rationally. And on top of all that, there are many voting emotionally against him too, with no regards to who they are voting for. Trump has caused both sides to vote with their emotions, just a lot more on the republican side…

It defies logic, and so many are voting agains their own interests. But it all makes sense when you consider that most of his voters are voting emotionally, not rationally.

Given Trump’s spectacularly bad record in politics it’s hard to deny this truth. They want someone who sticks it to the libtards even if it relegates them to the minority status for all of eternity.

If Trump had another 30 years of losing in him I think they’d still follow him to the grave.

Of the many confounding things about Trump supporters, this is one of the biggest.
It’s ironic seeing a union worker with MAGA and FJB stickers on their hard hats. //

You could say this about the Christian Right and just about every other big group that supports Trump. It defies logic, and so many are voting agains their own interests. But it all makes sense when you consider that most of his voters are voting emotionally, not rationally. And on top of all that, there are many voting emotionally against him too, with no regards to who they are voting for. Trump has caused both sides to vote with their emotions, just a lot more on the republican side…

After his endorsement:

United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain: “Let me be clear about this — a great majority of our members will NOT vote for President Biden.”

He followed it by saying they would vote their paycheck.

He didn’t say a few. He said a great majority.

Perhaps They aren’t the ones voting against their interest, hmmmm??? Maybe they are smarter than all the wise folks calling them stupid are. Maybe they see through the pandering of the most pro union President ever to the destruction his current and intended policies have on them and their families

He followed it by saying they would vote their paycheck.

Why did you leave out the rest of what he said?

“When you look at these two presidents, the choice is very clear about which one stands up with the working class and stands up for labor and which one stands for the billionaire class. And that’s his base.”

He was clear that Biden would be better for their paychecks.

Almost verbatim how I described what we knew about Trump growing up and working blue collar jobs in Jersey.

Do you think I was making it up, and that he or his associates made this up and just happened to land on the same unflattering lie about Donald Trump?

He followed it by saying they would vote their paycheck.

Why did you leave out the rest of what he said?

“When you look at these two presidents, the choice is very clear about which one stands up with the working class and stands up for labor and which one stands for the billionaire class. And that’s his base.”

He was clear that Biden would be better for their paychecks.

To be fair, brietbart or wherever he pulled the quote from probably stripped it out before he ever saw it.

He followed it by saying they would vote their paycheck.

Why did you leave out the rest of what he said?

“When you look at these two presidents, the choice is very clear about which one stands up with the working class and stands up for labor and which one stands for the billionaire class. And that’s his base.”

He was clear that Biden would be better for their paychecks.

Insider tip on who is better for union paychecks:
The Democrats are pushing forth legislation that mandats all public works projects over $35 mil have mandatory PLAs.

The Democrats are also pushing forward legislation that requires private funded projects seeking federal tax breaks must have PLAs.

With an attempt to squeeze out open shop contractors, which party is the better choice for union workers?

He followed it by saying they would vote their paycheck.

Why did you leave out the rest of what he said?

“When you look at these two presidents, the choice is very clear about which one stands up with the working class and stands up for labor and which one stands for the billionaire class. And that’s his base.”

He was clear that Biden would be better for their paychecks.

Insider tip on who is better for union paychecks:
The Democrats are pushing forth leg
islation that mandats all public works projects over $35 mil have mandatory PLAs.

The Democrats are also pushing forward legislation that requires private funded projects seeking federal tax breaks must have PLAs.

With an attempt to squeeze out open shop contractors, which party is the better choice for union workers?

It is clear it is the Democrats.

I have read a bit about this push for PLAs
Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Action to Support Economic and Efficient Construction Projects While Creating Good-Paying and Union Jobs | OMB | The White House

I can see how it would be good for workers and insure stability but I imagine it might make your job a bit harder. I seem to recall you manage large Constuction jobs, how do you personally feel about it?

Almost verbatim how I described what we knew about Trump growing up and working blue collar jobs in Jersey.

Do you think I was making it up, and that he or his associates made this up and just happened to land on the same unflattering lie about Donald Trump?

Does anyone know if a list of stiffed contractors has been compiled? It is one thing to hear from someone like this, but MAGA will just say that it is made up. It would be great if there is a list showing the thousands of contractors who have been stiffed with information regarding their court cases.

Though truth be told, MAGA would find a way to excuse him and say that the thousands of contractors probably did something deserving of it.

He followed it by saying they would vote their paycheck.

Why did you leave out the rest of what he said?

“When you look at these two presidents, the choice is very clear about which one stands up with the working class and stands up for labor and which one stands for the billionaire class. And that’s his base.”

He was clear that Biden would be better for their paychecks.

Insider tip on who is better for union paychecks:
The Democrats are pushing forth leg
islation that mandats all public works projects over $35 mil have mandatory PLAs.

The Democrats are also pushing forward legislation that requires private funded projects seeking federal tax breaks must have PLAs.

With an attempt to squeeze out open shop contractors, which party is the better choice for union workers?

It is clear it is the Democrats.

I have read a bit about this push for PLAs
Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Action to Support Economic and Efficient Construction Projects While Creating Good-Paying and Union Jobs | OMB | The White House

I can see how it would be good for workers and insure stability but I imagine it might make your job a bit harder. I seem to recall you manage large Constuction jobs, how do you personally feel about it?

Whether it is good for workers is open for debate.
I’m also on an open shop trade association.
This trade association also includes trade contractors. We offer the same benefits as unions without workers paying union dues.
In our market, workers take home more net pay being open shop since they don’t have to pay dues.

As for stability, it’s the same regardless of being union or open shop.

I’m personally conflicted with the parties. Dems have a strong push for unions. Reps have been focused on why Dems are bad and reducing women’s rights. None of that is very constructive to me.
I need a stable, strong third party.

The head of the United Auto Workers has not only endorsed Biden, he called The Donald out for what he is;

I hope my Union brothers are paying attention. I know that most of my white friends from work are Trumpers and it makes me sick. They know how he tried to screw our Union every chance he got. They know her was a ‘‘connected’’ builder. They know he was always a failure.

Yes, the Unions are pretty weak these days, but one thing we have is man power. And the Republicans can’t match that with all the money they have.

Are you in the UAW? I think Unions serve a purpose and have a place in large corporations for sure, but don’t see how the UAW thinks Biden is a great choice. Trump may not be either, but isn’t Biden trying to mandate the EV madness? Aren’t the big 3 taking it in the shorts and losing money on EV cars and trucks and shutting down EV plants or plan to in the future? What happens if EV’s are mandated and the Big 3 cut tons of good union jobs because the EV sales numbers are in the tank?

I assume this won’t be an issue, or the UAW folks don’t care too much about job security but doesn’t make much sense.

Perhaps They aren’t the ones voting against their interest, hmmmm??? Maybe they are smarter than all the wise folks calling them stupid are.

People vote against their own interests all the time. I remember 20 years ago in California there was some legislation to put in an estate tax to something like 10 million. (a high number that 99 percent of people will not have). It did not have much support.

Also during the interview, Shawn Fain discussed how trumps policies hurt the auto unions (by calling for the workers to take less money, or promise new plants that were never developed, etc).

Similar to when HRC talked about how coal was a dying industry, gas based cars is a dying industry, whether the auto workers like it or not. Its generally wild that the republicans were once looked at to make the hard/adult decisions and the democrats were viewed as the dreamers.

Perhaps They aren’t the ones voting against their interest, hmmmm??? Maybe they are smarter than all the wise folks calling them stupid are.

People vote against their own interests all the time. I remember 20 years ago in California there was some legislation to put in an estate tax to something like 10 million. (a high number that 99 percent of people will not have). It did not have much support.

Also during the interview, Shawn Fain discussed how trumps policies hurt the auto unions (by calling for the workers to take less money, or promise new plants that were never developed, etc).

Similar to when HRC talked about how coal was a dying industry, gas based cars is a dying industry, whether the auto workers like it or not. Its generally wild that the republicans were once looked at to make the hard/adult decisions and the democrats were viewed as the dreamers.

you wanna bet on the gas based cars dying industry thing? Let’s talk in 2035 and see where we are. EV’s are not the future. We will be on fossil fuels for a long time after you or I or anyone reading this is taking a dirt nap.

Perhaps They aren’t the ones voting against their interest, hmmmm??? Maybe they are smarter than all the wise folks calling them stupid are.

People vote against their own interests all the time. I remember 20 years ago in California there was some legislation to put in an estate tax to something like 10 million. (a high number that 99 percent of people will not have). It did not have much support.

Also during the interview, Shawn Fain discussed how trumps policies hurt the auto unions (by calling for the workers to take less money, or promise new plants that were never developed, etc).

Similar to when HRC talked about how coal was a dying industry, gas based cars is a dying industry, whether the auto workers like it or not. Its generally wild that the republicans were once looked at to make the hard/adult decisions and the democrats were viewed as the dreamers.

you wanna bet on the gas based cars dying industry thing? Let’s talk in 2035 and see where we are. EV’s are not the future. We will be on fossil fuels for a long time after you or I or anyone reading this is taking a dirt nap.

EVs are the future. That is not in doubt. Whether that form is BEV or HFCEV remains to be seen.

Perhaps They aren’t the ones voting against their interest, hmmmm??? Maybe they are smarter than all the wise folks calling them stupid are.

People vote against their own interests all the time. I remember 20 years ago in California there was some legislation to put in an estate tax to something like 10 million. (a high number that 99 percent of people will not have). It did not have much support.

Also during the interview, Shawn Fain discussed how trumps policies hurt the auto unions (by calling for the workers to take less money, or promise new plants that were never developed, etc).

Similar to when HRC talked about how coal was a dying industry, gas based cars is a dying industry, whether the auto workers like it or not. Its generally wild that the republicans were once looked at to make the hard/adult decisions and the democrats were viewed as the dreamers.

you wanna bet on the gas based cars dying industry thing? Let’s talk in 2035 and see where we are. EV’s are not the future. We will be on fossil fuels for a long time after you or I or anyone reading this is taking a dirt nap.

Once again you are wrong my friend.

Perhaps They aren’t the ones voting against their interest, hmmmm??? Maybe they are smarter than all the wise folks calling them stupid are.

People vote against their own interests all the time. I remember 20 years ago in California there was some legislation to put in an estate tax to something like 10 million. (a high number that 99 percent of people will not have). It did not have much support.

Also during the interview, Shawn Fain discussed how trumps policies hurt the auto unions (by calling for the workers to take less money, or promise new plants that were never developed, etc).

Similar to when HRC talked about how coal was a dying industry, gas based cars is a dying industry, whether the auto workers like it or not. Its generally wild that the republicans were once looked at to make the hard/adult decisions and the democrats were viewed as the dreamers.

you wanna bet on the gas based cars dying industry thing? Let’s talk in 2035 and see where we are. EV’s are not the future. We will be on fossil fuels for a long time after you or I or anyone reading this is taking a dirt nap.

What percentage of cars sold in 2035 in the US do you think will be pure ICE cars? Are you suggesting it will be over 50%?